Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1206

"Is it you who moved my daughter?"

As soon as the man came, he held the woman in his arms and examined it up and down.

The two of them were not so much checking each other as touching each other.

Some disgusting glances at them. Lin Kai doesn't want to say anything.

But no more than two steps away, he was stopped.

"Do you dare to touch my daughter

The bellied man looks angry, as if Lin Kai had done something heinous.

Seeing men like this, Lin Kai knew what they were going to do.

It's just trying to stigmatize himself and insult his daughter, the same move as ELU.

Looking at them without expression, Lin stared at their next move.

The man originally thought that Lin had a loud excuse at the meeting. He didn't say a word, but he was stunned and didn't know how to say it.

If the woman in my arms did not pull him for a while, he would still be in a daze.

"Boy, you're going to apologize to my daughter right now and pay for my daughter's spiritual loss."


The man said a lot of, in a word, that is to ask for money.

"Have you finished?"

Their performance is really not a bit of watching, Lin Kai really does not want to continue to talk nonsense with them.

"That's it. How much are you going to pay for it?"

The man saw that he did not speak, so he simply reported a number: "ten million bar, see you in you are the first offense on the share."

Without looking at them, Lin Kai turned around and left. What a cat and dog can come in here.

"Stop for me

Naturally, they couldn't let Lin Kai leave. They blocked him one after another and refused to let him go.

"Is there anything else?"

Listen to Lin Kai's words, their lungs are about to explode.

What do you mean? Anything else?

What they said just now, he didn't listen to a word.

You've been casting pearls before swine for half a day?

"Lose money! That's all you have to do with my daughter? "

The man looked angry and wanted to cramp Lin Kai's skin.

If it wasn't for the small movements they had made before, they would have been like a pair of intimate father and daughter.

"Which eye do you see?" Lin Kai looks at them with a smile, just like a college student who just came out of society.

Originally, Lin Kai didn't want to argue with them so much, but they were just two annoying people.

"How do you speak?" They were so angry.

"We all saw it!"


Lin Kai frowned, and the whole person looked a little impatient.

"Solve them."

He was really too lazy to waste time and let the hidden God knock them out.

Looking around, Lin Kai casually found a chair and sat down.

He took out a cigarette and hung it in his mouth. His scarlet cigarette end sparkled in the dark.

"Sir, someone is coming."


Lin Kai lightly should a, lean on the chair, did not make a sound.

After a minute or two, two slight footsteps came.

"Do you think we really want to do this? If this fails, we can't afford to offend. "

"How can you fail?"

A man's harsh voice sounded: "if it is successful, even the Li family can't help us a little bit, and then the master's family will look up to us."

"Don't you want to be insulted today?"

Being said by a man, Lin Kai can clearly hear the "creak creak" grinding sound that makes people headache even if they are separated by a certain distance.

"I must make them pay the price!"

"I've already paid them off. I'll put medicine in his stuff. You can act according to circumstances."

"I see."

As the conversation went away, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

This Xu family father and daughter, in order to be superior, is really unscrupulous.

I don't know who the bad luck is, so they're looking at it.

"Let's go."

It was Kangkai who invited him to come. He couldn't have been absent all the time.

When they went back, the whole party was dark, elegant dance music rang out, and people were dancing on the dance floor.

Lin Kai had no interest in this kind of thing. He found a place and sat down to enjoy it.

After a while, Lin Kai felt that there was someone coming by.

"Have a drink, handsome boy?"

Even in the dark, Lin Kai still clearly saw the man in front of him, Xu Yujia.

Thinking of the previous conversations, Lin opened his mouth with a smile."Thank you."

Lin Kai takes the wine she handed over and drinks it down.

Seeing Lin Kai drinking the wine, Xu Yujia's lips and lungs showed an imperceptible smile.

After a short time, Lin Kai looked wobbly, and some of them could not stand steadily.

Xu Yujia passed by, supporting him with difficulty, and slowly walked up.

"Did you succeed?"

"Well, I saw him drink it."

"That's fine."

Xu Fu breathed a sigh of relief, and together with Xu Yujia helped Lin Kai to the hotel which had been opened for a long time upstairs.

After going out, Xu Fu also told her with some uneasiness: "the rest will be handed over to you. You must take him down!"

"I see." Xu Yujia looks red at Lin Kai lying in bed.

Ever since he saved himself that time, he never forgot.

Although before his attitude, some bad, but this can be forgiven.

As long as he becomes his man, Lin Kai will not look down on himself by virtue of their Xu family.

Not to mention that they have the confidence to take him down.

As for the fox spirits around him, she has many ways to deal with them.

"Brother, you are mine at last."

She goes over and lies down beside Lin Kai. Shyly, she unties Lin Kai's clothes.

Without waiting for her to take the next step, she felt that as soon as she was dark, the whole person fainted.

What she didn't know was that her father Xu Fu was knocked unconscious and dragged up by the hidden God just a few minutes after he left.

Looking at the two fainted father and daughter, Lin Kai's face was a little gloomy.

"What are you going to do, sir?"

How dare you, sir. How dare you.

He had a hundred ways to kill them.

As long as Mr. a word, he will not hesitate to let them feel what is, life is not like death.

"They don't want to be masters, so let their ideas be completely destroyed."

"Yes, sir."

In fact, Yin Shen thought that Lin Kai was too kind-hearted. If it was him, this matter would not be solved so easily.

Before Lin Kai did not drink the wine, give two people a drink, Yin God a little disgusted to strip off their clothes and throw them on the bed.

Before long, the two people had a reaction. Looking at the two people holding each other and touching each other, the hidden God showed a sneer.

"Let's go and let them enjoy themselves."

I hope they will like this gift.

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