Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1105

"What are you?"

The hidden God stepped out with one foot, and his murderous spirit rushed to Zhang Tao.

Where did he feel such a scene.

For a moment, he felt like falling into an ice cave, as if he were in the battlefield, and he might die at any time.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

Li Haoxian grabs Zhang Tao's arm and his face changes.

He seemed to be holding on to a body that had been dead for a long time.

Because of Li Haoxian's touch, Zhang Tao is a reaction.

He felt as if there was a heavy weight on his back, which made him kneel uncontrollably.

Shaking his hands, he picked up the invitation card on the ground, and he knelt a little bit and moved to Linkai's side.

Like a minion, he presented the invitation with respectful hands.

"Go away."

If amnesty is granted, Zhang Tao staggers up from the ground and runs away without looking back.

"Stop, did I let you go?"

Lin Kai's words let Zhang Tao and Li Haoxian stop their steps, so stiff to lift their legs, extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Kai walks slowly to Li Haoxian and looks at his blue face with a gentle smile.

But in Li Haoxian's eyes, this smile is the same as the devil.

In his heart, Linkai is a suit thug.

Although he is usually polite, he acts like a madman.

Li Haoxian felt that he might die at his hands at any time.

"What are you doing, Mr. Lin?" Li Chengjia looks at Lin Kai with a smile on his face. He is a broken old chrysanthemum.

Li Haoxian is also his son, though he doesn't like him.

However, in the case of creating benefits for the Li family, it is not easy to let others go.

"It's up to you to intervene in my business?"

In a word, Li Chengjia's old face turned red, but he did not dare to refute.

Li Shengxian looked at this scene in silence on one side, the idea in his heart became more and more intense.

My father, who has always been on the top since childhood, is now like a dogleg.

The huge gap brought by power made him understand more clearly what he should want.

"Next time, don't let me find out what you're doing, or it won't be about one arm."

Then he took a rice grain size thing from the cuff and crushed it.

Then he grabbed Li Haoxian's arm and twisted it without hesitation.

Li Haoxian only felt a huge force coming, and the whole arm was full of blue veins.

There was a "crackling" sound and all the bones were broken.

"Oh, you son of a bitch, you let me go, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

Li Haoxian yelled, pale and tottering.


Li Chengjia roared and looked at Lin Kai. Seeing his expression just now, he was relieved.

At this time, if you dare to provoke Lin Kai, it's not enough to waste an arm?

"You get out of here, you bastard, let me go, ah!"

He covered his arm and the whole man stepped back.

"Next time it won't be as simple as one arm."

With that, Lin Kai no longer looked at them and turned away.

Looking at his back, Li Haoxian's eyes were bloodshot, just like a ghost.

"Linkai, I want you to live like death."


Li Chengjia slapped him without hesitation. Seeing that Lin Kai had disappeared, he was relieved.

"If you want to die, don't drag down the whole Li family."

With a cold hum, he didn't want to see him more.

"My dear big brother, I hope your arm will be bad."

Li Shengxian left such a sentence and turned to leave.

"You wait for me."

He looked at the door crazily. He didn't know what to think.

If you dare to treat him like this, you must make them pay the price.

Thinking of what is going to happen tonight, Li Haoxian shows a proud smile.

Let them be proud for a while, and some of them will cry.

He held his right hand and left with Zhang Tao.

Tired birds return home, the sky gradually dark down.

Looking out of the window, a wind and rain is coming.

Li Shengxian looked up at him: "brother Lin, do you really want to go?"

Don't want to know that Zhang Tao must be upset and kind-hearted. It's no different from being trapped in a wolf's nest.

"Naturally." He also wants to know about the leiyuan group. Why not.

A thunder burst out, accompanied by long and thick lightning, cut through the sky.Then the sound of "crackling" continued, and the whole land fell into the rain.

"The wind is rising."

Lin Kai said such a nonsense, Li Shengxian did not understand what it meant.

"Brother, you see this day is like this, or don't go." Li Shengxian spared no effort to persuade him.

Tianmeng Pavilion is obviously Zhang Tao's territory. Who knows what will happen.

In addition, there is Mr. He behind him, which is certainly not easy to deal with.

"I'm gone."

With such a sentence, Lin Kai took an umbrella and got into the rain.

Li Shengxian took an umbrella and wanted to rush in, but the strong wind made it difficult for him to move.

Just for a while, he couldn't see Lin Kai.

In the rain, the hidden God held up a protective cover.

In the eyes of the outsider, the rain seemed to be alive, avoiding the man automatically.

Lin Kai, dressed in a black windbreaker, looks like a ghost in the rain.

Soon Lin Kai came to tianmeng pavilion with wind and rain.

Looking at the attic with warm yellow light, people feel warm in the heart.

Push open the door, see Zhang Tao and a group of childish brothers waiting inside.

"I didn't expect you were on time."

"Lin has always been punctual."

"Hum." Zhang Tao snorted coldly and stopped paying attention to him.

"Where is Mr. He, please?"

The reason why he came here today is to celebrate Zhishan.

Zhang Tao saw him ask his godfather, did not open his mouth, one side of the childe brothers can not help it.

"Who does he think she is? Mr. He, if he wants to see him, he can see it. "

"I really want to fly to the branch. I want to be crazy. I want to use this method to attract Mr. He's attention."

"You see, he looks like a little white face. Maybe he is a duck."


Listening to those insulting words, Lin Kai is still smiling.

I don't know why. Looking at his smile, Zhang Tao thinks of Li Haoxian's broken arm.

"Shut up!" He gave a roar of exasperation. He was in a bad mood.

Those childish brothers heard him say so, one moment or two did not dare to speak.

The whole tianmeng pavilion was quiet for a time, leaving only the sound of the rain outside.

Lin Kai seemed not to feel the embarrassment at all. He found a place to sit down and look at the crystal lamp on top of his head.

For a long time, Zhang Tao's side of a childe brother, in the end, can't help it.

"You don't want to give a face? Why don't you come over and apologize to Zhang Shao? "

"Are you talking about me?"

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