Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1234


There is no need to inform him.

Seeing what Lin Kai said, Yin Shen didn't ask much about driving.

When he saw the housekeeper, they were surprised.

However, for a moment, he immediately raised a smile: "Mr. Lin, you are here, I will inform you immediately."

Looking at the smile on the housekeeper's face, Lin Kai always felt that he was hiding something from himself.

"No, I'll just go in myself."

Seeing Lin Kai like this, I can obviously feel the tension on the housekeeper's face.

This makes Lin Kai more and more curious. What is it that he can't tell himself?

"You'd better wait, sir."

The housekeeper stops Lin Kai and refuses to let him in.

The more so, the more suspicious.

"Is there anything I can't know?"

When Lin Kai looks at him like this, the housekeeper just feels the pressure is doubled and he looks like a big mountain.

The housekeeper is also a person who has seen big waves. Even the general boss, he should be polite.

But the momentum of Lin Kai's body made him feel frightened.

Even when he Zhishan was angry, he did not bring him such pressure.

But for Lin Kai, it's just a very common thing.

With a sigh, the housekeeper's face was a little ugly: "Sir, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's really this matter..."

The housekeeper looked at he Zhishan and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing the housekeeper like this, Lin Kai is very curious about this matter.

See him want to go over, housekeeper hurriedly stopped.

"Wait, you can't show up now."

The housekeeper was in such a hurry that he couldn't tell Lin about it directly.

He also knows from he Zhishan the relationship between Linkai and leiyuan group.

Now the people of Lei Yuan group are here, how can he let Lin drive past?

But Mr. Lin's respect for Lin Kai is also in his eyes.

After thinking about it, the housekeeper made a decision: "I can take you to have a look, but you can't hold any grudge against your husband because of this."

"I know when you see it, you must feel bad."

"But believe me, sir, it will not harm you."

Hearing the housekeeper say this, Lin Kai is more and more curious.

He wanted to know what he Zhishan was hiding from himself.

"I promise you."

Seeing Lin Kai's promise, the housekeeper is still a little uneasy.

But the words have already been said, we can't go back and forth.

"You must remember that."

The housekeeper looked at Lin Kai and took him around from the other side.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they arrived at a small attic.

"Don't make a noise when you go up later."

The housekeeper told him carefully and took him to go up.

After going up, he Zhishan talked to the man clearly.

The housekeeper looked at him worried. Seeing that Lin Kai didn't do anything, he felt a little relieved.

Lin Kai was so absorbed in the conversation downstairs that he had no time to think about anything else.

"What do you want?" He Zhishan has some angry voice: "no matter what you say about this matter, I will not promise it!"

"If you don't agree, you should also agree!"

Another voice, also very strong.

This makes Lin Kai a little curious about who this person is and dare to talk to he Zhishan like this.

He Zhishan's position in the East China Sea is not a boast. What is the origin of this man?

"Zhangye, I tell you, no matter what you say, I will not agree to it."

He Zhishan continued with a sneer: "your abacus is really good."

"You think I'll believe you when you say my daughter likes you?"

He Zhishan thinks that Zhangye is just talking about dreams. Who does his daughter like? Doesn't he know that he is a father?

On the face of Lei Yuan group, he is not willing to say anything more.

I didn't expect that it made him feel that he was afraid of them.

It's ridiculous!

"You don't want to agree?"

Zhang Ye severely patted the table and said angrily, "don't be shameless to your face!"

"He Zhishan, I tell you, I really thought I didn't know. What secret did you hide?"

Zhang Ye's voice seemed to break ice, and he Zhishan's heart was fiercely pierced: "do you think that Lin Kai will let you go when he knows about it?"

"If you're alive, what do you think he'll tell me?"

"I advise you to marry your daughter to me, or you will die."Lin Kai in the attic looked at the housekeeper and didn't understand what they would bring up.

But it doesn't matter. It seems that his conjecture is correct. He Zhishan has something to hide from himself.

The housekeeper was looked at by Lin Kai, and his whole back was instantly soaked.

Looking at Lin, the housekeeper moved cautiously to the side, for fear that he would lose his head if he was not careful.

Lin Kai has no time to take care of the housekeeper now. He wants to find out something from their conversation.

"Zhangye, if you have the ability, go and talk about it!"

He Zhishan sneered and said, "do you think Lin believes you at the meeting?"

In fact, when he said this, he Zhishan was obviously lack of confidence.

No one knows whether Lin Kai will forgive himself or not when he knows about it.

But now absolutely can't show timidity, or be caught by Zhangye, is really finished.

"What do you believe?"

Zhang Ye looked fearless and didn't believe that Lin held the meeting, and he Zhishan was 100% trusted.

As long as we can make a gap between them, his task will be finished.

Although I don't know my boss, why do I let myself do this.

It doesn't matter. He just needs to finish the task well. As for other things, he should not worry about it.

"Now you go and talk about it."

He Zhishan is gambling.

He was gambling Zhangye and didn't know what he was hiding from Lin Kai.

He didn't believe it. Until now, several people will know it clearly.

After decades of old things, there is no need to mention them.

Zhang Ye looks at he Zhishan and clenches his fist unconsciously.

He just blew up he Zhishan. I didn't think he was really afraid.

"He Zhishan, do you think I dare not?"

"I think Lin Kai might care about that."

Zhang Ye's voice is full of complacency: "although I don't know Lin Kai now, I don't think he mind seeing me."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

"What are you laughing at?"

Looking at he Zhishan laughing, Zhangye thinks he is a fool.

"Do you think Lin Kai knows you are a member of Lei Yuan group, and will he let you go?"

Lin Kai is looking for Lei Yuan group. It is no secret for these first-class families.

I didn't expect that Zhangye still didn't know.

"What do you mean?"

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