Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1044

Ask the whole city of Donghai and the whole border.

In the antique circle, who can have such a strong ability to identify treasures?

Just a glance, you can see what's inside?!

Lin Kai is the only one in China!

For them, it is no longer important why he Shi Bi was contained in bronzes.

What's important is that Lin Kai won, and won completely!

"Brother Lin, you are so good!" Li Shengxian's eyes widened and exclaimed in surprise.

He was really shocked today.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Lin Kai didn't say much. After finishing this sentence, he Shi Bi was put away and walked towards the door in a big stride.

Li Shengxian excitedly follows Lin Kai and keeps talking. Lin Kai doesn't respond to a word.

Watching the two people leave.

Li Longxian slapped the president of Chu's face: "are you special? Is it not a guarantee? Can't it be He Shi Bi? What do you guarantee now? "

President Chu's face turned red and white. He was humiliated and slapped by a stinky driver.

But a retort could not be said.

After all, he is the fault. This mistake will make Li Longxian lose a lot of things.

It's not surprising to turn against him.

But, the most exasperating thing, the culprit Lin Kai, smilingly, swaggered away from their eyes.

They were so depressed that they almost vomited blood



After leaving, Lin Kai and Li Shengxian parted ways.

He's Bi jade seal will be kept by Lin Kai, and will be handed over to Li Shengxian when his father comes back tomorrow.

After all, it's too expensive to be sloppy.

Once there is a bit of slip, the lost is priceless!

After parting with Li Shengxian.

Linkai came to the place where he had an appointment with the hidden God.

In front of us is an extremely dense bamboo forest.

A gust of strong wind blowing through, boundless bleak bamboo leaves, fell on the shoulders of the forest.

"Step on it."

With the sound of footsteps, Yin Shen appeared in front of Lin Kai.

Lin opened his left hand pocket, his right hand picked up a bamboo leaf, and his eyelids drooped: "what should I report?"

"Boss, do you remember the killer who killed you last time?"

The hermit God bowed 90 degrees, folded his hands in front of him, and inquired respectfully.


Lin Kaiwei's squinting eyes flashed a touch of cold, and he did not open his mouth.

Instead, he raised his finger and motioned to the hidden God to continue.

"Someone is troubling his family, so I'm here to inform you." The voice of Hidden Dragon gradually became cold.

Lin Kai stroked the bamboo and chuckled, "I'm very brave..."

"I'm also very good at looking for death!"

In the second half of the sentence, the stiff bamboo burst in an instant, and then collapsed, setting off a burst of bamboo leaves.

He still had a slight smile on his face, but it was just like a smile in the spring breeze.

It's frightening!

Who died of Yin long?

Because he died of Linkai!

If Canglong doesn't die, Lin doesn't need him to do it, but he's dead

"Spare the car."

Lin Kai shook his wrist, and his eyes were cold.

After they got on the car, Yinshen sat in the driver's seat and left in a direction!

In the car, Yin Shen gives Lin Kai a detailed account of the causes and consequences.

It turns out that after Canglong's death, all the enemies who had offended him before his death all came to him and made trouble to his family.

"Speed up and get to the destination as soon as possible."

Lin opened to play the ash, staring out the window, a touch of cold kill, such as the general cold wave hit!

The temperature in the car is approaching freezing point.

The hidden God could not help but shiver.



Donghai City, diguan village.

The door of a mansion is open, and the bleak wind blows, setting off countless white silk.

White smoke came out of the hall and rose into the sky.

At the door, standing a beautiful girl, she was wearing a white mourning dress, eyes hanging crystal tears.

It was obvious that her father's death had dealt a heavy blow to her.

The girl, whose real name is Chen Qu, is Canglong's own daughter.

At this time, a lady in a bright red dress, followed by a 20-year-old youth, quickly walked over.

"Mom, I'm in love with this woman."

The youth, whose real name is Zhang Chen, has a sinister look, like a poisonous snake. His eyes are fixed on Chen Qu in an instant.

Chen Qu's facial features are not amazing, but very fresh, very refined.

In particular, her newly developed body, although not full, can also be regarded as forward convex and backward warped.It is a kind of white clothes.

The lady named an jiejie, smelling the speech, put her eyes on Chen Qu and looked at her carefully. Then she put a smile on her mouth.

"Yes, I am qualified to be my son's servant."

She said briefly.

The word "servant" is not as simple as a servant in Zhangjia, but absolutely manipulates and obeys the master's orders.

Zhang Chen had no father since he was a child, so his character is strange, and his character is extremely cruel.

In addition to the power of the family, the mother has always been satisfied with his request, not refused.

Zhang Chen's character has been seriously divorced from the track of normal people.

But an Jie Jie to its, still indulge have add.

"Your father is dead?" An jiejie walks forward, a pair of eyes staring at Chen Qu, very fierce, just like a wolf who chooses people to eat.

"Yes, yes, auntie." Chen Qu stepped back a little nervously.

"Since your father is dead, you will live in my Chen family after you have no one to care about or ask."

"It can't be refused or discussed. It's an order!"

"Do you understand?"

An jiejie's tone is very cold, her eyes are also very cold.

"From now on, you will be my woman." Zhang Chen took a step forward and licked his lips with his tongue, and then he laughed.

Chen Qu swallowed his saliva nervously and didn't dare to speak.

"Let's go and see if the dog is dead or not." Annie Jie finished, regardless of others, walked toward the center of the hall of the spirit.

Zhang Chen has been staring at Chen Qu, just like looking at his own plaything.

Chen Qu did not know what to do.

A car, straight into the courtyard.

Then a pair of black Martin boots stepped out of the car.

"She is Canglong's daughter." The hidden God whispered.

Lin Kai straightened his lower cuffs and walked forward quickly. He came to Chen Qu and said with a smile, "are you Chen Qu?"

"Brother, are you?" Chen Qu blinked, puzzled.

"I'm Lin Kai, your father's best friend."

Before Lin Kai finished speaking, Zhang Chen suddenly stepped forward and stared at Lin Kai with a grim smile: "don't, leave me, women are too close!"

He was a word for word, biting his teeth, and full of murderous intent.

Lin Kai still smiles, showing two rows of snow-white teeth, "is he your boyfriend?"

"I don't know." Chen qutou shakes like a rattle.

"What a big dog gall. Since I said it, you are. You have no right to choose. Do you understand me, cheap maid?"

Zhang Chen suddenly burst out and stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Qu's neck.

Linkai snapped his finger.


Yin Shen rushes to Zhang Chen with a kind of rapid, cruel slap, and instantly hits Zhang Chen's face.

"Go away!"

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