Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1033

Captain Feng trembled to open the certificate. After seeing Lin Kai's position, Captain Feng's hands trembled.

Lin Kai is actually a team leader!

He is quite clear about the classification of Jiulongshan.

At the lowest level is the cave owner.

The head of the cave is the leader.

Team leader up! Team leader!

The team leader will be the vice mountain master.

Lin Kai is actually a team leader! He's in charge of a hundred captains!

In Jiulong Mountain, Linkai's position is not low!

"It turned out to be captain Lin...."

Captain Feng returned the certificate to Lin Kai with both hands.

"Yes, Lin team..." Zhang Zhenjiang just wanted to continue with Captain Feng's words.

But then he found out something was wrong.

What? Captain Lin?

What, Captain Lin?

I saw that Captain Feng's face had changed completely. He just looked at Lin Kai with disgust.

Now he looked at Lin Kai with respect.

It seems that the man in front of him is his superior.

"Captain Feng, what captain?" Zhang Zhenjiang asked in a confused way.

"You don't understand. Captain Lin's identity is confidential!"

After listening to captain Feng's words, Zhang Zhenjiang was confused at that time.


What's the situation?

Is this young man in front of him? What's the reason?

Look at Lin Kai again. Lin Kai has been smiling at Zhang Zhenjiang. He is not afraid at all.

No wonder he is so confident, he has a layer of identity!

At that time, Zhang Zhenjiang's face became extremely ugly.

"Do you hear me? My identity, keep it secret Lin Kai said with a smile.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhang Zhenjiang was livid.

At this time, Li Shengxian on one side quietly raised his thumb to Linkai.

High! Lin Kai is really tall!

His brother, Li Shengxian, is more and more unable to see through.

At this time, I saw captain Feng directly saluted Lin: "Captain Lin, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize your identity just now."

Lin Kai smelled the speech, and with a smile, patted captain Feng on the shoulder and said, "it doesn't matter. You are the best policeman I've ever seen."

Even though Lin Kai is only in his early twenties, talking to captain Feng is like talking to the younger generation.

And captain Feng did not dare to be slighted.

This is the strength of Linkai!

Captain Feng nodded his head. Then, Captain Feng looked at Zhang Zhenjiang and said, "Captain Lin's identity is confidential. Please find a special department to investigate. That's it."

"Close up!"

After that, Captain Feng took more than a dozen people with him!

Come fast, go fast!


At this time, Zhang Zhenjiang gaped at captain Feng and left.

This result is beyond his expectation!

He didn't expect that even if captain Feng came, there was nothing he could do with Lin Kai. The background of this young man was so terrible!

Lin Kai looked at Zhang Zhenjiang with a smile and said, "ha ha, Zhang Zhenjiang, is this your means?"

"Is that how you avenge your son?"

"It's just so!"

"Want revenge? You have to be strong

"Don't blame me if you don't get another chance!"

After that, Lin Kai gave a cold smile, walked directly by Zhang Zhenjiang and sat in the Rolls Royce phantom.

Li Shengxian also got on the car, and then Lin started the car and left.

And Zhang Zhenjiang's face is extremely ugly.

Zhang was at a loss.

What about Jiang Zhen

Zhang asked.

Zhang Zhenjiang stood in situ for a long time. After a long time, Zhang Zhenjiang gave a cold hum: "hum! It seems that the boy has such an identity. "

"I can't let him go like this!"

"Even if I spend all my fortune, I will let him die!"

Zhang Zhenjiang's eyes were red when he spoke!

"Pay a high price to find the killer, find the ancient warrior! Kill him


On the other side, Lin Kai and Li Shengxian have returned to the Li family.

In Li Haoxian's room, with a bang, Li Haoxian smashed his fist on the table. His face was full of anger.

Let Li Shengxian bid for an impossible bid. Li Shengxian succeeded!

Let Li Shengxian buy a bar, and Li Shengxian succeeded again!

Let Li Shengxian talk about the contract, and Li Shengxian succeeded again!All kinds of failure, Li Shengxian!

Li Shengxian successfully demonstrated his strong strength in front of the Li family!

If I wait for my father to come back and see Li Shengxian perform so well, maybe the successor's identity will fall on Li Shengxian!

This makes Li Haoxian feel a great sense of crisis!


"Why did big star Zhou Ziqian sign with him? And it's free? "

Li Haoxian roared.

He doesn't understand!

One side of the Secretary shivered, she shook her head: "I don't know, and, Zhao Xi there is also no contact..."

Li Haoxian's eyes were red. He was staring at the ground and clenching his fist.

Father will be back soon!

I must find a way to solve this matter before my father comes back!

Don't let Li Shengxian show his good side in front of his father!

It seems that there is only one way left.

"Li Shengxian, Li Shengxian, I didn't want to use this skill because of my brother's affection."

"But you forced me

At this time, Li Haoxian took out his mobile phone, found a long time no contact phone number, called the past.


At this time, in Lin Kai's room, Lin Kaiqiao is sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

And he that stood before him was the hidden God.

Yin Shen bowed his head and said, "boss, Li Haoxian made a phone call and sent a killer to kill Li Shengxian."

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai nodded.

Lin Kai had long thought that Li Haoxian was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he always sent Yin Shen to stare at him.

Sure enough, repeated frame up failed, Li Haoxian will kill his own brother directly!

"What a cruel Li Haoxian Lin Kai touched his chin and narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, Lin Kai wanted to kill Li Haoxian, but he knew that Li Haoxian was Li Shengxian's elder brother. He had no reason to intervene in the affairs of the Li family.

But Li Shengxian is his brother. Naturally, Lin Kai will not see his brother in danger.

Immediately, Lin Kai took a look at Yin Shen and said, "Xiao Yin, it's hard. Recently, you are responsible for protecting Li Shengxian's safety."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Yin Shen looked at Lin Kai with a worried face and asked, "boss, what about you?"

Lin Kai smiles and says, "ha ha, don't worry about me. The one who can kill me has not been born."


Since Lin Kai had already spoken, Yin Shen did not dare to refuse.

At that time, Yin Shen's body gradually disappeared in the air, and he went to protect Li Shengxian.

Lin Kai narrowed his eyes and hummed a tune. He took out his mobile phone and opened a king pesticide silently.


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