Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1182

Yao Na sneered and said, "you are really a good dog by Lin Qianqian's side."

"You can do whatever she wants you to do. It's amazing."

Yao Na clapped her hands, her eyes full of irony.

No one can insult Lin Kai!

Yin Shen grabbed Yao Na's neck and directly lifted it to her: "do you say it again?"

The cold voice made Yao Na shiver.

She only felt that it was more and more difficult to breathe, and the whole person's face turned red, and she could not bear it.

Holding the hand of Yin God, he kept beating, trying to let him go.

But how could that be possible?

If it had not been for Linkai's existence, the Yin God would have split her up.

If anyone insults Linkai, he won't let her feel better.

"Throw it out. Don't dirty your hands."

For the orders of Linkai, the hidden God can be said to be 100% implementation.

Regardless of whether Yao Na was dressed or not, she directly held her neck and threw it out of the gate.

The moment she touched the cold floor, she shivered all over her body.

"Linkai, you must wait for me!"

Now Yao Na is no different from a crazy woman.

She was wrapped in a quilt and couldn't call her assistant to pick her up.

Finally, I ran to the guard and wanted to borrow a phone call. I didn't have a good harassment.

Looking at the crisscross, blue and purple marks on her body, Yao Na just wants to kill Lin Kai.

Lin Kai has no interest in knowing what Yao Na thinks.

There is only one more enemy left and right.

He had so many enemies that he didn't see anyone and killed him.

Looking at them, Zhang Jian was afraid.

A naked man, just like a quail, huddled together pitifully and made people feel funny.

"What do you want?" Zhang Jian looked at them with fear.

I feel that they are the devil. I regret that I was so open-minded and agreed to this.

It's not ordinary people who can make Yao Na pay so much money.

He is a quiet little citizen, and now he is in such a big trouble.


Lin looked at him with a smile, but in Zhang Jian's eyes, the smile was just like the devil.


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Jian's head tilted and he fainted.

"Since you are dizzy, throw it into the sea to feed the fish."

Just after saying this, Zhang Jian opened his eyes with a smile.

"If we have something to do, talk about it well and make money with kindness."

Looking at his flattery, Lin Kai felt a little speechless.

"Come here tomorrow afternoon. If you don't come, you will be at your own risk."

"Still coming?" Zhang Jian had a sad face, just like his mother who had just died.

Looking at Lin Kai's expression, he quickly nodded: "tomorrow must be on time, so now May I go now? "

"Go away."

Zhang Jian breathed a sigh of relief. He grabbed a sheet and ran away.

He was not afraid of being seen by others, so he ran out of the room in that way.

After solving them, Lin Kai's mind is still echoing what Yao Na just said.

Lin Kai didn't investigate her because she was her younger sister, but this is not the reason why she cheated herself.

To Lin Qianqian sent a message, let her come tomorrow, Lin Kai some headache on the sofa.

The night sky is full of stars, the moon is half covered by clouds, like a shy little girl.

Night wind blowing, leaves "Hua Hua Hua Hua" ring, like a beautiful music.

Silent night, a "click" sound broke the night sky.

The birds on the branches of the trees, when they heard the sudden sound, were scared to fly everywhere.

Listening to the news coming from the window, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

I can't hold my breath. I'm coming so soon.

The light was turned off and the room was in darkness.

Lin Kai sat on the sofa in the living room, motionless, like a sculpture.

As time passed by, the silence was restored between heaven and earth, with only occasional owl calls.

The sound of "Gu Gu Gu" makes people feel a little scared.

"Here it is."

Lin Kai said to himself, and then felt a night wind blowing into the house, blowing away the heat in the room.

After the people outside came in, they went straight to the second floor and went to the room opened by Lin.

Obviously, it's been investigated for a long time.

Without hesitation, I saw a piece of the knife out of the window.As soon as he saw it cut down, he felt something was wrong.

When I opened the quilt, the bed was empty.

"Where are the people?"

He tightly held the knife in his hand and carefully looked at the whole room, wondering where Linkai might be hiding.

"Boss, nothing has been found."

"It's impossible!"

Before they came, they had already investigated. Lin Kai didn't leave here at all.

But now why are people missing?

"Are you looking for me?"

The voice from behind scared the two of them. Their knives almost fell to the ground.

They were stiff and did not dare to move.

They didn't realize that someone was coming behind them. How did Lin Kai do it?

Suddenly a turn around, two people in the back of the fierce cut in the past.

But when they stopped, there was nothing in their sight.

Linkai is gone again.

"How could that be possible?"

They look at each other in disbelief, which is beyond their understanding.

How can a normal person have such a fast speed.

"Gudong" swallowing sound, in the silent night, clear can be heard.

They walked out on tiptoe, no one dared to speak.

"Are you going now?"

Lin Kai's voice, again.

One of them didn't stand firm and rolled down the stairs.

They were lying on the ground and couldn't get up for half a day.

A smell of fishy smell, filled the air, disgusting.

A man cried and said, "brother, he is a man or a ghost."

I thought it was a big deal. Who would have thought it would happen.

Don't when the time comes, the money did not earn, but also put the life into it.

"Well, I don't know." He said big brother, also a face muddled, completely do not understand, how can become like this.

"Let's go, brother. I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet."

"Go, go, go."

He really said that, the two quickly got up from the ground and ran out without looking back.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Kai, dressed in white clothes, suddenly appeared at the door. They screamed, rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.


For Lin Kai, the hidden God was helpless.

Who would have thought, sir, there is such a side.

"Throw them out."

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