Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1151

"Follow me." Lin Kai spits out two words coldly.

Yin Shen bowed his head and did not dare to speak. He took Lin Kai up with him.

His heart has long been burning with anger, even dare to splash Mr. water, really eat bear heart leopard gall, live impatient.

After a look at the car under his feet, Yin Shen decided to teach him a good lesson.

Because in the urban area, in addition to many people, Lin Kai is not willing to attract attention and save trouble.

Otherwise they would have done it.

After arriving in the suburbs, I didn't know how long it took for a man to stop outside a villa.

As soon as the man got out of the car, Lin Kai and they appeared behind him.

When I turned my head and saw two people, the man was scared and almost fell to the ground.

After a while, he patted his chest and responded, "fuck you, dare to scare your father and me?"

When he turned on the lights, he could see clearly the faces of the two men.

"It's you." The man looked at Lin Kai and said cynically, "how do you think Dad washes your face well? Do you want to pay? "

Then he reached out to pat Lin Kai on the shoulder: "you don't worry, dad doesn't need money."


Lin Kai sneered and punched the man in the face.

If it wasn't for the car nearby, it would have been impossible for him to fly out.

It was a while before the man stood up with his face covered.


Staring at Lin Kai fiercely, the man takes out a steel pipe from the co pilot and holds it in his hand.

"If you want to get me, what are you?"

The man disdained "bah" a mouthful: "do you know who I am? You've been asking all over the East China Sea, and no one dares to fight with my brother leopard. "

"Tell you boy, you'll be born again in the next life, with bright eyes!"

With that, he rushed over with a steel pipe.

His potential in the must get a blow, lightly by Lin Kai a hand to hold.

"Why How can it be! "

He pulled the steel pipe back, but in front of Linkai, he was just like an ant.

"Don't you want my eyes to shine? Why don't you? "

Lin Kai showed a kind smile, and without waiting for him to react, he just punched him in the stomach.


The man was beaten and vomited directly, and some blood could be seen in the food scraps.


Brother Bao bows, like a cooked prawn, and can't stand up for half a day.

"Don't you want to wash my face?"

Lin Kai motioned to Yin God to take brother Bao and swaggered into the villa.

However, the security guard of the villa wanted to stop Lin Kai, but he just fainted with one punch.

Fill the bathtub with water directly. Lin Kai grabs the man's head and presses it down.

"How do you feel?"

Without waiting for brother Bao to speak, he pressed again,

brother leopard only felt that there was less air in his lungs, and he could not help opening his mouth to breathe.

But his nose and mouth were full of water, and his whole body coughed because of his mouth choking.

This cough is even worse.

Gradually, brother Bao only felt that his eyes became more and more blurred. He even saw the faces of countless people who had been persecuted by him.

When he thought he was going to die, the whole man was suddenly pulled up.

Fresh air poured into his nose. He coughed violently, and some blood was seeping from his ears and nose.

Do not care so much, his greedy breath, just that kind of feeling, he does not want to experience again.

"Is it fun to wash your face?"

Linkai tugged at his hair and forced him to look up at himself.

Looking at Lin kaijunlang's face, brother Bao's laryngeal knot rolled up and down, his throat was dry, and he couldn't say a word.

After a while he shivered and said: "brother, I was wrong, I really, cough, cough, cough know wrong."

If it wasn't for being dragged by Lin Kai, he would like to kowtow to him and confess his guilt.

"Is it?"

Lin chuckled and threw brother leopard directly to the hidden God: "see what you can ask."

Hidden God has been holding a fire for a long time. Now Brother leopard is in his own hands. Naturally, he won't feel better.

Lin Kai conscientiously washed his hands and looked at the whole villa leisurely.

When I saw the group photo hanging on the wall, I was stunned for a moment,

the woman in the photo was really the one li man said had something to do with Lin Yuan.

Lin Kai was amused by this discovery.

It seems that God is helping him. Anyone who finds trouble for himself can bring clues to himself.

"Who is the woman in the picture? Do you know Lin Yuan? "For fear that they would abuse themselves, brother Bao quickly replied: "that woman is my sister, as for what Lin Yuan was mentioned by my sister, I really don't know."

"But I can take you to see my sister. I'll tell you what I know."

Said "bang bang bang" kowtow, not a moment on the forehead there is blood exudation.

"Knock out, take it away."

"What's next, sir?" The hidden God looks at the faint leopard.

"Let him take us tomorrow."

The more he investigated, the more he felt that the purpose of Linyuan was not simple.

But he is not sure what it is.

If he wants to know the answer, he can only find Lin Yuan as soon as possible.

With a sigh, Lin Kai inspected the whole villa inside and outside, and really let him find out some things.

Glancing at the notes at random, Lin Kai's face became more and more ugly.

"Go home."

Cold left two words, Lin drive directly to leopard brother's car to leave.

When he arrived at Li Shengxian's house, he pushed away the man who had come up and went straight to the room where li man was detained.

"Bang" a foot, directly kick the door open.

Li Man in the room just came out from the bath, wrapped in a bath towel, was pulled down by Lin Kai.

"Tell me, where are your records?"

"What are you talking about?" Li man struggled with his innocence as if he didn't know what Lin Kai was talking about.

"Sure not?"

"I really don't..."

Before Li Man finished speaking, Lin Kai picked up the fruit knife on one side and stabbed her hand without hesitation.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Liman, with his eyes closed, screamed loudly.

"Say it or not?"

"Ah, ah, ah!"

"Cut off your tongue if you scream again."

As soon as he finished, li man stopped screaming and slowly opened his eyes. Seeing that his hand was ok, he was relieved.

"If you don't, you won't be so lucky next time."

Li man looks at Lin Kai and then looks at the book on the table. The whole person is a little nervous.

She didn't expect Lin to find it at the meeting, but now it's too late to say anything.

"I also have this thing. I can take you to find it."

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