Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1126

An Rui stares at Lin Kai with bad eyes, as if he is his rival in love.

she is so angry that the people who have been thinking of her for so long even scold themselves for other men!

She shouldn't be angry. She's much better than a woman.

But she just can't see Li Shengxian treat other people well.

"What is he?" An Rui slightly raised his head, a pair of arrogant appearance: "I am to kill him, how?"

"Li Shengxian, I tell you, you'd better stay away from that man, or don't blame me for being rude!"

In the past, Li Shengxian might have succumbed to an Rui's threat.

But now it's not the same. He's not who he used to be.

If you dare to say that, Lin Kai won't let her look good.

"ANRI, shut up Li Shengxian looks at an Rui without expression. The light in her eyes makes her stupefied.

She looked up and down at Li Shengxian and always felt that he was completely different from before.

"Li Shengxian, did you kill me for this man?"

Anrui looked at him in disbelief. We should know that Li Shengxian was obedient to her before, and did not dare to say a irony.

"What about you?" Li Shengxian looked at him impatiently: "leave here at once."

He didn't like ANRI at all.

I used to bully her like I was her slave.

Before that, he did not have the ability to resist. After all, every time he resisted, he would be beaten very badly by ANRI.

But now it's different. With Lin Kai's teaching, I'm not myself before.

Anrui looks at the two people angrily, hoping to clean up Li Shengxian.

In fact, she did.

He flew straight up and rushed to Li Shengxian.

Looking at an Rui who rushed to him, Li Shengxian changed his face in an instant, and wanted to run away if he didn't want to.

He is not worth the force now.

For Amway, it's only a fight.

Seeing that he was about to suffer, an Rui was like being hit hard and flew out.


Anrui covers her chest, supports the sofa on one side and staggers to her feet.

"Dare you hit me?"

She looks at Lin Kai and something is lit in her eyes.

No one dares to treat her like this.

"Boy, you're done."

An Rui moves his muscles and bones, and the whole person is ready to go, just like a hunting cheetah.

Lin Kai didn't even look at her. He sat on the sofa beside him and ate the fruit that Li Shengxian cut for him.

His blatant disregard completely angered ANRI.

"You've succeeded in making me angry."

Under the foot vigorously, an Rui whole person soars into the air, the feet take up the obvious break empty sound.

"Lingo, get away from me!"

Li Shengxian is most clear about Anrui's strength.

Although she is a girl, even Li Haoxian can't hold on for ten minutes even in front of her.

Know the strength of Lin Kai, the same can not be underestimated, but he is afraid that he will be injured.

Seeing that Anrui was about to kick him on the shoulder, Linkai still maintained the posture of eating fruit and did not move.

This Li Shengxian is too anxious: "brother Yin God, you should do it quickly!"

Now we can only hope that the hidden God can block ANRI.

"What a trouble."

Lin Kai sighs helplessly, and without looking back, he reaches out and grabs an Rui.

A strong force, directly pulled her over, hard to throw on the table.


The sound of knocking on the corner of the table directly makes Anrui take a breath of cold air.

In addition, Lin Kai's strength to throw her over is too strong for her to stand up for a while.

"Brother Lin, you're OK." Li Shengxian looked at Lin Kai up and down. He was relieved to see that he was OK.

This scene was seen by an Rui on one side, and felt that his heart was burning with anger. He wanted to kill Lin Kai.

"You son of a bitch!"

With a roar, she grabbed the fruit knife on the table and stabbed Lin directly.

Li Shengxian didn't want to see it.


Lin Kai shook his head helplessly and directly lifted Li Shengxian up.

It is precisely because of this action that Lin Kai's chest is directly scratched out by an Rui a wound of about ten centimeters.

Seeing the wound in front of Lin Kai's chest, Li Shengxian rushed to Anrui and said, "you're a cheap woman, I'm going to kill you."

Tightly pinched her neck, eyes full of anger.

It's all his fault. If it wasn't for him, Linkai would not have been hurt.An Rui did not think that he would really stab, so a daze time, Li Shengxian was knocked down.

"You get out of here!"

An Rui beat Li Shengxian on the back, polite, the customer was not moved.

"How dare you hurt lingo

In Li Shengxian's heart, Lin Kai's life is more important than his own.

Anyhow, she can't be forgiven for doing such a thing.

"You want to die!"

An Rui gas can't, the knee ruthlessly up a top, the pain Li Shengxian rolled down from her body.

She felt the pinched neck, and the whole person looked gloomy.

"I didn't expect that you, a big man, still have such charm."

She coughed, staring at him directly: "you don't worry, I won't let this fool be fooled by you."

Hearing an Rui's roar, Li Shengxian "rubbed" and got up from the ground.

"Shut up He red eyes, maliciously stare at an Rui: "who are you? My business is in your charge? "

"When I was bullied by Li Haoxian, why didn't you show up?"

"Now that I'm supported, you'd better. How can't you see me? "


After Li Shengxian's series of words, an Rui opened his mouth and could not say a word.

After a long time, she blushed and said, "I'm not, I'm just, I'm just afraid you'll be hurt by him."

Because Li Haoxian told himself that Li Shengxian is now with a murderer, and he doesn't know when he will die.

After listening to Li Shengrui, he thinks that he is wrong.

Lin Kai is not as bad as Li Haoxian said.

"Hurt me?" Li Shengxian couldn't help laughing: "an Rui, why don't you tell a joke?"

Staring at an Rui indifferently, Li Shengxian said: "in the future, please don't interfere in my affairs. How I do in the future has nothing to do with you."

"Li Shengxian, how can you say such a thing?"

Anrui's voice has a little weeping. She just wants to protect him. How can it be like this?

"Why can't I say it?"

With a gloomy face, he walked into ANRI step by step: "what qualification do you have to say such a thing? What have you done to me? Don't you know it in your heart? "

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