Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1095

"What do you say?" Yin God looked at him coldly, and the momentum burst out of his body, which made the man frozen in a moment.

"What about this man, sir?"

"Throw it out."

Now Linka was upset and didn't want to entangle in this matter.

Yin Shen nodded, carrying the man disappeared instantly.

"You let me go!"

The man struggled vigorously.

"Are you sure?"

Men smell speech, look down, directly scared to pee pants.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!" He hugged the hermit's arm tightly: "brother, I was wrong, I know I was wrong. Please don't throw me down

The hidden God didn't care about him. He found a place and threw it down for him.

He just went back to see Lin Qianqian in Lin Kai's arms, crying pear with rain.

"Brother Lin, I'm scared to death. I want to sleep with you!"

Said Lin Qianqian tightly holding Lin Kai, not let go.

The hidden God saw this scene and laughed.

Since Lin Qianqian came, he will see Lin Kai so embarrassed every now and then.

If this scene is seen by force God, they will definitely be shocked.

But he's used to it.

"Hermit, you are responsible for protecting her tonight."

Suddenly she pulled Lin Qianqian out of her arms and threw her into the hermit's arms. Lin kaihong left with red ears.

Suddenly, she was put into such a beautiful woman in her arms. She almost couldn't help it.

Lin Qianqian came down from the hermit's arms and asked with a smile, "little brother, what do you think brother Lin likes?"

"You can't tell anyone about your husband at will."

If it wasn't for the relationship between Lin Qianqian and her, he wouldn't talk nonsense with her.

"Little brother, do you tell them?"

"Do you think brother Lin will like me?"

"How can I say that I'm white and beautiful with long legs, and I'm not bad at all. How can he look down on me?"


If it wasn't for Linkai's orders, the hermit God would have been unable to bear his chatter.

It's hard to endure until dawn, and the hidden God escapes to Lin Kai's side.

Li Shengxian stepped on the morning dew, smiling and carrying things over.

"Lingo, how was last night?"

Looking at Li Shengxian, Lin Kai wants to slap him.

"Shut up!"

Lin Kai glared at him and asked, "what's the matter with fantasy paradise?"

Speaking of this, Li Shengxian's face was beaming: "brother Lin, my father asked me to invite you to the family meeting tonight."

Lin Kai nodded to show that he knew.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Hey, hey, hey."

Li Shengxian's smiling face was obscene, and he whispered a few words near Lin Kai's ear.

After hearing Li Shengxian's plan, Yin Shen almost couldn't help laughing.

It has to be said that under the guidance of Lin Kai, Li Shengxian is not the old white.

After that, Li Shengxian looked at Lin Kai nervously: "brother Lin. What do you think of the plan? "

"It's really good."

Lin Kai nodded, showing a look of appreciation.

But it's just a little too mean.

However, he also knew that if he wanted to be the head of a large family, how could he do without any means?

Li Shengxian said that saliva splashed, Lin Qianqian wearing a cheongsam, curling Tingting walked down.

"Brother Lin, what are you talking about?"

Lin Qianqian lies on the back of Lin Kai with a smile on her face.

In the end, Li Shengxian frowned and said nothing.

But Li Shengxian looked at Lin Qianqian and said, "brother Lin, tonight, there's a party. Why don't you take her with you?"

Looking at Li Shengxian, Lin Kai wants to slap him.

"Thank you, pretty boy." Lin Qianqian threw a wink at him and looked at Lin Kai.

"I have something else to talk to."

Lin was too lazy to pay attention to them and got up to leave.

Looking at the back of him leaving, the two people in the room have their own thoughts and don't know what they are thinking.

Stealthy thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Sir, are you in a bad mood?"

"I'm fine."

Lin Kai shook his head and was fascinated by the scenery in the distance.

If it is not because Lin Qianqian may know the news of Lei Yuan group, he would not be too entangled with her.

Although he regarded her as his sister, her mind made him feel troubled.

Lin Kai took out his cigarette and puffed it up.

The hidden God did not know what he was thinking in his heart, and he stood by quietly."Who is so ungrateful?" A sharp thought broke in.

Then a burst of high-heeled shoes sound, a swaying posture of the woman, angry came over.

"You shameless man smoking here?"

The woman's Apricot eyes are round, obviously angry.

"Do you know that I hate the smell of smoke, please put it out for me, or don't blame me for being rude!"

She took out a bottle of water from her arms and splashed it on Lin Kai's face without hesitation.

Seeing that the water was about to pour on Lin Kai's face, he did not dodge and scared the woman.

"Oh, you get away from me!" The woman stamped her feet anxiously, trying to pull him apart.

Without waiting for him to get close to the water, he was pushed away.

Looking at this scene, Shen Yuexin apologized with some embarrassment: "that's really sorry, I thought you would avoid it!"

She ran out of the paper towel to wipe invisibility, but he dodged.

"Let's go."

Lin Kai is in a bad mood because she makes such a fuss. He has a black face. Anyone who looks at it will give up.

Because of this, Li Shengxian did not dare to disturb him.

It's getting deeper and deeper and night is falling.

Looking at the light outside the window, Lin Kai rubbed his brows.

"Lingo, let's go?" Li Shengxian looked at him carefully, for fear that he would be offended.

He didn't want to disturb him, but his father's phone call after call.

Without exception, they all asked when they came in.

"Let's go."

Lin Kai took a windbreaker and put it on, which made the whole person stand tall.

The night and the black windbreaker blend together. If you don't look carefully, you can't even see the figure of Lin Kai.

When they arrived at the Li family, the Li family, headed by Li Chengjia, had already been waiting at the door.

As soon as he saw them, Li Chengjia rushed to meet them: "Mr. Lin. You're here, that look. "

Li Chengjia's face is full of laughter. If this is seen by outsiders, he will definitely doubt it. Is this still the Li family master who killed decisively?

"If you have something to say, I don't have so much time to waste."

If it wasn't for Li Shengxian's face, he wouldn't have come here.

Li Haoxian on one side looked at Lin Kai, who was full of stars and full of joy. He hated his teeth.

"I will not let you go!" He secretly vowed in his heart and lowered his head to cover up the murderous intention in his eyes.

Lin Kai looked back at Li Haoxian and showed an intriguing smile.

"Mr. Li, what do you think of Li Shengxian?"

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