Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1140

"What do you say?" Avril doubted that she had heard wrong.

Do you dare to talk to yourself like that?

"You let Miss Ben climb over?"

Avril pointed to herself and wondered if she had heard me wrong.

She looked up and down at Lin Kai, her eyes full of disdain.

"It's a great honor for you to talk to me. Come here now!"

Avril points to her feet and asks Lin to roll over.

"Ha ha."

Lin Kai sneered and went straight.

Seeing Lin Kai coming, Avril becomes more and more arrogant.

How powerful do you think it is? Are you still a slave to yourself?

Just a pariah. Do you really think you can go to heaven?

People around see Lin Kai like this, except shaking his head.

I thought he was going to fight back, but I still gave in.

Avril stood up in front of him and licked himself.


The corner of Lin's mouth slightly lifted up and grasped Avril's foot.

Wang Kang's heart almost stopped when he saw this scene.

Although Avril's background is not simple, it is far from Jiulong Mountain.

If you really let Lin Kai lick her clean, then don't say she's finished, even the Wangs will follow.

"That's right." Avril looked as expected.

But what happened next was beyond her expectation.

When he licked his feet, he thought he would lift himself when he didn't think of it.

The skirt covered her face because of gravity.

A smell of erosion rushed into the nose of people who were closer to each other.

We are all adults and naturally understand what this is.

For a moment, people look at Avril's eyes, more disdain.

"Fuck you, Miss Ben Oh, let go

Avril struggled vigorously.

Now she looks like a crazy woman, not as elegant as she was.

"Put me down quickly!"

As soon as she finished, Lin Kai gave her hand directly. She landed on the ground first and lay on the ground directly.

When she saw it, she quickly picked her up with the man who had just spoken for her.

"Sister, are you ok?" Alu looked at her timidly, trembling slightly.

"Get out of here!"

A push AI Lu Er, Avril straightens her hair, facing Lin Kai is a foot.

But before she was kicked to Linkai, she was kicked out.

The whole person was sandwiched between two tables like a U.

Those men surrounded her one after another, and bravely stretched out their salty pig hands to touch her.

"Let go of your sister." AI Lu Er small body, block in front of Avril, but it is no use at all.

After a long time, Avril limped out of the middle and looked at Lin Kai's eyes like substance.

"I'm not going to make you feel better!"

She took out the phone and called her father.

Pear with rain on the phone, a meal to add fuel.

Hang up the phone, Avril looked at Lin Kai scornfully: "don't leave today, I will let you feel what is life is more than death!"

"Then Lin will wait and see."

Then he pushed away the crowd and went to the hall.

When the parties left, the onlookers left.

For a moment, the whole hall was crisscrossed with light, and it seemed to be singing and laughing.

But behind this, in the private room on the second floor, the tide is surging.

"Mr. Lin, that Avril is the daughter of the branch manager. If you offend her, it's hard to say."

Looking at Wang Kang's worried face, Lin Kai is somewhat indifferent.

"Then let him come."

If he had known which branch manager's daughter this was, he would not have let him go so easily.

Seeing Lin Kai's immobility, Wang Kang didn't say much.

"Let's go in."

Pushing open the door of the private room, the people inside looked at it instantly.

After seeing Lin Kai, the eyes of those two people were strange.

Looking at Wang Kang who came in with him, they nodded clearly.

No wonder it's so arrogant. It turns out that there is support from the Wang family.

But Avril's identity, others do not know, they are clear.

Offended Avril, whether the Wangs can get the investment this time is still unknown.

Looking at their eyes, Wang Kang knew what they were thinking.

But with Lin Kai's identity, he is sure to win this time."Mr. AI, how long will it be before we arrive?"

As soon as he had finished speaking, the door was pushed open.

AI Ping with a gloomy face walks in with Avril.

"I'm so sorry for the delay."

Before they could speak, she was interrupted by Avril's cry.

"Dad, that's him!"

Avril stares at Lin Kai fiercely. If her eyes could kill people, Lin Kai would have died many times.

"It's his daughter who makes a fool of herself in public. I don't care. I must make him look good!"

Hearing Avril's words, Aiping looked at him in a sinister way.

When Avril directly described it to himself, he was so angry that he didn't expect to throw it to the culprit so soon.

His daughter, who has been in pain for more than 20 years in the palm of his hand, should be bullied by him. What a shame.

"Is it you who bullied my daughter?"

Aiping walks to Lin Kai and stares at him on the sofa with anger in his eyes.

But he is just a stinky boy. He dares to bully his daughter and make him suffer.

"If your daughter doesn't frame me, I won't do it."

Lin Kai looks at Aiping calmly. Only he knows the excitement in his heart.

After looking for so long, I finally learned the news of Lei Yuan group. It's really not easy.

"Set you up?"

AI Ping snorted coldly: "that's your blessing. Why doesn't my daughter frame others?"

Hearing this, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

Is it difficult for her to frame herself? Not only can she not admit it, but also she has to pretend to be grateful?

What's the logic?

"Miss AI framed you, you should be happy, this is how many people dream of."

"That's right. You don't know good or evil, and you dare to hit miss AI."

"Do you know who miss AI is? Are you impatient to beat Miss AI? "

"I'm looking for death! Such people don't know the sky and the earth

"In a moment he will die! Miss AI has a lot of background


In addition to Wang Kang, two people, not live with AI Ping, a pair of dogleg appearance.

Wang Kang looked at Ai Ping, then looked at Lin Kai and said, "Mr. AI, this is Miss AI's fault, so let it be."

He couldn't afford to offend anyone on either side, but he was more inclined to Lin Kai.

Who let him accidentally get on the boat, even if he wants to get off.

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