Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1102

"You..." The man in the lead looked at the hermit, shocked.

How could he not understand, where came out such a person, and the strength is still so strong.

"Poof, cough." He spewed out a mouthful of blood, breath wilting lying on the ground, more out of breath, less intake.

The hidden God directly raised him: "who sent you?"

"I am dead, I will not betray my employer!" He snorted coldly, as if he didn't want to talk to the hermit God.

"It's up to you."

Lin Kai left a word and turned to leave.

"If you don't say it, don't blame me for being rude!"

With that, Yin Shen stepped down, and his head was crushed directly. The red and white sticky things mixed together, which seemed a little disgusting.


The man didn't expect the hidden God to be so cruel, so he spurted out a mouthful of blood directly.

"You How can you It can be so cruel! "

It took a man a long time to say such a sentence.

"I'm cruel?" The hidden God asked, "when you killed my husband, you were not cruel?"

He would have turned the whole East China Sea upside down if he hadn't been here for information.

A group of ants have been making trouble for you again and again.

"Either say it or they die!"

Looking at those brothers, the leader wanted to have the backbone to refuse, but in the end, he could only bow his head.

"The ANN family sent us."

Big step Yin wants to get rid of the meteor.

Seeing him leave, the leader was relieved, at least their lives were saved.

However, before he was happy for how long, I did not know where a huge force came from and died on the spot.

"You want to live if you mess with him? It's wishful thinking. "

"Who did it."

Lin Kai was smoking and wandering aimlessly in the street.

Looking at people coming and going in the street, I don't know how, he suddenly some dull.

"Settle down."


Lin Kai sneered, his steps had turned and went to settle down.

Looking at the gate of Carving Dragon and Phoenix, Lin Kai asked, "this is it?"

As soon as they passed by, the guard came and asked respectfully, "what can I do for you, sir?"

As for the kind of thing that looks down on others, it will not happen here.

Because these gatekeepers are professionally trained, and some big people always like to keep a low profile.

"I'm looking for an, please inform the owner."

"Just a moment, please."

The shutter guard came over and said, "please come in. Mr. an is waiting at home."

He nodded to the guard, and Lin Kai walked slowly in the room.

An Yixuan in the house kept walking around, from time to time asked: "that son of a bitch still has how long to arrive?"

Knowing that Lin Kai is coming here, an Yixuan's first thought is that he came to apologize.

He knows that settling down is not something he can offend.

"Don't worry. When he comes, dad will teach him a good lesson for you."

An MOU pulls an Yixuan to sit down, hand him a fruit, pacify his mood.

The doorbell rang and the servant rushed to open the door.

"Is this Mr. an's home, please?"

"Come in, please." The servant quickly turned aside to make it convenient for Lin to drive in.

As soon as he opened, an Yixuan stood up: "are you here to apologize to me? You know yourself. "

"Come here and knock me three times. I'll be my plaything in the future. If you serve me well, I'll let you go."

Lin Kai couldn't help laughing when she looked at her high toe.

"Mr. ANN, have you always been so open-minded?"

"What are you talking about! Are you accusing my daughter Ann patted the table and glared.

"I tell you, Miss Ben, give you a face. Don't do it, or you will be thrown to feed the crocodile carefully."

"Then I'm afraid."

Although Lin Kai said so, he still had a gentle smile on his face and no look of fear.

"You play me!" An Yixuan glared at him and threw himself into an Mou's arms to act as a coquettish: "Dad, look at him. You'll let people kill him quickly."

"Yi Peng, did you hear your sister

"Yes, of course."

On the other day, he walked over with the handsome man beside an.

His upper body was bare, and his bronze skin did not match his face. It was like two people.

"Bullying my sister won't make you feel better."

He said at the foot of the force, the whole person soared up, legs as if mixed with a thousand gold potential, mercilessly kick to open to the forest.The expected scream did not happen. An Yipeng looked at Lin Kai, who was slightly sideways, with a dignified expression.

Expensive carpets and tiles were scattered and the room was in a mess.

"It's a mouse. It's very nimble."

An Yipeng said and rushed to Lin Kai again.

Lin kailazy with her entanglement, find a sofa, tidy up the clothes, slowly sat down.

"Hidden God."

In the air, an Yipeng, as if controlled by some unknown force, kept that posture and could not move.

"What's going on?"

He cried and struggled, and could not get rid of it.

"What have you done to me?"

He looked at Lin Kai in horror, as if he was something terrible.

This is totally beyond his understanding, and he has no idea what to do with it.

"Let it go."

With that, an Yipeng fell directly from the air and fell a dog to eat excrement.

Some panic to get up, quickly ran to an Yixuan their side, look alert at him.

"You are a man, a ghost!"

An Yipeng has never encountered such a thing, which is totally beyond the common sense.

How could someone have set a man in the air?

It's not scientific at all.

Lin Kai seldom joked in a good mood: "hidden God, he said you are a ghost."

"Sir, how can you play a trick?" The tone of Yin Shen is helpless.

Then the hidden God appeared directly in front of the three people.

Originally the empty position, suddenly appeared a person, let anyone see all scared out of their wits.

Not to mention the things just done by the hidden God, the three people of an family are scared to step back, and an Yixuan is screaming.

"Didn't you ask me to apologize?" Lin Kai's hands crossed to look at them: "do you have the ability to let me apologize?"

An looked at Lin Kai, eyes full of fear.

He had heard of these ancient warriors, but he met them today.

The person who owns the ancient martial arts has an extraordinary identity. He has even provoked such a big man.

The more you think about an, the more afraid you will be. If you provoke them, you will disappear unconsciously one day.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" An Yipeng looked around an Mou some doubts.

"Lin Is that Mr. Lin? " He stepped forward and cautiously said, "we don't know Taishan because we have eyes. Please don't care about villains."

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