Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1254

Lin looked at the hermit with a smile. Of course, this is only part of the reason.

Donghai, let alone Lin Yuan, has ideas, even he has.

There are too many things in the country here, and foreign trade is also one of the five main ports.

As long as you're not stupid, everyone wants a piece of the cake.

However, he will not do as extreme as Lin Yuan. If he does so in his current status, it will easily attract some people's attention and may cause some unnecessary troubles.

There's no need to do anything. It's enough to infiltrate here.

His people can come here or not.

Now with he Zhishan and them, Lin Yuan's plan is not so easy to succeed.

"Any news from Lei Yuan group?"

"Liu Gen's side has already spread the news, just in the beginning of next month, which is two or three days."

"Let them prepare."

Lin Kai doesn't want to interfere in everything, no matter whether they do small things or not.

Once he interferes in this matter, Lin Yuan will know it soon.

He is not a fool. He will not relax when he knows he is looking for him.

Even Yin Shen, Lin Kai won't let him interfere too much.

As for this matter, he is completely responsible for Wang Kang. He will do the best for his son.

After the hermit God left, Lin Kai looked at the empty home and didn't know what he was thinking.

"The wind and rain are coming."

Corner of the mouth showed a smile, Lin Kai quietly looking at a place, showing a smile.

In the TV ethics drama, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fight, Lin Kai slowly closed his eyes with the sound of TV.

At first, I opened my eyes from time to time, but as time went on, the whole person fell into a deep sleep.

In addition to the sound of TV, the only sound of his breath.

Suddenly came the footstep sound, also did not wake up Lin Kai, as if thoroughly asleep.

"Is this medicine really effective?"

"You believe he won't wake up."

As the sound went down, Lin Kai clearly heard the footsteps coming from all parts of the room, as well as the sound of rummaging.

He waited quietly, trying to see what they were going to do.

As early as Li Shengxian left, he and the hidden God had already discovered them.

Originally intended to start, but he stopped.

Gradually the sound of footsteps rings, Lin Kai clearly feel his side from the breathing sound.

"No, what can I do?"

"What else can I do?" A voice couldn't help but suggest, "why don't we wake him up?"

As soon as he had finished speaking, he heard a crackling sound.

"Are you a fool? Wake him up and we're done. "

"What about that?"

"Keep looking."

When they disperse, Lin Kai opens his eyes and smiles.

Like a civet, Lin Kai quickly and gently followed a man up the stairs.

"What are you looking for?"

The sudden sound scared that person a excited spirit, the porcelain bottle in the hand almost fell down.

As soon as he was about to shout, he was choked by Lin Kai.

"Shut up if you don't want to die!"

Feeling the increasingly thin air, the man nodded his head.

"Go ahead."

Lin Kai is very curious about what good things he has here, which is worth making a big fuss about.

The man looks at Lin Kai suspiciously and doesn't know what he is asking.

"What are you looking for?"

Lin Kai doesn't think he wants to laugh. He doesn't know what they are doing here?

Asked by Lin Kai, this talent can be regarded as a reaction, pointing to the hand in the middle of his neck, indicating that he should release his hand.

As a result, as soon as Lin Kai released his hand, the man opened his mouth and was ready to shout.

Fortunately, to be on guard, a knife knocked the man unconscious, otherwise they would be exposed.


Lin Kai looked at him with disdain and felt that this man was a ghost.

Since he can quietly appear behind him, is it difficult for him to think that he can escape smoothly in his hands?

Having a look at the unconscious people on the ground, Lin Kai moves quickly but carefully to another room.

After seeing this man, Lin Kai was stunned.

I have to say that this person can enjoy it very much. He knows to come to the study.

A leisurely and leisurely appearance, lying on the couch by the windowsill, with a cup of tea in hand.

The whole person a comfortable appearance, from time to time to pick up a cup of tea to drink two cups of tea.

When he was caught by Lin Kai, he had just taken a sip of tea, and before he could swallow it, he was caught in his throat.The whole person is so red a face, looking at Lin Kai, a pair of uncomfortable appearance.

"What are you looking for?"

The man also knew that he couldn't beat Lin Kai. After being released, he didn't yell. Instead, he looked at him quietly.

"I don't know." He replied truthfully, "this is what our boss wants us to look for here."

"To be honest, we don't really know what it is."

A man's hand, some helpless: "what's more, it's the things or methods of making masks and so on."

He sat by Lin Kai's side and complained to him, "don't you think our boss is not a bad pen? It's just a mask. He can steal it from other people's houses?"

"If he wants it, it's hard to say? More is sold to him. "

"I don't know what he's thinking. I have to say those things are not."

Mention of this man is also helpless can not, think he is nothing to find trouble.

But how can he influence the boss's ideas when he works for others?

There was no choice but to come here.

In fact, men feel it's good to be caught by Lin Kai, so that they can't find anything at that time, and they will be scolded when they go back.

"Big brother, you'd better hurt me. It's better to be heavier, so that I can go home and apply for work-related injury."

Looking at the man's obscene smile, Lin Kai felt helpless.

There are also such people who rush to sell their own boss?

However, I have to say that this man is very smart, and he knows that he can't escape from Lin Kai's men. It's better to confess and be lenient.

"Come on, who is your boss?"

"Guo Jie, that's what happened in the East China Sea..."

After hearing his words, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

He said who was it? It was the man who was saved from Xu Fu by himself.

But no wonder, because what they said before, no wonder they will do so.

Human skin mask, after they get it, they can have a lot of things they dream of.

How can you not heart?

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that in addition to Guo Jie, there are several other people who employ some people."

"You don't understand the use of a broken mask, but be careful yourself."

Looking at the familiar man, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

"What are you going to do next?"

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