Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1070

Although Lin Kai has no deep feelings for Lin Qianqian.

But in the final analysis, Lin Qianqian is still his friend.

Even more frightening, Lin Qianqian plays an important role in the investigation of Lei Yuan group. In any case, he will intervene in this matter!

"You are so stupid."

Seeing her forced smile, afraid of her worry, she touched the softness of Lin Kai's heart.

He put his arm around Lin Qianqian's head and held it tightly.

"Brother Lin, people are really aggrieved. Qianqian doesn't understand why it is so difficult to live in this world."

"I didn't do anything wrong. Why do people always come up and say that I'm wrong? Is it possible to turn black and white with great power?"

Lin Qianqian is no longer strong, lying in Lin Kai's arms, crying her body constantly.

"Do you know, brother Lin, I have lived so much that I have never seen anyone who is better to me than brother Lin!"

"That's why people are very impressed with you. That's why I've been looking for you for years. That's why I gave you a gift."

Lin Kaimo kept silent and just hugged her.

God knows how Lin Qianqian came here alone for so many years.

How many grievances does Lin Qian know?

Behind each person's scenery, there is an unacceptable sad process.

It's just

Many people can't see it. They don't want to see it. They can only see the awe of each other. That's all.

The world has always been, only look at the results, not the process!

Lin kaishen knows this!

"I'll take you to the hospital, take care of yourself, don't be silly."

Linkai took her bag with her, took out the key from it, started Ferrari and roared towards the central hospital.



In the ward, there was a vast expanse of white.

There are fragrant white flowers at the head of the bed, and the walls are painted with white paint.

And white bedding, white beds.

Lin Qianqian lies in the hospital bed and sleeps in the past, her eyes are still crystal clear tears, she has been greatly aggrieved today.

Lin Kai sits aside with a diagnosis from the hospital in his hand.

Fortunately, Lin Qianqian didn't get much damage, just a little skin injury, just need to rest for a period of time.

Looking out the window at the vast night.

Lin Kai stood up, his hands were negative, and his eyes were full of a strong and lofty spirit.

"My subordinates have found out the cause and effect of Lin Qianqian's affair. This is the detailed process. Please have a look at it!"

All of a sudden.

The hidden God appeared behind Lin Kai without warning, bowing 90 degrees and presenting the documents with both hands.

Lin Kai held out his long white palm and read it.

"Ha ha..."

"What a Shen family. They have been in the East China Sea for 50 years and are rich in assets. They are not ashamed to bully a little girl like this?"

Lin Kai's eyes flashed a touch of cold, if the match is even.

But in doing so, he is completely bullying the weak, and there is no shame at all!

How can you live up to the name of the Shen family?

"One more thing. Why did he Zun call me the mountain Lord today? I don't have any impression of him, and I'm not the master of the mountain. "

Lin Kai thought of what happened in the hotel, so he asked.

"It may be a slip of the tongue, or you may be the Deputy mountain master, but I'm afraid that you will not be happy and kill him."

The hermit answered respectfully.

Lin Kai just smile, think carefully is also, in that case, the other party has been scared silly.

How can you still make such fatal mistakes in the workplace?

What's more, Lin Kai, the vice leader of the mountain, was promoted temporarily in order to make yingmen feel that he has a position in Jiulong Mountain.

"Get ready. Tomorrow I will visit the Shen family in person and bring back a lot of what Lin Qianqian has lost!"

Lin Kai took out a lighter from his pocket, and then quickly burned the document.

"I understand."

Yin Shen nodded heavily and then disappeared in the ward.

The sky is getting brighter.

The sun rises in the East.

The blazing sun, once again, spreads all over the earth.

When Lin Qianqian wakes up from her dream, she slowly opens her eyes and sees Lin Kai's face with a smile of embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry. I worried you all night, didn't you sleep?"

She was slightly distressed, for Lin Kai's eyes were red and bloodshot, and it was obvious that she had not slept all night.

"We are friends." Lin Kai waved his hand without too much explanation.The implication of this is that we are friends, and we should do all these things without being polite.

"Then you should have a rest. I don't have a big deal." Lin Qianqian's heart is soft and her heart is moving.

In her life, she is really poor for such a gentle and considerate man to guard herself.

In my mind, I can't help but think of how happy it would be if I married Lin Kai.

Lin Kai didn't know what the other party was thinking.

He waved his hand and said, "I still have something to do today. I'll go back to have a rest at night. It's OK."

He stayed in the barracks all year round, sometimes on duty, but he didn't sleep for days and nights.

For him, it was just a drizzle. Zhang Fei ate bean sprouts and was a piece of cake.

"Well, well."

After that, she was again interested and asked, "where do you work? What are you going to do? "

Lin Qianqian thinks that if Lin Kai's life is more difficult, he can work in his own company.

You can see brother Lin every day.

"Help some silly girl to get justice." Lin made a smile and said half jokingly.

Who is Lin Qianqian?

I've been living in society for so many years. I'm absolutely an individual.

Immediately exclaimed, "I don't allow you to go. Why do you want to help me? Are you out of you mind? Do you know who the other person is? What can you do for me? "

It's like the cat's tail is all over her.

"No, I've come here on behalf of Miss Shen."

Suddenly, the door was kicked open with foot gravity.

I saw a young man with yellow hair and Earrings coming from the door with a bad smile on his mouth.

"If the information is correct, this lady is Lin Qianqian, Miss Lin?"

The youth, whose real name is He Jun, has a document in his hand and asks politely.

Although he is dressed like a hooligan, he looks really handsome, just like the star idol on TV, little fresh meat.

She has a gentle temperament and high accomplishment.

"It's me." Lin Qianqian heart a tight, there is a bad premonition from the heart.

What does that mean?

Why would someone come here?

"Ask Miss Lin to sign the document. Don't make it difficult for me." He Jun pulls out a pen and hands it to Lin Qianqian with the document.

Lin Qianqian is a little confused.

But after seeing the contents of the document, his face suddenly became gloomy to the extreme.

That document is a transfer!

As long as Lin Qianqian signs her company, the law will come into effect and be handed over to Shen Moli.

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