Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1133

"You son of a bitch, shut up!" Wang Kang was almost out of breath.

What evil did he make!

How come their own sons, one or two are so less than four or six!

Is this eye a decoration?

Can't you see how respectful he is to Lin Kai?

Looking at Wang Kang, whose face was red and his neck was thick, Wang Wei was beaten hard on his head before he knew what was going on.

"Go and apologize to lingo!"

"You asked me to apologize to him!" Wang Wei seemed to hear something incredible: "no kidding, no way!"

"Kneel down!"


Wang long and Wang Wei knelt down without hesitation.

Looking at Lin Kai's eyes, Wang Wei glared at him fiercely.

Because of him, my father punished him.

Still have before harm oneself shed nosebleed, must not let him off easily!

"This son of a bitch, how can I give birth to such a thing as you?"

Wang Kang looked at his eyes and felt his heart ache.

Looking at his father's eyes, Wang Wei is a little disdainful.

I think Lin Kai is not only a second generation ancestor with status, but also himself.

"Don't think you are so powerful. I tell you, if it wasn't for my father's sake, I wouldn't talk to you."

Say heavy hum a, sit on the side of a don't want to take care of Lin Kai appearance.

His words made Lin laugh.

Wang Kang is also a wise man. How can he give birth to a son that is not in tune with one another.

"Stop it. It's all from their mother."

Wang Kang also felt helpless. He wanted to teach him well, but his wife took him to the wrong side. He had no choice.

"Mr. Lin, although my little son is out of tune, I still trouble you."

Before Lin Kai could speak, Wang Wei quit.

"Dad, what do you mean?"

Wang Wei wanted to jump three feet high: "why give me to him?"

"What does he have? I can't do it at home? "

"I tell you, I won't listen to you. You'd better die."

"Otherwise, I'll forgive you if you are a little brother to me."


Wang Wei's mouth was like a machine gun, and he kept talking.

Lin Kai wants to laugh. Wang Kang is also an entrepreneur.

As a result, one of the two sons was more like a gangster than the other.

"Mr. Lin, please do it yourself."

Wang Kang couldn't bear to look directly at his little son.

His great reputation in this life was completely destroyed by his son today.

On hearing this, Wang Wei's voice instantly raised eight degrees: "Dad, you let him hit me!"

He looked at Lin Kai and slowly shook his head: "I'll make you cry for a while. Don't complain to my father."

"I hope you can do what you say."

Without waiting for Wang Wei to react to him, Lin Kai immediately rushed to him with his knees facing his stomach.

Wang Wei resisted in a hurry, but Lin Kai's strength was extraordinary.

Although he resisted Linkai's knee, before he was pleased, he was grabbed by Linkai's shoulder and threw it out.

"Do you want to continue?" Lin Kai looks down at Wang Wei.

The fallen man couldn't stand up. Wang Wei didn't forget to say: "you wait with me. I'm not ready just now."

"When you are ready."


Wang Wei wanted to stand up, but he could not stand up after several times.

"You wait for me!" At this time, he did not forget to put a cruel word: "brother, you quickly help me up, kill that turtle grandson."

As for Wang Wei's words, Wang long seemed not to have heard it. He looked at the scenery out of the window without paying any attention to him.

Wang Wei was so angry that he sat there and scolded Wang Long regardless of his brotherhood.

Wang Kang chuckled at Lin and looked embarrassed: "Mr. Lin, don't blame me. My little son has always been like this."

He thinks it's no shame. It's a real shame.

Finally, Wang Wei got up and was kicked out before he met Lin Kai.

"Do you want to continue?"

"You wait for me, that's my bad condition!"

Lin Kai did nothing else in the afternoon, waiting for Wang Wei to get up and kick him.

In the end, Lin Kai felt a little impatient, and Wang Wei, like an immortal cockroach, insisted on getting up.Looking at Wang Wei, who is black and blue, he can't bear to look directly at him.

"You can't beat me."

"You fart "I'm the second best in the world," he said

"Who is the first in heaven and earth?"

"Big brother, of course."

Said Wang Wei directly rushed to embrace his thigh: "brother, please accept me to be a little brother."

The sudden turn, let a few people present, are a bit caught off guard.

According to the normal development, shouldn't he get up and be knocked down by Lin Kai?

"Big brother, I told you, I am very good, I can protect you, you take me!"

Hearing his words, Wang Kang only felt flushed.

Lin Kai is so powerful, where can he protect him?

"You shut up Wang Kang quickly pulled Wang Wei away.

"If I have something else to do, I'll go first."

Lin Kai thinks that if he stays here any longer, he may not know what will happen.

"Big brother, you don't go, you don't leave me!" Wang Wei cried and cried out that he was about to go to baolinkai's thigh. Wang Kang and Wang Long couldn't hold on.

"Mr. Lin, please go."

There is no need for Wang kangduo to say that Lin Kai left the hermit God long ago.

It's a long way out of the woods.

Looking at Lin Kai, who was still in fear, Yin Shen couldn't help laughing.

Lin Kai roared angrily, "shut up!"

It's really humiliating. One day, Lin Kai was scared to be like this by a little boy.

If this spread out, it would not make people laugh.

However, he can't be blamed. It's Wang Wei's practice that is too frightening.

At that time, Lin Kai felt that Wang Wei and Lin Qianqian were the same model.

"Arrange someone to send Wang Wei away immediately."

He didn't want to be hugged by a man when he went to Wang's house.

At this time, Wang Kang is staring at Wang Wei, who is enjoying a meal at the Wangs' mansion.

"You still have the face to eat for me!"

"You have no face!"

Wang Wei did not care about the appearance: "you that Mr. Lin is not so good, you see I was not scared away."

"Tomorrow you will go abroad for me!"

"No way!" Wang Weihong stares at them with eyes: "don't think we don't know what's going on, tell you not to think about it!"

Of course, he knew why they wanted Lin to drive here. He just wanted to make a living for him.

But he doesn't need it!

He is a great man. Where does he need his father and brother to make sacrifices?

"You son of a bitch, do you want to piss me off?" Wang Kang covered his chest and fell on the sofa panting.

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