Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1009

With the sound of a sneer, two bodyguards moved their muscles and bones and walked towards the forest.

The other four bodyguards also stood not far away, holding their arms and sneering.

In their opinion, two people are enough to deal with Linkai!

But Lin Kai put his hands in his pockets, and his face was always with a faint smile.

"Get rid of them." Lin Kai said faintly.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, those bodyguards were stunned, and then their faces all showed a sneering smile.

"Boy, who are you talking to?"

Two bodyguards who came to Lin Kai laughed.

"I'm not long eyed. I dare to offend Mr. Zhang. Now we'll take the place of Mr. Zhang to hold your mouth!"

After that, the two bodyguards raised their right hands at the same time!

They're going to slap Linkai hard in the face!

But at this moment, two bangs!

The faces of both men changed! I saw that they covered their necks and their expression became ugly!

Someone seems to have pinched them by the neck!

Moreover, their bodies are slowly rising!

The other four bodyguards were dumbfounded when they saw this.

Because in their eyes, these two bodyguards are floating on their own! This scene is too terrible!

After a while, the two bodyguards turned red and almost out of breath!


They landed at the same time.

At this time, Lin Kai takes care of his tie and smiles at Li Shengxian.

"Oh, boss, please?" Li Shengxian looked at other places in the elevator, nodded and followed Lin Kai out of the elevator.

And the rest of the bodyguards, do not dare to stop!

When Lin Kai and Li Shengxian walked out of the elevator, a magical scene happened.

In the elevator, the button to close the elevator door is on itself!

Then the elevator door closed, bang! Bang! Bang!

Only a few bodyguards seem to be beaten up! I covered my body in the elevator.

And they can't see the people who beat them!

For a moment, blood was pouring out!

The security guard who checked the monitoring in the security room was stunned at that time. In the eyes of the security guard, the six bodyguards in the elevator seemed to be performing like they were being beaten!

And the performance is very real!

"Shit, are the blood bags ready?"

"Yes, I lost my teeth. The props are good."


Soon after, Lin Kai followed Li Shengxian to the gate of a conference room.

Today's bidding will be held in the conference room of Wanxin group.

Push open the door and they walk in.

In the stepped conference room, there are many celebrities.

Some of them are local bigwigs of Donghai City, some of them are senior officials of Donghai City, and many famous stars on TV are also on the scene.

Although Li Shengxian ranked 13th in the family, he was after all a member of the Li family. Li Shengxian took Lin Kai to the first row and sat down.

Those who can sit in the first row are those who have real strength in the East China Sea.

And Zhang Ji, sitting not far away.

Zhang Ji frowned when he saw the intact Lin driving in.

On the contrary, all his bodyguards disappeared.

Lin Kai smiles at Zhang Ji: "Oh, sorry to disappoint you."

Zhang Ji frowned and was silent. He looked at Li Shengxian more. In his opinion, this might be Li Shengxian's means.

After Li Shengxian's arrival, there were several business managers came to talk.

After all, Li Shengxian is the junior of the Li family. He is the vice president of Li's group. He is worthy of flattery.

After more than 20 minutes, there are more and more people in the conference room.

It was almost full.

Although the bidding was just a passing show, many people came. After all, they came to give the young master face.

"Shao Shao is here!"

With a cry, everyone looked back.

I saw two bodyguards coming in from the entrance. The two bodyguards opened the road, followed by a young man with high air.

Wearing a decent suit, hair seems to have been specially taken care of, very oily, face with a confident smile.

"Shao Xin, the only son of Wanxin group's boss, can also be said to be the successor of Wanxin group." Li Shengxian said in a quiet way.

As soon as Shao Xin appeared, all the people in the conference room stood up to show their respect.

The status of Shao family in Donghai is equal to that of Li family.

However, Shao Xin's status is much higher than that of the thirteen.

After all, the Li family has 13 children, and Shao Xin is the only one!With a smile on his face, Shao Xin strode to the first row and sat in the most eye-catching position.

At this time, Shao Xinduo took a look at Li Shengxian.

"Li Shengxian? Long time no see Shao Xin's eyes flashed a smile.

Li Shengxian nodded: "indeed, I haven't been in the East China Sea for several years."

"What? Can't Jiangbei get along? Come back to gnaw old? " Shao Xin laughs.

After listening to Shao Xin such ugly words, one side of Zhang Ji then laughed.

"Ha ha! Shao Shao, is this boy qualified to gnaw old? It's said that he made a big mess in the north of the river! "

"Lost ten thousand people on board!"

Shao Xin's face, with a sarcastic smile.

Li Shengxian looks ugly. He says, "Shao Shao, don't you have to be so targeted?"

And Shao Xin sat on the seat, cocked his legs, a face of arrogance.

"Do you know why your brother asked you to come?"

"Because you are a joke in your brother's eyes! Fight with me? Do you have that qualification? "

After that, Shao Xin shakes his head and smiles.

After listening to his words, Li Shengxian understood instantly.

It turns out that all this is arranged by his brother!

His brother has a good relationship with Shao Xin! The reason why he is invited to participate in the bidding is to wait to see his jokes!

His big brother is determined. He doesn't dare to compete! Even if he dares to compete, has he ever won Shao Xin?

At this time, the host of the bid came to the podium.

It was a middle-aged man in his forties, in a suit and a pair of golden glasses.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Panlong Bay bidding site!"

"Here, I would like to thank Mr. Shao Xin for providing the bidding venue."

As soon as the host's words came out, a burst of warm applause rang out!

"This time, we are bidding for the renovation and development right of laopanlongwan community. If the price is higher, the fund obtained from the bidding will be handed over to the government for charity. All the funds will be made public."

There was another round of applause.

"Well, don't talk much nonsense. The bidding starts now!"

"The base price is five hundred million yuan, and each increase shall not be less than 100000 yuan!"

Bidding officially begins!

As soon as the bidding started, someone raised the sign in their hands.

"510 million!"

"520 million!"

"550 million!"


Ten minutes later, Zhang Ji held up his brand and said, "six hundred million!"

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