Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1246

"If you have the ability, you can call the police."

A man looks fearless, he is not looking for a chicken, then what?

She's not afraid to call the police.

Looking at the man's complacent appearance, Lin Qianqian would like to give him two slaps.

Where is the confidence that she is selling?

It's that she sells. How many people in Donghai can afford her?

Lin Qianqian stares at the man with red eyes and wishes to kill him.

It's a bad time to meet such a fool.

"Let's go. There's nothing to say to him."

Lin Qianqian feels that she doesn't need to argue with a fool. She will only lower her IQ.

But in the eyes of men, she is afraid.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling elated: "you go a try, if you don't serve me well today, don't blame me for being rude."

"Go away and don't see what you are."

Lin Qianqian put his foot on his foot. He roared with pain. His face was pale.

Because the man was fat and inconvenient to move, he was trampled on by Lin Qianqian. The pain made him fall to the ground directly and cry with his feet in his arms.

"You stink, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

The man yelled, struggling to get up from the ground, big hands like a leaf fan, carrying air rushed to Lin Qianqian's cheek.

It's a great shame. I was beaten by such a stinky girl.

We must teach her a lesson and let her know who is in charge.

Lin Kai looked at the man with cold eyes and didn't want to cause trouble.

But it's just a madman with a sick brain. Now he's so ungrateful.

"Go away."

Grasp his hand, step forward, elbow hard against his chest, the pain of the man instantly fell on the ground.

"If you don't want to die, go away."

The momentum of the whole body spread out, just like a vast ocean, carrying unmatched momentum, instantly rushed to the man.

For such a moment, the man felt cold all over his body, shivering, and could not say a word.

He fell to the ground, angry eyes wide, looking at Lin Kai can not say a word.

For a moment, he felt like he was dying.

Looking at Lin Kai in horror, the whole person held a breath and shivered.

"Go away."

Lin Kai looked at him indifferently and walked with Lin Qianqian from his side.

It was not until the two of them had gone a long way that the man was relieved.

It's a wet place to sit on.

The whole man gasped and looked at the direction they were leaving, full of anger.

"You dog men and women, I will kill you!"

He roared angrily. People in the street saw him away from him like crazy people.

Even after a distance, Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian can clearly hear his roar.

"Where the hell is this madman coming from?"

Lin Qianqian is a little unhappy. She walks with Lin Kai and meets such a wonderful flower.

She muttered discontentedly. It's really bad luck.

Looking at the fragmentary reading of Lin Qianqian, Lin Kai has nothing to say, and continues to walk on her own, without knowing what she is thinking.

Suddenly Lin Qianqian stopped and pointed to the front and said, "Lin Kai, look ahead."

The man who was settled by Lin Kai did not know when he was in front of them.

With a group of people to their way, the file is solid.

They stopped them in the back. In addition, this is a rich area, and there are no pedestrians on the road.

There was nothing more than the people on both sides.

"Dog Man and woman, aren't you very arrogant? I haven't caught it yet

The man came over step by step, and the whole ground was shaken by him.

He grinned and looked at them, a group of things that did not know how to live or die. He just dared to treat him like this. He really ate the courage of a leopard with a bear heart.

Now let them see what it's like to provoke themselves.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Qianqian frowned, a face tense, a cold look.

This man is really haunted and doesn't see what he is.

Dare to block them so arrogantly, really think that they are invincible?

"Bitch, do you know who I am?"

The man's eyes were grim at her: "don't you just want money? As long as you serve me well, you can't miss your money."

"If you want to be a chicken, you must be conscious of being a chicken. If you refuse me again, you will be killed!"Men are also angry. It's really annoying to be treated like this by them.

He doesn't believe it. How can so many people do with him?

"If you are a chicken, no one will order you."

Lin Qianqian is so angry that she can't help it. Where is this wonderful flower coming from.

It's easy to say that other people are chicken. How can his mother be a chicken.

Lin Qianqian really does not want to pay attention to him, just like a fool.

But now that he's in such a jam, they can't get out for a while.

Looking at Lin Kai, Lin Qianqian sighed.

I blame myself for causing him so much trouble.

"You are noisy."

Lin Kai looks at them like that without any expression. His eyes are so scared.

Lin Qianqian looks at Lin Kai and doesn't know what to say.

The two groups of people were so speechless that no one took the initiative to speak.

Finally, the man couldn't help but scold them loudly: "what kind of thing are you, dare to ignore me like this?"

His lungs are about to explode.

It was a great shame to him.

No one dares to treat him like this.

Today, these two dog men and women must teach them a good lesson and let them know that they are not the ones they can provoke.

"Teach them a good lesson!"

Men a name, before and after more than 20 people, surrounded them, constantly approaching.

Originally around has been surrounded, they are also constantly moving forward, Lin Qianqian the whole person is almost hanging on Lin Kai's body.

"Lin Kai, what to do?"

Although he knows that Lin Kai is very powerful, he is not easy to expand such a small space.

Lin Kai stares at the man behind the crowd with indifference.

Suddenly, with a smile on his lips, he jumped into the air, waiting for those people to react, stepping on their heads and rushing to the man.

See this posture, the man does not want to turn around and run.

As a result, he fell to the ground without two steps.

As the man retreats, he still shouts: "you catch him quickly."

He naturally knew how powerful Lin Kai was. If he fell into his hands, he would be finished.

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