Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1156

"Shut up!" Lin Kai stares at the car in front, constantly changing direction in the traffic flow.

Fortunately, it's not the peak, otherwise it's hard to say.

Every time you change lanes, overtake with precision, or you will have an accident if you are not careful.

"Stop! Stop it

The owner screamed at the side. He felt that if he went on like this, he would be doomed.

But Lin Kai, like he didn't hear, kept overtaking in the traffic.

If it wasn't for the fear of throwing himself out, the car owner would like to grab the steering wheel directly.

"If you don't want to die, shut up!"

Lin opened such a mouth, the owner looked at him weakly, and did not dare to say a word of nonsense.

Only the hand that held the armrest tightly revealed his inner tension.

"You can drive the hell faster."

The people in the front of the car, constantly urging the driver.

Originally, they thought they had got rid of Lin. they didn't expect to catch up so soon.

"It's as fast as it can go!"

The driver was too impatient. He stepped on the accelerator to the end.

All the way, soon two cars except the city.

There is no other car, the speed is faster.

If Lin hadn't driven a taxi, he would have caught up with the Mercedes ahead.

"What are you doing! Stop it The driver yelled, with a look of longing to faint.

The front is the curve, not stupid all know when crossing the curve, is to slow down!

But when he got to Linkai, he couldn't do it. He didn't see the curve.

In front of the Mercedes Benz, has slowed down, the accelerator directly stepped to the bottom, catch up.

"Slow down

At this time, the driver didn't dare to ask Lin to step on the brake. Otherwise, if the brake suddenly and the tire skidded, they would be finished.

But Lin Kai didn't seem to hear that. He was staring at the curve.

In the moment of turning, he killed the steering wheel, and the parking space rubbed against the side guardrail, and sparks splashed everywhere.

For a moment, the owner only felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

It took him a long time to breathe.

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, he also went to hell.

Benz in front of me didn't expect Lin to do this at the meeting. He was a little worried for a while.

They want to get rid of it, but Linkie is just like sticking to the bottom of their car.

"Why do you want it?" The owner wanted to jump out of the car directly. He didn't expect it was so close that Lin Kai even accelerated.

With a bang, the taxi hit the bottom of the Mercedes Benz.

If it wasn't for the quick reaction of Mercedes Benz's driver, the wheel would have slipped and would have rushed to the guardrail.

But Lin Kai didn't seem to see it. He kept hitting each other, and soon the two cars began to smoke.

The people inside Benz couldn't help but scold: "fuck him, this is a crazy man!"

At such a high speed, they are constantly hitting them. This is not to seek death.

"Grass, pull over, or it's over."

Smelling the smoke coming from the car, some people were afraid.

"But he..."

"We have hostages. What are we afraid of?"

Said the old three a grasp of dazed Lin Qianqian, with a dagger against her neck.

Seeing this, the driver can only slowly stop.

Seeing them stop, Lin Kai drifted and blocked in front of them.

Just very stable, the owner of the car rolled down from the car, lying on one side, vomiting in the dark.

"You want to die. Don't drag us around."

The third one stares at Lin Kai fiercely, hoping to kill him.

"Let the man go."

Looking at Lin Qianqian who is unconscious, Lin Kai just feels angry.

Just for a while, Lin Qianqian's face got a lot of bruises.

"Let it go?" The old three sneered, as if to hear a big joke: "boy, I tell you, if you're ok now, or brothers will kill you!"

"Ha ha."

Lin Kai sneered and didn't want to talk to them.

"Come on, brother, give it to me!"

Since Lin Kai is so ungrateful, don't blame them.

He didn't want to see blood today, but he had to be mean.

Four or five big men, the steel pipes went straight to Linkai.

One side of the car owner just spit up, see a group of people ferocious rushed to their own, directly fainted in the past.

"Boy, go to hell."

The leader yelled, and the steel pipe in his hand fell down on Lin Kai's head.

He is bound to win the blow.

I don't know how many stupid people have been taught by this move.Who would like to, he hit with all his strength, and was lightly picked up by Lin Kai.

"How could that be possible?"

He pulled back hard, and the steel pipe was still grasped by Lin Kai.

"Brothers, kill him for me!"

Just as his brothers rushed up, Lin Kai directly let go and fell on his horse.

"Oh, a bunch of rubbish."

Lin Kai grabs a man's head and points at his stomach.

Seeing the man behind him, he turned and kicked the man in his hand.


A scream, two people lie on the ground, motionless, a large amount of blood from the body of the person lying on the ground.

"You killed my brother. I'm going to kill you!"

The person who is pressed under the body, pushes away the person on the body, the head also does not return to rush past.

Lin did not return at the beginning. He rushed to the two men in front of him. He grabbed one of them by the arm. He turned around and hit him heavily with his elbow. He fainted directly.

Without waiting for another person to react, he grabbed his hand and pulled it forward. The knife in his hand directly stabbed another person's stomach.

"A waste of time."

A knife knocked him unconscious. Lin Kai looked at the old man.

"Are you going to let her go or let me do it?"

"Don't you Don't come here. " The old three looks at Lin Kai in horror. He didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble today.

But thinking of the hostages in his hands, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Not waiting for him to be happy for a minute, the hidden God quietly appeared behind him, a palm down, directly died.

Catching the comatose Lin Qianqian, Lin Kai said coldly: "hands and feet are directly abandoned."


An invisible breath filled here, and then I only felt a flash in front of my eyes. Where did those people's tendons show a touch of pink.

"Let's go."

Throw the car key to the driver, also throw a card, slowly leave here.

When the driver wakes up leisurely, he looks at the corpses all over the ground. He doesn't come up and faints again.

As soon as the evening came, he was afraid to take the things on his body and drove away without looking back.

At the same time, Lin Qianqian looked at the ceiling above her head in a daze, and some did not respond.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You're in the hospital, inhaled a little too much alcohol, stay two more days."

"Where are you going?" Lin Qianqian looked at Lin Kai who pushed the door out and couldn't help but hold him.

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