Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1118

Wang Kang is so angry that he can't say a word. How could he have such a thing.

At ordinary times, it's no more than four or six. It's really spoiled to dare to temper him at such a time.

"I'm going to apologize to the two adults of Jiulongshan."

"I don't care what kind of asshole they are. Just tell me..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Kang. His throat was rolling up and down. He couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Dad, what did you just say?" Wang long wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Jiulongshan is the powerful organization no less than the dragon group?

How could he offend such a big man?

I don't know much about Jiulongshan.

However, from Wang Kang's mouth, he also understood that as long as they had an idea, the Wang family would disappear in an instant and no longer exist.

Turning his head and looking at Lin Kai and Yin Shen, Wang Long knelt down with a thump and trembled all over.

He should have provoked such two Buddhas. Isn't he looking for death!

"Big My Lord, I'm sorry. It's small with eyes, not Mount Tai. "

He kept kowtowing, because of arm injury, just knocked two, directly fell on the ground, struggling to get up.

"My Lord, please, I know I was wrong!"

Wang Long looks at the expressionless two people, tears are coming out.

What is he doing.

Even if he is not sensible, he also knows that all these things are given by the position of Wang family.

If Wang's family is gone, he's a fart.

"Two adults, my son also knows that he is wrong. Please let him go."

Wang Kang looks forward to looking at the two people, hoping that they can give face.

How to say that their Wang family is also a person with a reputation in the East China Sea. Give them a face. If something happens in the East China Sea in the future, their Wang family will naturally sell a favor.

"Don't you want me to kneel down and apologize?"

Lin Kai doesn't think he is a soft hearted Lord.

Since you pissed me off, you have to pay.

Make him kneel down and apologize?

That's a lot of courage.

Hearing Lin Kai's words, Wang Kang and Wang long looked at each other. Their clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

If the people of Jiulongshan know this, they will be completely finished.

This word spreads out, but in thoroughly despises nine dragon mountain.

After a long silence, Wang Kang spoke cautiously: "I don't know what you want. I will try my best to meet them."

Now I can only hope that these two big men have important things to do here.

Or they Wang family can help, otherwise this matter is not easy to say.

After a long silence, Lin opened his mouth and smelled: "do you know Lei Yuan group?"

Only he Zhishan's little news is too little.

Now we can only hope that these aristocratic families in the East China Sea also have people who know the news of leiyuan group.

Otherwise, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a hidden group in the East China Sea.

Hear Lei Yuan group, these four words, Wang Kang instantly changed face.

But in the end, it is the human spirit who has been around for many years and adjusted his expression in an instant.

However, such a subtle movement did not escape from Lin Kai's eyes.

"Lei Yuan group? What is that? " Wang Kang was full of doubts: "two adults are really sorry, I have not heard of this Lei Yuan group."

"Is it?"

"When Of course. " Wang Kang forced out a smile and broke out in a cold sweat.

I don't know if it's his illusion. He always thinks that Lin Kai has seen through himself.

Looking up secretly at Lin, he quickly lowered his head.

Yin thought he would not find himself.

How to say that he has been wandering around for many years, it is too shameful to be seen by a younger generation.

But Lin Kai shook his head: "since I don't know, don't blame me for being rude."

Then he winked at the hidden God, and he immediately came to Wang Long's side.

"What are you doing, my lord?"

Wang Long trembled to look at the hidden God, even the words are not clear.

"Don't do anything!"

Although Yin Shen said so, he was not polite at all.

Facing Wang Long's head-on bone is a foot directly.


Wang long kept stretching his legs and struggling, and soon he fainted.

Even though Yin Shen was in control when he was kicking, how could Wang long, an ordinary man, stand up to such a great master?

Looking at Wang long in agony, Wang Kang always thinks that Lin Kai is intentional.

In order to let him say the news about Lei Yuan group.He wants to know, where did Lin Kai get the information about Lei Yuan group?

And why did he inquire about it?

Although Lin Kai is from Jiulongshan, he still chooses the latter compared with leiyuan group.

The reason is very simple, Lei Yuan group can bring him more benefits.

Moreover, he did not dare to tell the news of Lei Yuan group, or he would die.

After thinking about it, he decided not to tell Lin Kai.

"Mr. Wang, my patience is limited."

With that, Wang Kang smashed Wang Long's stomach.

The pain made him spit out a mouthful of blood, mixed with food scraps.

He bowed over and was lifted in the air by the hidden God.

He is such a son. How can he stand being treated like this?

For a time, Wang Kang was at war between heaven and man, and did not know what to do.

Seeing that Wang Kang is still unmoved, Lin Kai directly lets the hidden God continue to work.

Listening to Wang Long's cry, Wang Kang's heart seemed to be dripping blood.

"Stop it, stop it, please stop it!" Wang Kang directly rushed up and grabbed the hand of Yin God, but he threw it out.

"Why should I stop?"

"I know about Lei Yuan group." Wang Kang looks decadent sitting on the ground, he really can't watch his son suffer.

"Let me say it, but you must promise me a condition!"

Wang Kang stares at Lin Kai. Since he has decided, there is no need to regret it.

However, thinking of Lei Yuan group, he still wants to leave a way back for his son and a root for the Wang family.

"If I say it, they will probably pursue me." "I hope at that time, you can keep my son and the company of Wang family," Wang said coldly

These are the two things he can't put down in his life.

He paid such a high price that Lin Kaili should also pay him.

"Good." Lin KaiKou promised to come down, a company with a person, for the news of Lei Yuan group, worth.

"Well, I'll tell you!"

Wang Kang sighed and gently dragged Wang Long aside.

"Before we talk about it, I want to know why you know about Lei Yuan group?"

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