Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1166

"What do you mean, elor?"

Su Yue glared angrily at Ai lu'er: "there are still people in the East China Sea that I can't afford?"

"If you hit me, I will let her die without a burial place!"

"I tell you this little white face!" Su Yue pointed to Lin Kai and said in a loud voice, "you'd better apologize to me immediately next time, or I'll let people kill you in minutes!"

Su Yue stares at Lin Kai angrily, her chest heaves violently.

"Damn it, move me!"

"What are you?" What ailu'er didn't want to do was slap Su Yue in the face.

"Pa" a sound, such as Su Yue stunned.

AI Lu Er looks at her indifferently, she this also is to sell a favor to Lin, let him know that he is now his side.

"SuYue, get out of here! Don't brag about me

In fact, ailu'er is also taking advantage of Lin Kai's identity to take a breath.

She had long been fed up with Su Yue, who was always aloof.

All day long, she can only make trouble, and still can't move against her.

Now there is such a good opportunity. There is no need to waste it.

What if the Su family came to the door?

As far as their identity is concerned, Lin Kai can't be moved.

Su Yue was stunned for a long time before she reacted.

"You dare to hit me!"

She felt her face, a little incredulous.

You know, though ELU is not servile to herself, she will never do it!

How could she have the courage now?

"You dare to hit me

Su Yue cried out and rushed straight to him!

Without waiting for her to come, she was kicked by Lin Kai.

Although there is no interest in the fight between the two women, alul is her partner and naturally she needs to be safe.

AI lu'er was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Lin to save her after the meeting. Stupefied for a moment, some happy.

But Su Yue was kicked by him, lying on the ground for half a day without getting up.

It was a while before she got up slowly, holding the table beside her.

"You dare to hit me!"

Su Yue breathed heavily, endured the pain, and slowly walked to the side of the sofa where.

"If you want to die, just say it!"

Looking at the two people who are the same as nobody, Su Yue would like to kill them.

After a while, Su Yue directly picked up the fruit on the table and threw it at them.

Lin Kai was hiding. She forgot that ailu'er was not good at Kung Fu and was hit by the fruit.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

AI lu'er is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She pours directly at Su Yue.

For a moment, two women fight together, you pull my hair, I scratch your face, scream all the time.

Lin Kai poured a cup of tea and stood on one side, watching the two fight leisurely.

After a while, they stopped panting.

Two people are a pair of clothes is not neat appearance, live like a beggar.

"You'll wait for me, ALU Su Yue said not forgetting to take a pillow and throw it directly in the past.

Looking at Lin Kai who stops the pillow down, Su Yue's lungs are going to explode.

Directly took out the phone and started to call people, she did not believe it, she can not cure a small white face.

"You wait for me!" Ferocious put down a word, Su Yue hung up the phone.

She is here to watch, waiting to see how Lin Kai is taught.

AI Lu Er looks at Lin Kai worried, although he knows that his identity is not simple.

But this does not mean that Su Yue knew her, and the people she called would listen to her.

"Sir, I'll stop Su Yue for you. You can go quickly."

Lin Kai looked at ailu'er unexpectedly. She didn't expect that she would say such a thing.

"No How to deal with Su Yue? Let's see how he is prepared.

Seeing his insistence, eluer could do nothing but worry.

Soon, Su Yue's people came, and a dozen of big and three tough men came in with a fierce air.

"Is that your little white face, moving my sister?"

The leading man stares at Lin Kai fiercely: "hurry to kneel down and apologize to me, or the excrement will be typed to you."

"You can try it!" They don't like it.

Elegant posture in the side of tea, it can be said that they ignored a thorough.

His attitude made this group very popular.

"Big brother, I must teach this boy a good lesson, his grandmother's, what can be arrogant?"

"He must be killed. How dare you not give our brother a few face!"……

Those little brothers are clamoring to kill Lin Kai.

"Boy, do you hear me?" Su Tian, the first big man, Su Yue's brother, looked at him and said, "either apologize or die. You choose."

"I choose you to die!"

"Lying trough, you boy, I'll kill you!"

Then he rushed directly to him, and without waiting for him to come over, he was kicked by Lin Kai and hit the wall behind him. He fell down and fainted directly.

"Brothers, give it to me!"

If you don't do it yourself, it's just like you're afraid of death.

Is he su Tian like that?

At an order, a group of younger brothers rushed over.

But it's just a weak chicken. It's not worth it.

"Don't worry, sister. My brother will be angry with you." Su Tian claps her chest to promise Su Yue.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard his little brother's scream.

Turn around to see Lin Kai is cleaning up the two young brothers who have not fallen down.

"This How could that be possible! "

Su Tian Leng Leng looking at Lin Kai, feel some incredible, a small white face, how can it be so powerful?

Seeing his sister staring at himself, Su Tian's face was a little too much.

Just now I said I was angry with her, but I didn't expect to be beaten in the face so soon.

"Sister, don't worry. Look at your brother."

Su Tian didn't believe it. He couldn't beat a small white face. He said that he rushed to Lin Kai directly.

"Boy, wait till you die."

Su Tian does not hesitate to swing a fist, can be said to use eight points, did not expect to be picked up by Lin Kai lightly.

"This How could that be possible! " Su Tian stares at him in disbelief and looks at the hand holding his fist. Some of them don't react.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Linkai grabbed his arm and pulled it directly to him.

"You do..."

Before Su Tian finished speaking, he felt that his stomach was hit hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly.

"Who is spicy chicken?" Lin Kai was facing his back again. If he hadn't been dragged by her, he would have been lying on the ground.

"Don't you want me to kneel down?" Lin Kai looked at him with a sneer.

Su Tian looks at him with some fright, suddenly some regrets, why can he provoke such a person.

"Who is kneeling now?"

Linkai hit his knee, and the pain made him kneel directly on the ground.

The sound of "bang" makes people feel pain.

"Do you want to continue?"

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