Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1040

At that time, Li Shengxian snorted and said, "hum! They can think what they want! I don't care

After that, Li Shengxian and Lin Kai went to see antiques.

Li Shengxian is not very proficient in antiques.

But he knows a truth, the more expensive the better!

At that time, Li Shengxian took Lin Kai to a bowl.

This bowl looks very old. This bowl is estimated to be thousands of years old.

And the price of this bowl is extremely expensive, 100 million!

Although Li Shengxian is a member of the Li family, he is the smallest one after all. The financial power is not in his hands at all. For him, it is the limit.

"Lin Kai, can you help me have a look at this bowl?" Li Shengxian asked.

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Lin Kaidang opened his golden pupil and looked at the bowl that Li Shengxian pointed to.

At that time, the bowl was exposed under Lin Kai's eyes.

Year, about a thousand years.

It is also made by folk kilns.

It's worth about eight million.

Lin Kai shook his head and said, "this bowl is not worth money."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Shengxian even planned to give up the bowl.

Although he didn't know whether Lin Kai understood antiques or not, he was his brother. He believed what his brother said.

"If you say it's not valuable, let's have a look at it for another antique."

As soon as Li Shengxian's words were finished, there was a sneer behind him.

"Ha ha ha, if you are poor, you are not worth it?"

Two people turn back, see Chu president a face disdainful looking at two people.

"Do you know anything about antiques? Not worth it? This bowl has a history of at least one thousand years! One hundred million is worth it

Chu president sneers.

After all, he is the president of the antiques club, and he has been very proficient in antiques.

After hearing a little driver say that a bowl worth 100 million yuan is not worth, he couldn't read it at that time.

"How dare a little driver say such things? Do you know anything about antiques

"This bowl has been identified by my hand. If you don't understand it, don't talk nonsense!"

Chairman Chu said coldly.

He didn't open Lin Kai in his eyes, he was scolding Lin Kai!

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he also laughed: "ha ha, you, the president of the antique club, are really a false name!"

Lin Kai is not afraid of the president of this antique club.


Chu president Wen Yan, is also angry.

He didn't expect that a little driver would dare to talk back!

In the whole city of Donghai, who can see himself and not give himself face? And this little driver, dare not to give his face, but also said that he is a false name!

At that time, chairman Chu was angry!

At this time, after listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Longxian was also angry.

But instead of scolding Lin Kai, he went to scold Li Shengxian.

"Thirteen, is this your driver? Is that the quality of your driver? It's true that there is no driver but a master

"Li Shengxian, no wonder you can't fight everywhere, big brother. What can you learn with such a person?"

At this time, Li Shengxian's face was black at that time.

He said angrily, "what kind of people do I have to do with you?"

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Li Longxian sneered: "ha ha, very good, Li Shengxian, you dare to talk to me like this now, right?"

"Are you the Li family now or the former Li family? Are you thirteen or the previous thirteen

"You're the most favored one

"But I tell you! The Li family is about to change! Father is old! He's going to rest! He's retiring! "

"In a few days, the whole Li family will be the big brother's world!"

"And I, the big brother's confidant! At that time, I can deal with you as much as I want! "

"I can make you a joke in Donghai city!"

Li Longxian's words are very rampant.

He told the thoughts of everyone in the Li family.

You, Li Shengxian, are going to die soon!

But Li Shengxian's face was very ugly.

Without Lin Kai's help, what Li Longxian said will come true in a few days!

But now, Li Shengxian is not afraid of him! Because of his side, Lin Kai!

"Ha ha, are you so sure that my elder brother is the successor of the Li family, not me?"

Li Shengxian squints at Li Longxian.

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Li Longxian seemed to have heard a very funny joke, and then he laughed."Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha

"How ridiculous

"Do you think you are the heir of the Li family?"

At this time, Li Longxian clapped president Chu's shoulder and laughed.

And Chu president's face, is also full of laughter.

"Li Shengxian, the whole Donghai City, who doesn't know you like Li Shengxian most? From small to large, you have never managed the big and small things in your family. You have been managing that broken ship in Jiangbei all the time

"In Donghai City, you have no contacts, and no one supports you. What are you going to fight with your elder brother?"

"Take your father's love for you?"

"Father dotes on you, but he is not a fool! Father knows who to hand over the Li family, and the Li family will become better! "

"So it's impossible for you to become the successor of the Li family."

Li Longxian spoke in a loud voice, which was heard by almost all the people on the sixth floor.

Lin Kai was a little impatient at this time. At that time, he pulled Li Shengxian's hand and said, "let's go, thirteen. Don't see the mad dog in the same way."

"Let's go to the seventh floor."

Hearing the speech, Li Shengxian glanced at Li Longxian and nodded.

At that time, they were walking towards the seventh floor together.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Longxian was stunned.

What the hell? The seventh floor? Do these two still want to go to the seventh floor?

"I'll go. You're a crazy driver! To the seventh floor? "

"I'm not qualified to go. You two are qualified?"

Li Longxian yelled at him behind his back.

Seeing this, the president of Chu also shook his head with a smile: "ha ha, these two young people really don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

"Let's go and have a look and see how the two of them got to the seventh floor!"

Even President Chu himself is not qualified to go to the seventh level. He doesn't believe that Li Shengxian and that smelly driver have such strength!

At that time, the two quickly ran after him to see how Lin Kai and Li Shengxian got to the seventh floor.

Before long, the two of them came to the stairway to see.

Li Longxian's face was full of ridicule: "ha ha, aren't you two going to the seventh floor? Go! I'd like to see how you two get up there

After listening to Li Longxian's words, Lin Kai smiles and takes out the token of the shadow door directly from his pocket and gives a glance in front of the security guards.

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