Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1020

After Zhang Ji finished this sentence, he looked at Lin Kai with contempt.

Lin Kai smiles and says, "ha ha, OK."

Zhang Ji smell speech, rolled a white eye, a step on the accelerator, straight away!

Lin Kai looked at Zhang Ji's unrestrained departure, and a chill flashed through his eyes.

All people who want him to die, Linkai will not make him feel better!

No matter who he is, no matter how deep his background is!

At this point, Lin Kai took out his mobile phone, silently edited out a text message, and then chose to send.

Then, Lin drove into the Rolls Royce phantom and drove away from the door of leiyuan group.


Before long, Lin Kai returned to the Li family.

In Li Shengxian's room, Lin is cocking his legs and drinking coffee. He doesn't look like a driver. Instead, he looks like the owner of the manor.

Not far away Li Shengxian is also looking at Lin Kai helplessly.

Linkai has been in his room for three hours.

"Tomorrow is Zhang Ji's birthday. He will have a birthday party."

Lin Kai said suddenly.

Hearing this, Li Shengxian was stunned and said, "it's his birthday. What's the matter? I won't go if I don't deal with him. "

Lin Kai smelled the speech and said with a smile, "ha ha, no, you must go."

"Why?" Li Shengxian was puzzled and asked.

"Courtesy must come. After all, tomorrow is the day of his death." After that, Lin Kai raised his head, and a cold light flashed through his eyes.

After seeing Lin Kai's eyes like this, Li Shengxian suddenly realized.

At the same time, he felt sad for Zhang Ji in his heart. Who should you offend? Do you have to offend Lin Kai?

"Well, I'll go." Li Shengxian nodded and agreed.


In a flash of time, soon, the next day came.

Juxian villa is a large local entertainment club in Donghai city.

It is a high-end entertainment club in Donghai city.

Today, Juxian villa has been contracted, and the person who has contracted it is Zhang Ji.

At the gate of the villa, there are four doormen, and there are often luxury cars entering the villa.

In the villa, it is very lively. The parking lot is full of luxury cars, and the hall is full of people who come to celebrate Zhang Ji's birthday.

Zhang Ji is also known as a dandy in Donghai City, and has a wide range of contacts. Today, there are thousands of people who just come to celebrate his birthday.

Zhang Ji is standing in front of the hall of Juxian villa.

Today, Zhang Ji was wearing a white suit with a smile on his face. He stood at the door to greet every guest who came to celebrate his birthday.

Behind him, the gifts were piled up like hills.

If you can observe carefully, you can find that the security of Juxian villa is extremely strict!

Although Zhang Ji doesn't open Lin in his eyes, Zhang Ji's heart is shaking at the thought of Lin Kai shooting security guards.

So he invited a security team from the security company today.

There are thirty of them!

With these 30 people, Zhang Ji is not afraid of him! If Lin Kai doesn't come, it's OK. If he does, he will definitely let him come back and never come back!


On the other side, Lin Kai put on a black suit after washing and went out the door.

Soon, Linkai came to the back garden of the manor.

At this time, a man in black had been waiting for the forest to open in the back garden.

This is an ancient warrior at the level of a martial arts master. He is wearing a strong black suit with a shadow character embroidered on his chest. The visitor is a helmsman of the shadow gate!

Lin Kai is the hall leader.

"See the Lord!"

As soon as he saw Lin Kai, the man in black knelt down to him.

Shadow gate has power in every place in China, including Donghai city. Lin Kai transferred the shadow gate disciples from Donghai city at the command of Lin Kai.

"Are you all here, brothers?"

Asked Linkai.

The helmsman nodded heavily and said, "one hundred people are all here!"

"OK, buy me a coffin, another bell, and then go to Juxian villa." Lin Kai ordered.


The shadow gate disciple agreed directly.

Linkai nodded and went back to the castle from the back garden.

By this time, Li Shengxian was dressed up.

Li Shengxian was dressed in a Black Tuxedo Suit with bright hair. He was still very handsome.

After seeing Lin Kai, Li Shengxian's eyes lit up and said, "how about Lin Kai? Am I handsome? "

Smell speech, Lin Kai smiles to nod: "handsome.""Look, this is my present for Zhang Ji!"

After that, Li Shengxian took out a red gift box. In the red gift box, there was a famous Patek Philippe watch worth one million yuan.

"Anyway, today is his last day in the world. I'll be more generous. He can take this watch to the underworld."

After listening to his words, Lin Kai also laughed.

At that time, Lin Kai opened Li Shengxian's Rolls Royce and drove directly to Juxian villa with Li Shengxian.


In Juxian villa, it was already overcrowded.

In the hall, it is very lively, people come and go.

All the people who come to Zhang Ji's birthday party today are celebrities in Donghai city.

The reason why they came to Zhang Ji's birthday party is to celebrate Zhang Ji's birthday and to expand their contacts here.

This is also the reason for Zhang Jida to hold a birthday party.

At the gate of the hall, Zhang Ji stood under the door to greet the guests who came to celebrate his birthday.

At this time, Zhang Ji's eyes lit up because there was a big man coming.

"Ouch! Shao Shao! Hope for the stars and the moon, you are here at last

Zhang Ji excitedly said.

Shao Xin, surrounded by a large number of young people, went to Zhang Ji.

Shao Xin's face, also showed a faint smile: "we are friends, today is your birthday, how can I not come?"

After listening to Shao Xin's words, Zhang Ji's face is also bright.

I am Shao Xin's friend!

At that time, several people around Zhang Ji's eyes have become different.

"Ha ha! Thank you for your support

Zhang Ji laughed.

Shao Xin took a gift box from the person behind him at this time, a rectangular gift box.

"Today is your birthday, and there's nothing to give you. This is a bottle of Romani conti that I've treasured for a long time. I'll give it to you today."

After listening to Shao Xin's words, all the people around him were in front of their eyes.

Romani conti, this is the top red wine!

Judging from the age of this bottle of wine, it should be around the 1980s.

This bottle of red wine is worth at least 300000!

Shao Xin is really generous!

At this time, Zhang Ji was also a little flattered. He took the wine box with both hands: "thank you shaoshaoshao! Shao Shao's gift is so expensive that I feel embarrassed to accept it! "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

There was a burst of laughter.

And Shao Xin's mouth, also raised a trace of complacent smile.

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