Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1110

"How did you come back?" Chen Shan's eyes were terrified, and he kept retreating. He bumped into the wall behind him and stopped.

Hands fumbled on the ground, caught one side of a glass bottle, tightly held in front of the body, looking at Lin Kai.

He knew that writing glass bottles would not hurt Lin kaizao at all. At least he would feel safe holding this one.

"Ha ha."

Lin Kai didn't even look at him and went straight to the house.

Seeing Lin Qianqian all over the body, Lin Kai becomes more and more calm.

After confirming that Lin Qianqian was all skin trauma, she felt a little relieved.

To cover the quilt for Lin Qianqian, Lin opened a Damascus to sit in front of Chen Shan: "you dry?"

"No It's not Not me

Chen Shan yelled and waved his hand.

Whether he did it or not, it can't be admitted.

What Lin Kai did that day is still fresh in his memory.

"Not you?"

Lin Kai directly grabbed Chen Shan's neck and pulled him up.

"Do you dare to think of Lin Qianqian? Forget what I said to you? "

Chen Shan "Gudong" swallow a mouthful of saliva, dare not look directly at Lin Kai's eyes.

He couldn't say that he knew that Lin Kai had gone to see Mr. He, so he started with Lin Qianqian.

After all, he must never come back.

But who would have thought he came back intact.

There are only two possibilities. One is that he directly defeated Mr. He.

But this possibility, he thinks, is unrealistic.

Then there is only the second possibility.

That is, Mr. He loves talent and lets Lin Kai stay with him.

At the thought of this possibility, he fell into an ice cave.

He couldn't afford to offend Lin Kai because of his identity.

Now there is another Mr. He on the back. He has only one way to die.

As for what, Mr. He appointed the auto agent?

Anyone can be as long as he wants.

"Young master Lin, please, let me go. I will never dare again!"

He constantly implored that Lin Kai could give himself a way to live.

"Why let you go?"

With that, Lin Kai directly punched Chen Shan's stomach. He cried out in pain.

He wants to curl up, but Lin Kai grabs him. He can't do it.

"What I say is ignored?"

Grab Chen Shan's arm and pull it down without hesitation.

The intense pain made Chen Shan faint on the spot.

Smelling the smell of excrement and urine in the air, Lin Kai frowned and was not happy.

She threw Chen Shan to the ground and frowned at Lin Qianqian, who was unconscious.

Think about it, or let Yin God take her to the hospital.

Although you can deal with it yourself, you should pay attention to it if you are a girl.

"Sir, why don't you hold Miss Lin?"

"Trouble." Lin Kai frowned and coldly dropped two words.

Left behind the hidden God, choking smile choked uncomfortable.

Thinking of what Lin Qianqian had done before, Lin Kai felt that if she was hugged, she would definitely be blackmailed. It's better not to provoke women.

To the hospital, Lin Qianqian's injuries were quickly dealt with.

I found a ward to live in.

Looking at Lin Qianqian in a daze, Lin Kai looks out of the window and thinks about how to get the news from Lei Yuan group from her.

"Hey, brother."

"Brother, I'm calling you!"

The sudden voice interrupted Lin Kai's thoughts. He turned to see a man winking at him.


Linkai doesn't remember knowing him.

"Oh, brother, don't have a black face."

The man pointed to Lin Qianqian on the bed and asked in a low voice, "brother, where did you get this wonderful product?"

"I can't help looking at it like this."

Man hey hey a smile, smile a bit obscene: "did not expect you look like a dog, play up so cruel women."

Speaking of this, Lin Kai understood what the man wanted to say.

A cold look at him, a reluctant to pay attention to his appearance.

Who knows this man is a brain handicap, completely unable to recognize the situation.

Obviously, Lin Kai didn't want to pay any attention to him. He stuck it like a dog skin plaster.

He reached out to pat Linkai, but he dodged it.

"Why, brother, can we discuss something?" He took out a cigarette and handed it to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai looked at him impatiently, opened the distance, and was unwilling to say more.

"Brother, would you like to leave a contact information?" He pointed to the bed of Lin Qianqian, wipe the corner of the mouth does not exist saliva: "when you have enough to play, lend brother taste.""Go away."

For this kind of man, Lin Kai does not have the slightest favor.

"How do you talk? Don't be shameless."

The man grabbed Lin Kai's shoulder: "how did you enjoy yourself? What happened to my brother?"

"Go away."

Lin Kai was disgusted by his foul language.

"Damn you, don't be shameless!"

Then he grabbed the thermos bottle and threw it on Lin Kai.

"Are you looking for death?"

Lin Kai stares at him coldly, without any intention of dodging.

When the thermos touched him, it broke apart.

The flying debris reflected the man's frightened face.

"You, you, you are not human! What are you

He kept walking on his hind legs, and the whole person was about to cry.

How can a normal person blow a thermos bottle out of thin air?

"Brother, please, let me go."

"I know I'm wrong. I don't know Taishan. Please."

Looking at the crying man, Lin Kai is disgusted.

"Take his grandson's root and throw it out."


The man looked around in horror, but there were only three of them in the whole ward.

Thinking of the sound just now, I feel cold all over the body.

"You are a man or a ghost. Let me alone. I'm wrong."

He constantly kowtow to beg for mercy. Lin Kai looks at him with no expression, only feels sick.

He never had much patience with such a man who played with women at will.

Closing his eyes, Lin Kai couldn't help thinking about the scene he saw.

Young children were armed, and the streets were full of naked men.

There are many women in the movement, the air is filled with a frightening silence.

Lighting a cigarette, Lin Kai looked out of the window at the patient, the memory of dust laden heart.

"Sir, take care of it."

He was worried and worried.

He didn't know what to do, so he could only stay with him.

"Go to he Zhishan's house tomorrow night."

He Zhishan's attitude shows that he knows leiyuan group.

Now it's hard to know about them. Naturally, Lin Kai will not give up.

"Miss Lin?"

"When did the doctor say she would wake up?"

Looking at the dazed Lin Qianqian, Lin opened a sigh, can't give her a person to leave here.

But the little girl in my memory has grown up.

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