Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1100

"I am a parasite, and what are you? If parasites don't count, get out. "

Lin Kai Li cried out, and his momentum burst out, and the atmosphere of the whole hall suddenly solidified.

They only felt that they had difficulty breathing and had no courage to speak. Their backs were soaked with cold sweat.

"Who is this man? He has such a strong sense of oppression."

"It's worthy of being the young talent in the mouth of the Li family leader. It's really powerful!"


For a moment, the hearts of the people were full of ghosts, and no one dared to speak.


An Yixuan in an's arms makes a whining, which makes people's hearts relax.

"Dad, my whole body aches so much." She looked at an MOU, tears with no money, down the cheek.

"My dear daughter, don't be afraid. My father will avenge you!"

An said that an Yixuan to the side of the youth, step three swing to the side of the Lin Kai side.

He looked up at Lin Kai, a kind of charity: "immediately kneel down for my woman, kowtow and apologize, or next year's today will be your death day."

People in the crowd who knew Lin Kai's identity couldn't help laughing.

"Who do you think you are

The man said and looked at Lin Kai: "Mr. Lin, it's really hateful that this man should threaten you!"

He said this on purpose, in order to sell Lin to open a favor, let him remember his good.

"What kind of thing are you qualified to talk nonsense in front of me?" An MOU does not look at that person, a pair of disregard attitude.

Seeing this, someone nearby immediately said sarcastically: "this person, just does not grow eyes. I don't know who to flatter. Don't follow the wrong master at that time. "

The person who helped Lin Kai talk was very angry, but he didn't say anything.

"Whose dog is not fastened? Why do you come here and bark? "

"You son of a bitch, even call me a dog?"

"If you say that, you are." Lin Kai lit a cigarette and leaned against the sofa with elegant posture.

"Get the hell out of here!"

His attitude made an so angry that he had never been so ignored.


After Lin Kai finished speaking, Yin God did not hesitate to pass, and slapped on an Mou's face.

A crisp sound, everyone is listening to feel pain.

An was directly drawn in the air 360 degrees twist, and then severely fell to the ground.

His cheek, visible to the naked eye, swelled.

Anmou covered his face and said with indistinct words: "you wait for me!"

"Wait, wait!"

An covered his face and left with the young man.

When they saw this, they scattered and talked.

"Let's go."

Lin is too lazy to stay here.

"Sheng Xian, if I have something else to do, I'll go first."

Li Shengxian grabbed him and said with a smile, "brother Lin, I have prepared a good play tonight. You can wait."

"What are you going to do?"

"A big gift for my big brother, of course."

Li Shengxian has a smile on his face, but Lin Kai looks uncomfortable.

"You can decide for yourself." He didn't say much.

I can't always be by his side to help him.

"Lingo, you can go later."

Li Shengxian held his arm tightly and refused to let him leave.

Looking at Li Shengxian's appearance, Lin opened goose bumps all over his body and quickly threw him away.

"I'm not interested in men."

"Lingo, what are you talking about?" Li Shengxian was stunned for a moment, laughing out of breath.

Even the hidden God could not help laughing.

Lin Kai knew that he had misunderstood him. His face was gloomy and he snorted coldly. He stopped talking to them.

The hidden God and Li Shengxian looked at each other, and they rarely had a tacit understanding to follow him, and no one dared to speak.

With Li Chengjia speaking on the stage, the whole banquet gradually came to an end.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Li Shengxian said to Lin Kai and walked on the stage.

"At your request, have a look at the fantasy park!"

Voice down, behind the big screen, instantly changed.

In the eye is a panoramic view of the entire fantasy Park, which looks beautiful, just like the castle in the fairy tale.

As the camera pulls in, people appreciate its beauty a little bit.

Inside the cartoon characters, all lifelike.

None of the theme venues, completely like moving out of the book, is 100% restored.

As time goes on, suddenly the camera flashes and the background becomes dim.Without waiting for people to react to what was going on, a woman's panting voice came from inside.

The voice is charming and provocative, full of desire.

Some people with poor self-control were already in the brain.

"What's going on? Close it!" Li Chengjia roared, his face was blue and white.

No matter who this person is, such an event on this occasion has a great impact on the reputation of the Li family.

"Dad, it can't be closed for the time being. I'll send someone to deal with it right away." Said Li Shengxian anxiously left.

A woman's body continues to appear on the screen.

A good figure makes people's blood spurt.

A woman is like a female dog, letting the man behind her move.

The man's face did not show, only a tattoo on his right wrist.

When seeing the woman and the tattoo, Li Chengjia almost didn't come up and fainted.

At this moment, the screen flashed and became the scene of fantasy paradise.

However, the public has not been able to look at these exquisite animation characters, still aftertaste what they just saw.

"Come, see off."

Li Chengjia looked at the crowd breathlessly, and looked like he couldn't have fainted.

Even if these dignitaries want to stay and watch the excitement, the Li family is not something they can offend, so they have to find excuses to leave.

"Somebody, call me the dog man and woman!" With the help of Li Shengxian, Li Chengjia sat down.

"Dad, pay attention to your health." Li Shengxian said nothing but his health.

This is also the wise place. If he opens his mouth to punish Li Haoxian at this time, he will also have bad luck along with him.

"Well, this villain, I'm so angry. Why haven't those two bastards come yet

Li Chengjia gas of the table, Li side of the people you look at me, I see you, no one dare to speak.

"Dad, what can I do for you?" Wang Fang looked at all the Li family, I don't know why there is a bad premonition in her heart.

"You slut, my Li family doesn't have a daughter-in-law who is so corrupt as you are!"

Wang Fang looked at Li Chengjia in amazement, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Seeing Li Chengjia nodding, Li Shengxian said the whole story in a hurry.

After listening, Wang Fang was stunned.

"It's impossible!"

Wang Fang screamed and exclaimed, "it's impossible, Li Haoxian, you're counting on me!"

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