Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1077

This subtle reaction surprised Lin Qianqian. Lin Kai, what kind of person are you?

"Sir, if you don't have any other orders, I'll leave first."

Yin Shen bowed slightly and clasped his hands in a low voice.

Lin Kai nodded slightly. After hearing the command, Yin Shen disappeared in the ward.

Lin Qianqian stares at him, meaning hard to understand.

Is Lin really the man of his own?

"Thank you." She showed a bright smile and heartfelt thanks.

She is very clear about what a woman requires in this life. She is nothing more than a man, regardless of black and white, whether right or wrong, standing on your side.

Even if it is a big mistake, and the world for the enemy, he will not hesitate.

When you are wronged, he can do his best to help you get justice.


Maybe the best man in every woman's heart is more precious than prince charming.

The time has arrived at five o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun was setting and the sky was red.

It's a perfect picture.

Lin Kai came to her side, reached out his hand and stroked her head. He said gently, "you are still the same as before. There is not much change."

"Eat an orange."

Lin Qianqian personally opened the oranges and fed them to Lin's mouth.

Lin Kai's face was stiff.

Suddenly aware of their own behavior, some too ambiguous.

Immediately back, embarrassed way: "if let you misunderstand, I'm sorry."

He really just regards Lin Qianqian as his sister.

If the elder brother's identity, touching the head, showing intimacy, is also true normal.

But he was afraid of misunderstanding

This behavior, attitude, let Lin Qianqian heart a tight, her face dim down, low head.

I haven't spoken for a long time.

Her hands clenched, the orange has been pinched and burst, Shuiye splash.


"Don't you like me half

"Lin Kai, I'll tell you the truth, I like you."

Lin Qianqian's facial features are gloomy to the extreme. She raises her head and stares at Lin Kai with a strong attitude.

Lin kaislightly felt at a loss and was at a loss.

He doesn't know why.

Why did Lin Qianqian suddenly say such a thing?

Since ancient times, there have been dramas of heroes saving the United States. Some people may find it very old-fashioned.

But don't forget that beauty loves heroes.

Throughout the ages, how many beauties have accompanied the heroes?

Many people should understand the story of Diao Chan clearly.

At this moment, in Lin Qianqian's heart, Lin Kai is her hero, giving her the safest sense of security in the past 20 years.

"I like you."

Lin Qianqian held her head high, walked quickly out of the hospital bed, staring at the wooden face of Lin Kai, in a loud voice.

Her voice was strong and unquestionable.

No one knows how she's been through these years!

A person in a foreign country, a person to fight, a person to wander.

No one cares, no friends to say intimate words.

And no man can make her feel dependent.

Knowing Lin Kai, she never regretted or regretted anything in her life.

Finally, a hero of the world came to her side. In any case, she should seize the opportunity.

Make sure you get him!

Lin Kai squirmed his lips and was about to open his mouth.

Who knows, Lin Qianqian suddenly approaches, will he wall Dong on the wall, "you don't like me? Or do you think I'm not beautiful, or I'm not in good shape? "

"I have learned Sanda and practiced yoga. I will never let you down. I am proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I understand French, German, English and Mandarin."

"The only drawback is that I can't cook, but I can learn."

Lin opened his mouth and was speechless.

For the first time he saw others selling himself like this, he was also the first time that a girl made such a strong confession.

This kind of thing, he never thought about in his life.

I don't know. I came so fast.

"Sorry, I'm a little confused." Lin Kai couldn't resist and left the ward in a hurry.

Suddenly, Lin Qian didn't understand why he was a person.

Lin Qianqian returns to the bed.

The corner of the mouth outlined a smug smile.

I didn't expect that Lin Kai, who was so strong just now, has such an embarrassing side.

It seems?

No love experience?


With Lin Qianqian's beauty, plus her slender white, wrapped in black stockings, plump and symmetrical legs, and her figure is convex and backward.For any man, he would praise the most excellent creature.

In the case just now, it will certainly be thrown on the bed, mercilessly spoiled.

It can't be controlled at all.

But Linkai is not.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait for her Lin Qianqian to show up. Not long ago, the best product named Dong Shu had already knelt down and put her in full clothes.

Lin Kai stayed in the corridor for ten minutes, but still couldn't find a way to deal with Lin Qianqian.

So he turned and left, found a car and drove in the direction of the Li family.



At this time, the Li family, decorated with lanterns, were hanging couplets, carrying foreign wine and decorating the courtyard.

The atmosphere of the scene was extremely lively, and they were busy preparing for the banquet tomorrow.

When Linkai passed by.

People have changed color, and quickly bowed: "met Mr. Lin."

Such respect is not only the arrangement of Li Chengjia, but also the most real idea in their hearts.

After all, the young man in front of him was a madman who suppressed the whole Li family with one hand.

How dare they be disrespectful?

Lin Kai went around Li's house, but Li Shengxian and Li Haoxian couldn't find them. I don't know what to do.

Now, in addition to the servants of the Li family, the thirteen sons of the Li family and the Li Cheng family are all gone.

Listen to others say, seem to be to invite the East China Sea native rich, send invitation card.

Lin sighed and turned to return to his room.

I didn't think of it. Suddenly I heard a woman's voice.

The voice is charming and beautiful. Although the voice is relatively small, it is still caught by Lin Kai's ears.

He looked at the voice with a frown.

Isn't that the house where Li Haoxian's wife Wang Rong lives?

Then he stepped forward curiously and opened the door gently.

Not two steps.

Wang Rong, who has a hot figure and beautiful facial features, is lying in bed, with her eyes closed and her passion rewarded.

The more loud the voice is, the more unrestrained.

In a flash, Lin Kai's face was flushed and his heart was broken. How could he encounter such a thing?

The strangest thing is, why did she do it?

Can't Li Haoxian satisfy her if she doesn't pay public food at night?

Lin Kai quickly turned around and wanted to run away.

However, Wang Rong opened her eyes and saw Lin Kai. She said, "don't go, brother..."

Lin Kai's whole body is stiff, quickens the pace to go.

Where to think that Wang Rong is faster than him, galloping and holding him.

“……” Lin Kaiman has a black line in his brain.

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