Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1097

"Is it?" Lin's smiling face was gentle.

Then the handkerchief handed over by the hermit God and wiped it clean slowly.

"But how do I think you are accusing me?"

Linkai looked at him and threw the handkerchief in his face.

Li Haoxian's heart suddenly ran up a fire, if not for Li Chengjia's quick reaction to hold him down, it would be over.

He stares at Lin Kai fiercely, feeling that he is insulting himself.

"I didn't!" He clenched his teeth to squeeze out such a few words, and never spoke again.

"There is no best." Lin Kai is too lazy to take care of him and asks Li Shengxian to take him to the guest room for a rest.

After Lin Kai left, Li Chengjia told him with a gloomy face: "Haoxian, you are too impulsive!"

I thought he was a mature and steady man, but I didn't expect that.

However, he has never been the heir of the family, so it doesn't matter how.

Thinking of Li Shengxian's changes in this period of time, I am very satisfied.

At least this son is good.

"Dad, why should he insult me like that?" Li Haoxian was unconvinced and exclaimed, "just because of his identity?"

"If you don't have that identity, he's not a fart!"

In his opinion, Linkai is a bully.

I don't have any real skills.


With a crisp sound, Li Haoxian was beaten to turn his head.

Less than a minute. A clear and visible palm print appears on the cheek.

"You rebellious son, do you want the whole Li family to be buried with you?"

He knows Li Haoxian wants revenge, but he can't gamble with the whole Li family!

"Dad, I know what I'm doing!" Li Haoxian angrily went back: "I will make him worse than death!"

Looking at Li Haoxian, whose eyes are sinister and crazy, Li Chengjia sighs and has made a decision in his heart.

It can't go on like this. If Li Shengxian really has the ability, it should be settled.

"You go down first." Li Chengjia waved his hand tired and wanted to be alone.

What he doesn't know is. The seeds of hatred grew deeper and deeper in Li Haoxian's heart.

Unless he can kill Lin Kai, he will never untie this knot in his life.

Yuelang star sparse, Li family guest room, Lin Kai looked at Li Shengxian, slowly said: "you decide."

He has his own ideas, what he can do is to let him understand what he wants while experiencing him.

Looking at the grim Li Shengxian, Lin Kai suddenly regretted the decision he had made.

Is it really what he wants to see to turn a piece of white paper black?

But Lin Kai soon put the idea behind him.

He can't control the final result. It depends on whether Li Shengxian can keep his heart.

The sky is white, and the morning glow reflects the sky, which makes Lin Kai's mood better.

Originally unwilling to attend the Li family's banquet, Li Shengxian could not stand all kinds of pleading.

After changing a suit, Lin Kai looks at himself in the mirror with no expression. The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, showing a gentle smile.

"Let's go."

He said to the air, holding his hand, like a gentle and polite gentleman.

Since what happened last time, all the hemispheres who came to the party knew him.

As soon as they saw him, they surrounded him one after another.

Looking in front of a piece of face with false smile. Lin Kai is a little impatient.

"Get out of the way."

Along the passageway that everybody makes way for, Lin Kai finds a quiet corner to sit quietly.

Some people who attended the party for the first time could not understand the situation and talked about it one after another.

"Who is that man? What kind of air is there? "

"Who knows, it may be the son of a big family."

Listening to the comments, Li Haoxian took it into his mind.

Pretending to be casual, he said, "I don't know where people come from, dare to be presumptuous here."

After hearing what he said, the two gentlemen looked at each other with a tacit smile.

Seeing the two walking towards Lin Kai, Li Haoxian draws up a smile and turns to leave.

Although their families are not very good in the East China Sea, they can't stand up to each other and have great influence abroad.

This time, the family asked them to come back for training. If they were provoked, let's see how Lin Kai can solve it.

The sound of conversation and the collision of wine glasses can never be heard. Lin Kai just feels noisy.

Before he left, there were two more shadows in front of him.

"Who are you? Tell your grandfather to get out of the way

"Go away." Lin Kai is too lazy to take care of them.

Because of the leiyuan group, he is upset. He even has some unseemly things to do for him."What did you say? Let me go? I don't want to see what you are? "

He wanted to reach for Lin Kai's clothes.

At the moment of meeting Lin Kai, he leaned slightly and hid directly.

Grab a man's hand, lift, pull, dislocate directly.


The man hugged his arm and cried out, with tears streaming down his nose.

It also attracted people's attention.

After seeing that it was Lin Kai, many people gathered around.

"Mr. Lin. What's going on? "

"It's OK. Don't bother me." Lin Kai frowned and was very impatient with them.

"How dare you hurt me, you son of a bitch. I think you are impatient to live!"

The childe's eyes were fierce at Lin Kai, and he took his dislocated arm back.

Lin Kai had a little appreciation of him for this.

"I'll kneel down and kowtow to apologize. Maybe my adult has a lot of money, so I won't care about you."

Zhang Tao looks at Lin Kai from a commanding position. He seems to be honored to be able to talk to him.

"You are dumb."

Seeing that Lin Kai didn't speak for a long time, Zhang Tao pushed him impatiently: "dog, I have to let my grandfather do it!"

"You want to die?" Lin Kai looked at him calmly, his face gloomy.

"How do you talk to your grandfather?" Zhang Tao is very domineering when he pats the table.

Someone recognized Zhang Tao's identity and his face suddenly changed.

"This is Mr. He's dry son."

"What are you talking about, Mr. He, the black-and-white all-in-one?"

"He should have provoked such a big man. If he had the ability to communicate with heaven, he would have to die."


Listening to the comments, Lin Kai was curious about Mr. He.

Who in the world is so powerful?

Lin Kai said, "hidden God, go and check his news."

But in people's eyes, he was talking to himself, to the air.

However, because of his identity, we dare not say anything.

But Zhang Tao directly laughed: "you don't have to be a psychopath, even talk to the air!"

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