Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1208

"I'm predestined with my little friend. I'll give you a free divination today."

Hearing Huang's words, Li Shengxian almost jumped up.

He looked at Huang Tianshi eagerly. If she had a tail, she could fly to heaven.


Li Shengxian can't believe that such a good thing can fall on himself.

We should know how many people in the family are crying for help and trying every means to get Heavenly Master Huang to give them a divination, but they can't get what they want.

Even if his father asked Huang Tianshi to do divination, the price he paid was not small, depending on his mood.

Today, he earned a divination without any reason. If he was known by those people in his family, he would not be envied to death.

"It's natural."

Huang Tianshi took his hand, pondered for a long time, and kept counting with his fingers.

After a long time, Huang's face was a little heavy: "you'd better not go to the water's edge recently. Even if you go, you must be familiar with people."

"This..." Li Shengxian looked at Huang Tianshi in a daze and didn't want to understand what this meant.

However, Lin looked at Huang Tianshi and knew that he would not make fun of it. He could not help but feel a little heavy.

"Hidden God, send someone to follow him, don't let people see it!

Lin Kai's face was serious and told him: "remember today's words, recently, if you can't go out, don't go out."

Naturally, Li Shengxian knew that they would not harm themselves and nodded.

At the same time, he also strengthened his vigilance. Recently, he was in the limelight.

Of course, some people can't see it, and their eyes are red.

Not to mention others, even his big brother will not let him go.

Looking at Li Shengxian's dignified face, Lin Kai didn't say anything.

He is now in charge of his own affairs, and he will try not to do so unless he has to.

Otherwise, it would be useless for him to take over the Li family.

Because Huang Tianshi's words, several people's mood is some heavy, no one has the initiative to speak.


Yin God left such a word and rushed out of the room in an instant.

Lin Kai and Huang Tianshi quickly protect Li Shengxian in the middle and watch the middle with vigilance.

After five or six minutes, nothing came.

Let Li Shenglin go out and see what happens to him.

After going out, a smell of blood came, which made him frown a little bored.

Sure enough, this kind of smell is the most disgusting.

Follow the bloodstain. The road is full of corpses. Fortunately, few households here live here, otherwise it would have caused confusion.

Gradually, the front of the body less, the blood also became sparse.

Lin Kai looked around on guard and moved forward slowly.

When he passed by, he saw the hidden God fighting with a man in black.

He was busy on the side, and now he is not well, the past is just to add chaos.

"Boy, you are very good."

Hearing the voice, the man in black is an old man, but his strength is not vulgar. It is hard to separate the two people from each other at one time.


The hidden God didn't talk to him, and he was killed.

Suddenly, the whistle from the distance made the man in black act.

Master fight, a second can decide to be angry.

With his stupefied Kung Fu, Yin Shen directly slashed his right arm.

Like cutting tofu, his right arm fell directly to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The gushing blood splashed directly on his face.


We can imagine the pain of broken arm.

The man in black staggered and knelt on one knee directly. The man on his forehead was sweating.

Even though they became masters, they did not know how much they suffered.

But before, it had to be all finished, not as it is now.

The distant whistles gradually became short and dense.

The man in black glared at the hidden God fiercely and disappeared without looking back.

Originally, the hidden God intended to pursue, but because Lin came.

Afraid that they are making a false move, Lin Kai is in danger, so he can only give up.

"Are you all right, sir?"

"No problem." Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Lin Kai rubbed his head: "do you know who it is?"

"I don't know. I'll find out as soon as possible."

"It's clean."


When Lin drove back, he searched all over the house and found no sign of them. His face changed instantly.

He also specially stayed with Huang Tianshi and Li Shengxian, but they were still captured.He hammered the table hard, and the whole table fell apart in an instant.

The expensive red sandalwood became a pile of firewood.

Lin Kai exudes cold air all over his body, just like the ice of ten thousand years.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he ran into Huang Tianshi and Li Shengxian carrying a lot of things.

Seeing Lin Kai like this, they were very frightened. Huang Tianshi's bag fell to the ground.

Some anxiously asked, "what happened?"

"Where have you two gone?"

"It's not that you will be hungry when you come back with the hidden God. Go and buy you something to eat. "

"Lingo, what's the matter?"

Looking at his step back, he was not afraid of two steps.

"You two, good, good."

Hum, let's go straight away.

Thanks to him, what happened to them?

Run out shopping?

Looking at Lin Kai's back, they were just two monks in law. They couldn't figure out what was going on.

By the time they went back, Linkai would have gone back to his room.

No matter how they knocked at the door, Lin Kai didn't pay any attention to them.

Two people do not give up the knock for a long time, finally forced, directly hit the door.

After entering, they were stunned.

The room is empty, where is Lin Kai's figure?

"Where's brother Lin?"

"Won't be taken away?"

Although he could not count Lin Kai's fate and what would happen in the near future, it was easy to know his position.

"How about it?" Li Shengxian asked anxiously, for fear of what Lin had done.

At this moment, the forest is in the forest. Looking at what the hidden God handed him, his face was a little dignified.

"Which man in black really stayed?"

"Sure." Yin Shen handed Lin Kai a washed arm: "the same mark is on the arm."

Looking at the sign, Lin Kai's face became more and more gloomy.

"I didn't expect it. It was good."

He gave a sneer, and his momentum grew colder.

"Sir, you..."

Hidden God president said what, but think of that thing, wise shut his mouth.

"Go back. Don't talk about it."

How concrete, this matter has yet to be verified, he needs time to prove, this matter is true or false.

"Yes, sir."

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