Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1163

Facing Lin Kai's smiling face, I don't know why Li Chengjia feels cold on his back and his back is full of cold sweat.

He glanced at the elders, turned around and said, "we will certainly satisfy you."

"That's good."

With that, Lin Kai got up and left, went to the second floor where the stairs said: "remember to clean up here."


After Linkai left, the old lady clamored to kill him.

The Li family looked at him with a cold look.

It's just a dying man. Whatever she does.

"Why do you want our wives to die? What kind of things are you?"

"I tell you, dare to move, let's have a try!"

"Just knock out. Don't disturb Mr. Lin

Li Chengjia doesn't want to waste any time because of this.

The famous Li family in the whole East China Sea all cleaned up the whole house carefully. After confirming that there was nothing missing, they left quietly.

Lin Kai stood on the second floor looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Will you do that, sir?"


Those people in the Li family are not idiots. Moreover, it is a good opportunity for them.

When Li Shengxian comes back, Lin Kai and Yin Shen have already fallen asleep.

He looked at the things in his hand and sighed. He decided to talk about it tomorrow.

As time goes by, the stars gradually hide their bodies.

The sun slowly climbed up from the East, and the morning glow filled the sky.

Before Lin Kai fell asleep, Li Shengxian couldn't wait to knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" Lin Kai rubbed his aching eyebrows and looked at Li Shengxian.

"Lingo, do you remember the house we bought before? Just the general's house. "

Li Shengxian gave the key to him like offering a treasure: "why don't we go and have a look?"

Thinking of the house that day, Lin Kai couldn't help but be curious.

"Let's go."

Seeing Lin Kai's promise, Li Shengxian was so happy that he trotted out to buy him breakfast.

This is a gift he gave to lingo. Naturally, it is worthy of being happy.

When they get to the real estate, there are three or four cars at the gate of the community.

No one in, no one out.

"Brother Lin, wait a minute."

Li Shengxian went down to negotiate with the owners.

"Hey, brother, move the car no, we're in a hurry to get in here?"

"Go away, who are brothers with you?"

A woman with heavy make-up and down looked at Li Shengxian with a smile of disdain.

"Can you afford a house here? It's killing me. "

She couldn't help laughing.

Li Shengxian frowned and looked at the woman. He was too lazy to pay attention to her. It was just a plaything.

"Brother, please move out of the car. I'll give you a call later."

"It won't work." The man turned his head and looked at Li Shengxian: "didn't you hear what my woman said? Can you afford to buy a room here?"

"Don't force me here. You're smart. Get out of here!"

Li Shengxian is not a man with no temper. Since he is not good at business and quantity, don't blame him.

"Either get out of here now, or I'll have someone smash your car."

"Brother long, what did people hear?" The woman was lying in the arms of the Dragon brother, Jiao said with a smile, "I'm so scared. He's going to smash our car."

"You hit a try, this East China Sea who does not give me long brother three thin noodles?"

He opened the door and went down, pointed to Li Shengxian's chest and said, "I tell you, don't pretend to be forced by me. What's your special code?"

The man disdains to stare at Li Shengxian: "get out of here quickly, don't get in the way here."

"What are you talking to me like that?"

In the past, Li Shengxian would not make him feel better, let alone now.

Directly pressed the man's chest, pressed him to the car: "don't give me so much nonsense, move the car to ye, or I'll kill you!"

"You let go of my husband, you let go!"

The woman yelled on the side, reaching out and beating Li Shengxian.

"Bitch, get out of here!"

Li Shengxian did not have the habit of not beating a woman. He kicked her directly.

"Grass Mud Horse, Laozi's woman, you dare to fight!"

The Dragon brother struggled hard, and his face turned red. He wanted to kill Li Shengxian.

Because of this situation, the people from the two cars in the back also got down.

"Who do you dare to move our brother long?"

A boy with yellow hair wants to pull Li Shengxian away."Go away." What Li Shengxian didn't want to do was slap him in the face.

"Move the car quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"What kind of thing are you?"

The men clamored to clean up Li Shengxian.

"You Wait a minute

A thin man with eyes stopped them.

"Glasses, you're an eggshell. It's just fighting. You're afraid of farts."

Said that long elder brother directly kicked him a foot, kicks him a stagger.

"No, it's not fear."

"Don't you know him?" he whispered with a red face

"Who is this boy?" Longge looked at him up and down and shook his head: "it doesn't look like a bull."

"He's the son of the Li family, the youngest one."

Glasses looked at Li Shengxian, saw him looking at himself, and quickly bowed his head in fear.

See him say so, everybody is surprised open mouth.

For a while, the Dragon brother was afraid and asked, "what you said is true? Is that the top family Li family? "


Hearing the affirmative answer from glasses, Longge, they just feel thunder rolling on their heads.

There are only two words in my mind, which is "over."

They even offended the young master of the Li family. Isn't this a suicide?

Who doesn't know that the Li family is the best protector of their weaknesses. Even if they have nine lives, they are not enough to die.

For a while, long GE's action was stiff and turned around: "that, brother Li, we don't know Taishan. Don't worry about it. We'll move the car right away."

They quickly moved the car to one side.

Looking at the expressionless Li Shengxian, I don't know what to do.

"Li Brother Li, please, please. "

Li Shengxian looked at them indifferently and suddenly felt a little dull.

They look at their own eyes, just like those in the Li family looking at Lin Ge.

"Is that right?"

He looked at his hand with a smile.

In this case, he has to work harder to help lingo.

"Go away."

Li Shengxian is too lazy to waste time. Besides, he doesn't feel interesting.

I didn't expect that this group of people actually lie on the ground and roll to the side.

Li Shengxian was amused.

"Sheng Xian, let's go."

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