Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1186

Aunt Zhang told Lin to have a meal, but she ran to the kitchen to keep busy.

"Let's eat together."

Yin Shen had been salivating at the dishes on the table, but suddenly a big living man appeared. He was afraid that Aunt Zhang would be scared?

"Isn't that good, sir?"

"It's OK."

Seeing what Lin Kai said, Yin Shen showed up directly and looked at the food on the table.

He hasn't had such a good meal for a long time.

Seeing that he was happy to eat, Lin Kai went to the kitchen.

"Aunt Zhang, I have a friend coming here. I'm sorry to tell you in advance if there's nothing wrong."

"You have a friend here?" Aunt Zhang was surprised and said, "you don't say it earlier. I'll cook more dishes."

Seeing Aunt Zhang open the refrigerator and go to prepare other things, Lin Kai stopped quickly.

"Don't be busy. We'll have enough."

With a tough attitude, she took Aunt Zhang out to sit down for dinner.

Yin Shen nodded to Aunt Zhang with some formality. He was stiff and sat in the same place, afraid to speak.

"You child, eat quickly." Aunt Zhang kept taking vegetables for them.

Facing the elder's concern, both of them were at a loss.

However, I have to say that this meal is the happiest meal for the two in recent years.

Chatting with Aunt Zhang for a long time, they were ready to leave.

Chatting with Aunt Zhang made both of them feel relaxed.

"You two go back slowly. If you have nothing to do, come and see me. Eat more, eat more... "

Aunt Zhang took the trouble to tell them, listen to the two people's heart warm.

"Go back quickly."

They had just left the lane where Aunt Zhang lived and ran into a young man in a suit.

"Why are you here?" The young man watched him warily and stopped them from leaving, as if they were thieves.

"Excuse me, please."

Lin Kai didn't want to talk to him, but he was caught by a man.

"You little scumbags, asking for money from an old man all day long, what kind of skill are you?"

"I tell you, ask my mother for money again, and I'll kill you!"

The man stretched out his hand, the meaning is obvious, that is to let them hand in the money.

"We ask for money?" Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

"Laugh at the fuckin 'fart. Hand in the money quickly, or I'll get you in!"

"Sorry, please get out of the way."

"A toast is a penalty if you don't eat or eat!"

The man in suit said, waving his fist, and hit Lin Kai.


Looking at Lin Kai's fist, the man in suit felt a sharp pain on his arm.

Because it's very close to Aunt Zhang's house, Aunt Zhang, who heard the news, ran out in a hurry, for fear that they would run into those little thugs.

When she went out to see two people fighting in a group, Aunt Zhang quickly called out, "stop it, you two!"

Looking at Aunt Zhang who rushed over, they were also very scared.

"Yin God, stop Aunt Zhang!"

"Mom, don't come here!" -

when they heard each other's address, they stopped instantly.

Lin Kai pulls up the man in the suit who fell to the ground.

"Are you Aunt Zhang's son?"

"Lin Kai, are you ok?" Seeing that Lin Kai was not hurt, Aunt Zhang was relieved.

Looking at some embarrassed son, Aunt Zhang was angry and didn't fight out: "good you Zhangye, you don't come back, even if you don't come back, come back and make trouble to me, what do you want?"

Said Aunt Zhang did not hesitate to start on Zhangye, hit him scurrying.

"Mom, mom, I know I'm wrong. Don't call."

Ten minutes later, several people were already sitting in the living room of Aunt Zhang's.

"Thank you so much for helping my mother today." Zhangye some embarrassed scratched his head.

"If you have anything to do in the future, just ask."

"What do you do?"

Originally Zhangye didn't want to say, but Aunt Zhang saw it and slapped him directly.

"What can't be said?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Kai only felt that Aunt Zhang was really a magic assistant.

"Do you know Lei Yuan group?"

See Zhangye mention Lei Yuan group, Lin Kai instantly sat up straight body.

It's really a worthwhile trip today.

"Let me tell you, Lei Yuan Group..."

Mention Lei Yuan group, Zhang Ye's talk box is opened, that is called a gushing.

Lin Kai just wanted to put in a word, but he couldn't say it.

If it was not for Aunt Zhang's suppression by force, she would have to listen to his bragging.Finally, Zhangye stopped. Lin Kai asked, "why didn't I hear the news from Lei Yuan group?"

"There are many companies. I don't know that your company is the investor behind them."

See Lin Kai mention this, Zhang Ye a pat thigh, a pair of meet hate late appearance.

"I also have this question, but it's requested by the authorities. I can't help it."

"As for why you can't see Lei Yuan group, many people have some companies."


Zhang Ye told Lin Kai what he knew.

I have to say that his news is very important.

This is to let him understand why for so long, there is no news about Lei Yuan group.

Together, they are selling dog meat.

As for the identity of the founder of Lin Yuan, according to Zhang Ye, few people have seen Lin Yuan except the head office manager.

Even if he has already entered the head office, he has only heard of it.

"It's so deep."

It has to be said that Lin Yuan did have a great plan. He took great pains to succeed in his plan.

Now with some information provided by Zhangye, it will be much easier to find Linyuan.

"Don't worry. You can mention my name later."

"A lot of them don't know the leiyuan group, but I still know it. Their investment is brought by me," he said


Lin Kai promised to come down, but what he thought was how to solve those companies.

As long as these companies are gone, Lin Yuan's plan will not come true for a while.

"Lin Kai, what do you think?"

I don't know if it's his own illusion. Zhangye always feels that when he just looks at himself, there is a erasure in his eyes.

But he didn't remember that he knew Lin Kai. I think he was wrong.


Lin Kai got up to say goodbye: "I have something else to talk about another day."


Zhang Ye smiles and sends Lin Kai out. He hasn't met such a chatting person for a long time.

When he left, Lin Kai took a look at Zhangye and showed a smile.

"Hidden God, find a chance tomorrow and catch him."

Although some of you are sorry for Aunt Zhang, it's also common that Zhangye doesn't go home for ten days and a half months.

"Yes, sir."

Although there is news of Lei Yuan group, but the whereabouts of Lin Yuan is still unclear.

However, as long as the Lei Yuan group is destroyed, he will have to appear.

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