Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1030

"It's me." Lin Kai light way.

After hearing the voice of Lin Kai, Wang Zhentian over the phone is still very excited.

After all, Lin Kai can be said to be his second parents. After all, it was Lin Kai who helped him in his most difficult time.

"Does our company have a vice president named Zhao Qian? There is also an artist named Li Shaohan? "

Asked Lin Kai.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Wang Zhentian on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and immediately answered, "yes, chairman, what's wrong with them?"

Lin Kai said directly: "I accompany the thirteen young boys of the Li family in Donghai to sign the contract. Zhao Qian is sitting on the ground to raise the price. Li Shaohan originally only needs 10 million endorsement fees. Now they want 100 million yuan! Zhao Xi is interfering in the Li family's internal struggle! "

"Li Shaohan's attitude is extremely arrogant!"

"What should you do with these two men?"

Lin Kai's voice is very cold. Wang Zhentian can hear it. Now Lin Kai is very angry!

Wang Zhentian is a veteran in the workplace. He knows what he should do now.

"I know!"

"I'll fire Zhao Qian right now! Get her out of the company! "

"Besides, I will ban Li Shaohan completely!"

"It's hidden in the company. Do you think it's satisfying?"

After listening to Wang Zhentian's words, Lin Kai nodded with satisfaction: "yes, that's it!"

After that, Lin Kai hung up the phone.

After the phone hung up, the two women were looking at Lin Kai with a mockery on their faces.

"What? What did Mr. Wang say? " Zhao Xi asked with a sneering face.

She didn't believe that Lin Kai called Wang Zhentian!

Lin Kai said faintly: "you have been expelled, and she has been blocked by snow."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the second daughter burst into a burst of laughter.

Li Shaohan laughs. It's a big joke!

You want to block her?

You know, it's a disaster for artists to stop snow storage!

Before signing a contract with artists, the company always signs contracts for many years. For example, Li Shaohan signed a contract for 20 years.

If she is hidden, then she will not get any resources and exposure. She has no way to develop in other companies. If she goes, she will be in breach of contract!

With the ban, it can be said that it destroyed the future of an artist!

She doesn't believe that Lin Kai has that strength! Because she knows that blocking and hiding herself will cost the company a lot of money!

Li Shaohan didn't believe it, and Zhao Xi didn't believe it even more.

I and Wang Zhentian are old classmates! And Wang Zhentian is aware of his ability, Wang Zhentian can't fire himself!

Lin Kai doesn't have that much face!

Besides, judging from the poor level of Lin Kai, he should be a runner under Li Shengxian. Does he have such strength?

The second daughter does not believe that Lin Kai has such strength!

Li Shengxian's expression is also quite complicated. He takes a look at Lin Kai. At this time, he doesn't know whether Lin Kai is bragging or there is such a thing.

At this time, a telephone ring rings, the phone on the desk suddenly rings.

Zhao Qian took a look and her expression changed at that time.

Because the phone call is Wang Zhentian!

What a coincidence? Lin Kai there just hung up the phone, Wang Zhentian called here?

After Li Shaohan saw the phone, the smile on his face also disappeared.

"Mr. Zhao, it's Mr. Wang." Li Shaohan looks a little ugly.

Zhao Xiping recovered her mood and said with a smile, "it must be Mr. Wang who has something to do with me. Do you believe he has such strength?"

After listening to Zhao Qian's words, Li Shaohan was also relieved.

Yeah! Li Shengxian's errand runner can have such strength?

Zhao Qian answered the phone directly and pressed hands-free.

"Hello? Mr. Wang? "

After the call was put through, Wang Zhentian's roar came over the phone: "Zhao Qian! Who the hell have you provoked? "

Wang Zhentian roared at the same time, and Zhao Qian was confused at that time.

Who has provoked yourself?

Did you provoke Lin Kai?

Is it Lin Kai?

Zhao Qian glanced at Lin Kai and her face changed. Her foreboding became more intense.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Qian asked cautiously.

"What the hell are you asking?"

"From now on, you're fired!"

Wang Zhentian roared.

After listening to Wang Zhentian's words, Zhao Qian was confused at that time.

Was he fired? This is a job with annual salary of over ten million! Is that how you got fired?Zhao Qian couldn't accept the result for a moment.

"Mr. Wang, why? My ability is obvious to all! " Zhao Xi felt that she was very eager.

Wang Zhentian sighed and said, "well, don't you understand? You have offended the wrong people! "

After listening to Wang Zhentian's words, Zhao Qian's heart cluttered.

Don't offend people? This man is Lin Kai? Is it the young man in front of him?

Zhao qian can't believe it!

"The chairman of the board called me just now, and I promised the chairman that you were fired!"


Zhao Qian is totally confused.

Is Lin Kai really the chairman of the board?

"Mr. Wang, aren't you the chairman of the company?" Zhao Qian's voice trembled.

Wang Zhentian replied: "I am not the chairman of the board! The chairman of the board is a shopkeeper, but I am just a part-time worker! "

After listening to Wang Zhentian's words, Zhao Qian is like a thunderbolt!

The young man standing in front of him is really the chairman of the board!

He didn't brag just now!

At the thought of what she had done in front of the chairman just now, Zhao Qian was a burst of regret.

All that I have is donated by others! My desk, my company and my luxury car are all from others!

And I, just now I was so proud in front of him!

Isn't that or you?

Li Shaohan's face also changed dramatically.

She couldn't accept the result.

"What's more, there's a man named Li Shaohan in the company, right? Tell her she's blocked and snowed

Wang Zhentian said and hung up the phone directly.

"Dudu Dudu..."

Listening to the voice of the phone being hung up, the office became quiet for a moment.

The sound of a pin falling on the ground can be heard in a quiet face.

Lin Kaiqiao with his legs, smiling at the two people in front of them.

This is what he wants!

Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai with a face of worship.

Lin Kai is his idol! Li Shengxian never thought that even the gale entertainment company was owned by his brother!

My brother is a big man!

Zhao Qian's face was dead gray.

"Chairman, I...."

Zhao Xi also wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Kai: "you don't have to say."

Lin Kai directly put out his hand to stop her: "I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't cherish it. You have been fired!"

Lin Kai's voice is very heartless.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhao Qian was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, she even has the heart of suicide!

Damn Li Haoxian! You let me offend my boss! Since you make me feel bad, I don't let you suffer!

In fact, Zhao Xi understands that Li Haoxian certainly does not know Lin Kai's identity, otherwise he would not let her do so.

But at this time, Zhao qian can't get rid of Lin Kai, so she can only spread her anger on Li Haoxian.

She decided not to tell Li Haoxian the truth of the matter. She wanted Li Haoxian to offend Lin Kai too!

I'm not good, and you're not!

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