Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1023

Shao Xin's face is also a piece of iron green.

At this time, everyone looked at him.

Just now, he Shaoxin patted his chest and said that he was a good friend of Zhang Ji. If he chose to sit back and ignore it, his reputation would be ruined.

Besides, isn't it just a little driver?

Shao Xin snorted coldly and stood up: "Linkai!"

"Don't make trouble here! Get out of here

"If you have to be stubborn, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Shao Xin's reprimand sounded.

Shao Xin's words in Lin Kai's ears were just jokes. Lin Kai laughed at that time.

"Ha ha, Shao Xin, if you don't want to die, just sit down for me!"

Lin Kai's eyes are full of scorn.

Even Shao Xin is not in his eyes!

Shao Xin heard the speech and was livid.


Thousands of people were watching Shao Xin!

If he Shaoxin can't even deal with a small driver today, then what Shao family master should he be?

"Good! Since you are stubborn! Then don't blame me for being rude! "

After that, Shao Xin took out his mobile phone directly and made a call.

Soon after, the phone was dialed.

"Hello? Tiger brother? It's me, Shao Xin. "

"I'm in a bit of trouble. Can you come here?"

"It's in Juxian villa."

"OK, thank you very much

After that, Shao Xin hung up the phone.

"Brother tiger?" Zhang Ji asked curiously, "is it Xu Wenhu?"

Shao Xin nodded and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "yes, it's him!"

After listening to Shao Xin's words, a burst of exclamations rang out around him.

Shao Xin is indeed Shao Xin! Even brother tiger can move!

Tiger brother is a famous cruel role in Donghai city. When Tiger comes, Lin Kai will die!

With Shao Xin's support, Zhang Ji's waist is also hard.

Zhang Jizhi looked at Lin Kai with high spirit and said: "Lin Kai! Brother tiger is coming soon. If you kneel down and beg me now, I may let Shao Shao get away with it. "

"Otherwise, when brother Tiger comes, it's too late to say anything!"

Facing Zhang Ji's threat, Lin Kai just took a look at his watch.

"You have a minute left." Lin Kai light way.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, everyone's faces changed.

It turned out that he did not put Shao Xin in his eyes at all! Shao Xin's words, he did not listen to a word!

How crazy!

Shao Xin's eyes are full of coldness.

But he knew that before long, Lin Kai would kneel down in front of him and beg him!

More than people? Who is the big man in Donghai city? There are more people with tiger brother?

Zhang Zhenjiang back hand, came to Zhang Ji in front of, protect Zhang Ji.

"Don't be afraid, son. I'm here today. I want to see who can move my son!"

Zhang Zhenjiang's words are full of domineering!

At this time, Lin Kai looked at his watch and said, "it's time."

"Zhang Ji, give me your last words."

Lin Kai said faintly.

There is no doubt about the tone.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Zhang Ji was furious. There were so many people behind him. Would Lin Kai really dare to kill him?

"I'll tell your mother's last words! I think it's you who are damned today

Zhang Ji's words had just been said, and the chill in Lin Kai's eyes flashed by.

At that time, Lin Kai waved and said, "kill!"

Lin Kai a word, he immediately walked out of two people in black, two people in black without saying a word, went directly to Zhang Ji!

And Zhang Ji can't help but retreat two steps.

"Come on! Protect me Zhang Ji roared.

The 30 bodyguards he invited also protected Zhang Wei.

However, in front of the ancient warriors, ordinary people are really too vulnerable.

I saw two men in black running up, directly rushed to the crowd! These are two martial arts masters!

At that time, the crowd only heard a burst of wailing sound, did not know what happened, had fallen all over the ground!

Thirty bodyguards, all down! In less than three seconds!

At this time, two shadow gate disciples have come to Zhang Ji, and Zhang Ji's eyes are full of panic!

There was no emotion in the eyes of the two men in black. One pulled out the dagger from his waist, and without saying a word, he scratched it directly at Zhang Ji's neck!


A stream of blood gushed out!

Zhang Ji covered his neck and widened his eyes.He didn't expect that Lin Kai's people really started!

And the strength is so strong!

Death has come so fast, so suddenly!

Zhang Ji couldn't accept the result for a while.

Feeling the sharp pain on his neck, Zhang Ji understood at this time that Lin Kai was not joking. He really came to see him on the road today!


Zhang Ji knelt on the ground.

Blood ran down his neck.


He wanted to say something, but when he spoke, he would only let more blood gush out.

The two men in black wiped their daggers and strode back to Lin Kai after they had killed them.

At this time, the scene is as silent as death.


Lin Kai killed Zhang Ji in front of thousands of powerful people!

Zhang Zhenjiang's body trembled slightly. He looked at Zhang Ji, who was about to die. His eyes were almost red!

This is his only son!


Zhang called out and hugged Zhang Ji.

And Zhang Jiyan is dying!

Shao Xin, on one side, is also staring at this scene.

Lin Kai is so terrible!

The last time I shot two security guards in front of him! Now he killed Zhang Ji in front of him!

He doesn't take human life seriously at all!

Is this man a devil?

Shao Xin is stupid.

He couldn't believe the scene!

Lin Kai glanced at Zhang Ji's body and shook his head: "I said so long ago. Today I will send you into the coffin, but you just don't believe it!"

Lin Kai took a photo of the mahogany coffin on one side and said to Zhang Ji, who was about to die, "this coffin is made of high-quality Phoebe wood. We have a good journey."

Lin Kai's indifferent voice came into everyone's ears.

His voice, let a person shudder!

This man is a devil who kills people without blinking an eye!

"Linkai! I want you to kill for your life! I want you to bury my son! "

Zhang Zhenjiang roared at this time!

He was very angry!

Today is his son's birthday. It was originally a good day for Zhang Ji, but it was made a memorial day by Lin Kai!

He can't bear it!

Smell speech, Lin Kai embrace arm also smile.

"Ha ha, old man, live a few more days if you can."

"Don't provoke me, or your son's fate will be yours!"

Lin Kai's voice was clearly introduced into Zhang Zhenjiang's ears.

Arrogant! It's too arrogant!

But at this time, a burst of foot step sound suddenly sounded!

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