Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1116

The head of the bodyguard didn't dare to go back and ran downstairs.

When he brought the medicine up, the bodyguards were already awake.

Wang long looked at his hands with a grim look. His face was pale and bloodless.

It is conceivable that the pain is caused by the breaking of fingers.

I didn't expect that Wang long could endure so long after he woke up.

If Lin Kai saw it, he would be amazed.

This man can bear it. If he has a chance to fly into the sky in the future, it will only be a matter of blink of an eye.

But even he knew that there would be no emotion other than exclamation.

You don't mess with him, you don't ask for trouble.

If you mess with him, don't blame him for being rude.

"How long before my father arrives?"

Wang long only felt the pain in his whole arm was unconscious, and he wanted to knock the wall and faint.

Thinking of the insult he had just received, Wang long wanted to kill Lin Kai.

Damn it, he's so big, where does anyone dare to do this to him?

Who saw that he was not all flattery? Would you like to kneel and lick him?

"Damn it, I'll kill this boy!"

As soon as Wang Long patted the table, he happened to use Bielin's hand which broke his fingers. He stood up with a scrape of pain, and the sweat on his forehead kept dripping down. ".

Their voice came into the room where Lin Kai lived, which made him frown displeasantly.

"Sir, if I had not dealt with them?"

The hidden God said and was ready to start.

It's an unforgivable crime to disturb Lin Kai's rest.

"Let them be."

Lin Kai is not interested in paying attention to them. If it were not for the rain, he would not continue to be here.

Seeing what Lin Kai said, Yin Shen was not talking. For a while, the only sound of breathing was still in the room.

As soon as Lin Kai closed his eyes and fell asleep, he was awakened by the noise outside.

He can't sleep well if he has a little movement.

"It's Wang Long's man, sir."

"I see."

Lin Kai did not speak and stood by the window with a glass of water.

After a while, he reached out to catch the rain.

It's the size of a broad bean. It hurts when it hits your hand.

Not long after Lin Kai woke up, Wang Long saw his father Wang Kang.

"Dad, you're here!"

He quickly walked over, a face aggrieved complaint: "Dad, you see this to me! Why didn't he give me money when he moved my woman? "

A man in his eighties of a meter complains to a small old man. How do you look at this picture and make people feel peaceful.

Looking at the wound on Wang Long's hand and body, Wang Kang would be very angry.

He is really impatient to live when he dares to move his son.

"Well, I beat my precious son like this, cut off his hands and throw him to the street to beg!"

He wants to see what he can do and dare to be so arrogant!

"Go and see where he is in the room!"

Soon the bodyguard came up and said respectfully, "the man is in room 418."

Wang Kang directly took people to the past, did not knock on the door, directly opened the black kick.

Lin Kai, who was drinking water, had a displeased look at the man who was kicking the door.

The hidden God immediately understood and went directly to beat the man down.

Wang Kang didn't expect Lin Kai to be so arrogant. In front of him, he dared to beat his own people.

"Boy, do you know who I am?"

Wang KANGLONG walked into the house and sat on the sofa beside him. He had a momentum.

However, it is of no use to Linkai and Yinshen, which makes Wang kanggao take a look.

But what about that?

If you offend his son, you won't let him go easily!

"Are you the one who hit my son?"

"Are you blind?"

"How to talk to my dad?" Wang Long glared at him and thought Lin Kai was too arrogant.

"Boy, do you know who I am?"

"I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know!"

Lin Kai slowly walked to his side and looked at him from above: "please apologize to me."

"Ha ha ha ha." Wang Kang couldn't help laughing. He imitated what he said. It was funny.

But in his opinion, it is.

Let him apologize?

It's a lot of breath!

Don't look at it. He's nothing!

"The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, boy. If you kowtow and apologize to me now, I won't investigate your responsibility, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You can try it!"

Wang Kang was infuriated by Lin Kai's attitude. It was the first time he met such arrogance."In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Wang Kang has been in the East China Sea for more than ten years. If he was beaten in the face by a younger generation today, it would be a joke.

Since Lin Kai is disobedient, call him to be obedient.

With his order, the people behind him pulled out a machete from the back of his back, flashing in the light.

"Cut off his arm

The men rushed up with machetes.

But in Lin Kaiyan's eyes, I think they are just wrong.

I don't want to see where this is. The space is so narrow. I'm not afraid to hurt my own people.

"Deal with them!"

He went straight to Wang Kang with a smile on his face.

"You know you're afraid?" Wang Kang looked aloof: "apologize to my son, and then leave two arms, this matter is over."

"Two arms?" Lin Kai nodded: "it's really a good idea."

"You know the current affairs, you are quite..."

Before Wang Kang finished, Wang Long was caught by Lin Kai.

He looked at Lin Kai stupidly. He didn't see what had just happened.

"You say I want your arm?" Lin Kai looks at Wang Long's arm. His smile looks a bit sinister.

"You let go of me, you grandson. Do you believe that I will let you chop you to death?"

Wang long struggled vigorously, but he couldn't get rid of it.

He looked at Wang Kang and Lin Kai as if he were begging for help. He knew how much he knew. If he was not careful, he would die.

"Let go of my son!" Wang Kang looked at him without expression: "as long as you let him go, I can let you go!"

Listening to Wang Kang's words, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

Are these people so arrogant?

Always, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps.

They can do whatever they want. As long as they fight back, they are wrong.

"What do you think you are?" Lin Kai looked at him and asked, "even he Zhishan has no face here. Do you think you can do it?"

"If you call Mr. He by his name, you will die!"

Wang Kang is sure that Lin Kai is finished.

Just tell Mr. He what he just said, and he will die.

"So what?"

Lin is too lazy to talk to them. It's a waste of time.

"Hermit, don't play."

He grabbed Wang Long's two arms and unloaded them for him.

The great pain made him faint.

"Give it back to you." Then Lin Kai pushed Wang Long directly.

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