Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1018

Er Gouzi is dead, Xu Wenhu's confidant is dead!

The faces of all the people on the scene changed, and they could not help but step back and stay away from Lin Kai.

Xu Wenhu's face was also ugly.

As the underground emperor of Donghai City, he has not seen the dead, he has never seen such a strange way of death!

He didn't know how his men died!

It seems that there is an invisible person around us.

This makes Xu Wenhu very afraid of Lin Kai. It seems that the other party is not simple!

Lin opened his hands and put his bags in his pockets. He looked at Xu Wenhu's men and said, "who else would you like to die? Squeak, I'll satisfy you. "

After listening to Lin Kai's words, everyone was silent.

Everyone lowered their heads.

From the gas wall just now to the invisible man killing.

All of them revealed that Lin Kai was not an ordinary person, and there would be no good end against him!

Xu Wenhu looked at Lin Kai with fear and asked, "who are you?"

Lin Kai smiles and says, "ha ha, the one who can kill you!"

Lin Kai just said this sentence, and saw a cold flash, a dagger appeared out of thin air!

That's right. It's just out of thin air.

A dagger appeared directly on Xu Wenhu's neck! Close to Xu Wenhu's neck, as long as the dagger moves gently, Xu Wenhu will die on the spot!

Xu Wenhu's body became stiff after he noticed the dagger on his neck.

He did not dare to move, standing in place, the sweat of soybean size on his forehead had fallen down.

"Now if I say a word, you can die." Lin Kai said with a smile.

Lin Kai's smile, in Xu Wenhu's eyes, is like a devil's smile!

Xu Wenhu's subordinates are also flustered, standing in situ at a loss.

"Let your men out first." Lin Kai light way.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Xu Wenhu did not dare to refute. He waved his hand and said, "all go out! Don't come in without my order

After listening to Xu Wenhu's words, more than a dozen people looked at each other and queued out of Xu Wenhu's office.

At this time, Lin Kai found a sofa, sat down and cocked his legs.

The cameraman and the sound collector also looked at Xu Wenhu at a loss. They didn't know what to do!

At this time, Lin Kai raised his hand gently.

The dagger on Xu Wenhu's neck disappeared at that time.

Xu Wenhu is relieved. At the same time, he is afraid of Lin Kai. The other party is definitely a big man he can't afford!

"Give him the antidote." Lin Kai light way.

His words are orders, no doubt!

Xu Wenhu handed the antidote to Li Shengxian, who took the antidote and swallowed it.

His face turned red, which made him better.

"You like filming very much." Lin Kai smiles and looks at Xu Wenhu.

"You, go and serve him, you two, and record again!" Lin Kai took a look at the three people on one side and said coldly.

At this time, in Lin Kai's hand, there was a dark pistol spinning in his hand.

The beauty shivered all over her body. She did not dare to disobey Lin Kai's orders. She came to Xu Wenhu's side and hugged Xu Wenhu with fear on her face.

Then, the best beauty began to take off Xu Wenhu's clothes.

And Lin looked at it all with a smile.

At this time, Xu Wenhu also understood that the other side is to fight for a tooth!

Li Shengya doesn't want to shoot his own video!

Now Xu Wenhu, still unable to resist, resistance is death!

"Sir, this is a misunderstanding! Sir, say a word, how will this matter end? "

Xu Wenhu is worthy of being the underground emperor of Donghai city. Although he was nervous at this time, he was not flustered. He went straight to the theme and asked.

Lin Kai glanced at Xu Wenhu: "don't bullshit! Shoot first

But Lin Kai didn't give Xu Wenhu that chance.

Xu Wenhu was a man who wanted to cry without tears.

There is no way, in full view of the public, Xu Wenhu and the best beauty fell on the sofa.

The cameraman carried the camera and started recording.

Before long, the indecent picture appeared in front of Lin Kai, and Lin Kai looked at all this with great interest.

"Now I ask you, if you make a mistake, I have one less bullet in my gun. Do you know what I mean?" Lin Kai asked lightly.

Xu Wenhu nodded and said, "I I understand... "

"Who asked you to prescribe Li Shengxian?" Asked Linkai.

Xu Wenhu did not dare to conceal something, and said, "Li Haoxian."

"Why should you prescribe Li Shengxian?"Lin Kai continued.

And Xu Wenhu continued to reply: "because he felt that Li Shengxian was a threat to him, the leader of the Li family was about to choose his successor. Li Haoxian wanted to belittle Li Shengxian and make himself the second generation successor of the Li family."

Xu Wenhu said truthfully.

"What benefits did you receive from Li Haoxian?" Lin Kai continued.

This is a fatal problem!

Xu Wenhu will not help Li Haoxian for no reason. There must be some shady deals in private.

"He promised me a five percent stake in the Lee Group."

Xu Wenhu bit his teeth and said.

After listening to Xu Wenhu's words, Li Shengxian on one side hated that it was a gnashing of teeth.

"Seller thief!"

You know, the Li family is the richest family in China! Li's group has five percent of the shares, and there are several billion in a year!

Li Haoxian is really willing to get the position of successor!

"Is there any evidence that you and Li Haoxian have such an affair?" Lin Kai continued.

Lin Kai is not stupid. Now the gun is in his hand. It's just such a video that can't prove anything. Lin Kai needs evidence!

Proof of collusion between Li Haoxian and Xu Wenhu!

"In my mobile phone, there are There's a recording screen! "

Xu Wenhu said with sweat on his head.

The beauty under him is also sweating.

Lin Kai hears speech and picks up Xu Wenhu's mobile phone from the table.

It seems that Xu Wenhu is not stupid. He is afraid that Li Haoxian will go back on his word, so he intentionally recorded a segment of the screen during the video call.

Lin Kai quickly found the video. After finding the video, he put his mobile phone in front of the camera and recorded all this.

In the mobile phone, came the voice of Xu Wenhu and Li Haoxian.

"You can help me to prescribe Li Shengxian and try to make an indecent video of him."

"When it's done, I'll give you five points! Li's group! "

"Really? Li Haoxian, don't lie to me

"How could I lie to you? After I became the master of the Li family, I still need your support


At this time, Lin Kai threw his mobile phone on the sofa, and a funny smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, well, give me the memory card in the camera."

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