Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1232

Hearing Lin Kai say so, a string in ailu'er's heart, I don't know why, was suddenly touched and instantly red in her eyes.

Her sudden action made Lin Kai a little unprepared.

He didn't remember what he said, but to be honest, how could aluil?

Looking at the puzzled look on Lin Kai's face, ailu'er smiles helplessly.

She's stupid, too. She doesn't want to compete with herself.

Clearly, Lin Kai has no idea about her.

But after listening to her father's words one day, she couldn't help feeling a little bit.

Sometimes people always like this, extravagant hope does not belong to their own things.

"You really don't understand something."

AI lu'er sighs helplessly, thinking of Lin Qianqian, suddenly firm again.

It's just a man. She doesn't believe it.

With her years of experience in finding men, she can't control Lin Kai?

Listening to eluer's specious words, as well as the appearance of suddenly reviving with blood, Lin Kai is more and more confused.

Looking at Ai Lu Er's eager appearance, Lin Kai hardly knows what to say.

"Just say what you want to say. There's no need to beat around the bush."

Lin Kai thinks that ailu'er today is very strange. She seems to have something to say to herself, but she just doesn't say it.

Seeing her so tangled, Lin Kai is also helpless.

What can't be said directly?

Is it necessary to be so hesitant?

When Lin Kai said this, the smile on her face froze.

She hardly knew what to say.

AI's eyes were staring at the man just now.

AI put her hand in her arms.

Do not care about Lin Kai's eyes, as if nobody else playing with AI Lu Er.

Even from time to time, she lowered her head and bit her earlobe.

Although she pushed the man hard, he didn't budge.

In front of Lin Kai's face, let other men move themselves. Alu only felt ashamed.


She took Feng Chen's hand and wanted him to stop.

But she did not see her present appearance at all, and those words were more like silent invitation.

Looking at Fang Chen's actions, Lin Kai always feels that he is challenging himself.

Inexplicably looked at Feng Chen, Lin Kai did not disturb their interest.

"Call me when your dad comes back."


AI lu'er answers softly. She wants to reach out and hold Lin Kai, but Feng Chen grabs her.

"What's your relationship with Lou?"

Feng Chen looks like a big man, sitting on the sofa beside him, still touching ailu'er in his hand.

For Feng Chen to do so, to be honest, Lin Kai has some antipathy.

No matter what kind of relationship they have, they should avoid people to some extent. In private, they can't control it.

"It's none of your business."

Lin Kai had no interest in watching them fight.

As soon as he turned around, he was caught by Feng Chen.

"Feng Chen, what do you do?" Eluer was so soft that she couldn't even stand up. She could only shake her hand.


For the touch of strangers, Linkai was more disgusted, and directly threw him away.

He stumbled and nearly fell to the ground.

This infuriated Feng Chen, and no one dared to push him.

"Grass Mud Horse, little bully, do you dare to push your grandfather and me?"

"I gave you a face, didn't you? Ah? Get down on your knees and apologize

Ailu'er looks at Lin Kai'an in fear, but he can't afford to offend him.

If Feng Chen offends him, he will also be implicated.

Thinking of this, AI Lu Er can't help but want to kill Feng Chen. How can this person be a fool.

"Good, in a moment."

Feng Chen takes a look at Ai lu'er, and shows himself in front of the woman he likes. He won't miss this opportunity.

"Hurry up..."

Before ailu'er finished speaking, Feng Chen interrupted her.

"Do you hear me? I'll kneel down and apologize to your father! "

"Don't think I'll let you off if you know uncle AI."

"No one has offended me yet, and can get out of it."

"If you don't want to be short of arms and legs, you'd better apologize to me."

"And lick the floor for me."


Listening to what Feng Chen said, ailu'er closed her eyes.It's no use saying anything this time. The only hope is that Lin will let AI's family pass for the sake of their mutual cooperation.

As for Feng Chen, a fool?

Aluil felt that he had made it himself even if he was dead.

I don't care what I am, I can even say it.

It may be good to meet someone else today, but to meet Lin Kai is to kill himself.

After Feng Chen finished, he sat on the sofa and tried to kiss ailu'er, but she avoided her.

"Dew, come here!"

He looked at aluil and thought the woman was a real misdemeanor.

In front of the outsider, if you don't give him face, you'll have to do a good job.

"Are you finished?" Lin Kai looks at him without expression.

It has to be said that those who do not know are fearless.

This is Feng Chen.

Lin Kai always thinks that many rich second generation have no brains. They feel that if they have their own father, they will go to heaven.

Don't they have long ears?

From the beginning to the end, he said, is he inferior to Aiping? Do you need to look at Ai Ping's face?

"When you're done, hurry up. I have something else to do!"

Looking at Feng Chen, who looks like an old man with his legs up, Lin Kai directly lifts him up.

"What do you do? You put me down the damn thing

Feng Chen grabs Lin Kai's hand and wants to start with him: "Grass Mud Horse, let go of it quickly!"

"What are you?"

In front of you, what do you think you have the right to laugh at me

"Don't you think you're good? You can try it. "

"What do you mean?" Feng Chen looks at Lin Kai. He doesn't know what he means.

"What am I with?"

Lin laughed and said, "don't you want me to do what you want me to do? Now it's for you. "

Without waiting for Feng Chen to react, Lin opened his knee and pushed it up to his stomach.

Without waiting for him to cry out, Lin Kai put his foot up and lifted it like that.

"You Cough

Feng Chen's face turned red, and food scraps ran down his face and got to his hair.

"I'll kill you!"

"You can try it."

"You can't live if you kill me!"

Lin Kai looked at him with a smile on his face. How to look at it and how to make people feel that he should be beaten.

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