Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1003

Director Yindu also jumped out of the pirate ship.

With a big wave of his hand and thousands of people, he walked towards the direction of Linkai.

Thousands of people, each with an AK47 rifle! A bold face!

There are black people, white people and yellow people. Although the combat effectiveness of this miscellaneous army is not as good as that of the regular army, it can kill ordinary people completely!

Director Yin Du's face is also full of cold color.

With a big wave and a crash, thousands of people raised their rifles at the same time!

The black muzzle of the gun directly points to the thousands of people after Lin kaishen!

And Lin opened a crooked neck and laughed.

He took the three kings and went straight to him.


Lin Kai just took a step, only to see the director Yin Du took out his revolver on his waist and fired a shot directly under the foot of Lin Kai.


Said director Yin Du in broken Chinese.

Lin Kai sees this and smiles. He just pauses for a moment, and then he goes to director Yin Du.

And the three great gods behind him did not mind at all!

Director Yin Du's eyebrows frowned.


He fired another shot, and a bullet flew past Lin Kai's ear!

"I said stop!" Yin Du is in charge of angry way.

But with a faint smile on his face, Lin Kai strode to director Yin Du.

Arrogant! Extremely rampant!

Lin Kai came directly to director Yin Du and looked down at him.

After Lin Kai's death, the three kings of God were more arrogant than others. They did not pay attention to these murderous pirates at all.

And Yin Du director's eyes, there is also a trace of anger.

"You are looking for death!"


Director Yin Du's words have just been said, and Lin Kaiyi slapped him directly in the face of director Yin Du!

Yin Du's face was crooked, and half of his face was red and swollen, and a trace of blood was shed from the corners of his mouth.

The scene was silent.

Director Yin Du widens his eyes and looks at Lin Kai strangely.

He did not expect that the other side would dare to beat him in this situation!

"Do you dare to hit people?" Director Yin Du's voice was very angry.

Lin Kai tilted his head with a smile and said, "ha ha, it's you who hit me!"


At this time, I saw director Yin Du directly raised his revolver, the pistol directly on Lin Kai's forehead.

"You want to die!"

Director Yin Du yelled and wanted to shoot!

But he didn't move. Lin Kai's brush moved.

Action like lightning, fast to blur!

Director Yin Du doesn't know what's going on. His pistol has fallen into Lin Kai's hands.

Later, Lin Kai pinched the pistol into a twist like dough!

"You want to kill me with a little pistol?"

Lin Kai's eyes are full of banter.

Director Yin Du looks at Lin to open the pistol in his hand. He is shocked.

How strong is the opponent?

At this moment, he understood.

"You Are you the one who killed the master of our Jingtian pirate regiment? "

There is only one explanation. The man in front of him is a cultivator, a very powerful cultivator!

"You don't look stupid." Lin Kai said with a smile.

"Now, I will give you all a chance to live, put all your weapons on the ground, squat on the ground with your head in your arms, and wait to be punished by the laws of China."

Lin opened his hands and put his bags in his pockets.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Yin Du's supervisor was furious!

As the director of the Jingtian pirate regiment, when was he so ridiculed?

"Don't think that you are a practitioner, how great you are! We also have practitioners

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

With the applause of director Yin Du, two people appeared on the bow of the pirate ship.

Two elders of Yin duguo!

He had dark skin, white robe and white towel hat on his head.

They stood in the bow with their hands down.

These are two masters!

Lin Kai looked up at them, and then he laughed: "ha ha, with the two of them, also want to kill me?"

Lin Kai shook his head. He was laughing at the ignorance of these people!

"I'll give you a choice now, surrender or die!" Lin Kai's voice cooled down.

Linkai didn't take these pirates seriously!

Director Yin Du is also very angry at Lin Kai. This man is really too arrogant!"Looking for death!"

"Two masters, I ask you to help the pirates kill this man!"

I saw Yin Du in charge of the bow of the two people a fist, pray.

The two masters on the ship looked at Lin Kai arrogantly.

They are strong masters. Naturally, they don't pay attention to ants like Linkai.

In their opinion, Lin Kai is so young. Even if he is a practitioner, where can he be stronger?

Even if he is a master, there are two of them!

But Lin Kai shook his head and looked at Yin Du's director with great regret: "it's really a toast, no food, no penalty wine!"

After that, Lin Kai snapped his finger directly.

Everyone looks at Lin Kai with a puzzled face. What's the matter with the ring finger?

But the next second they understand.

On the bow of the boat, behind the two masters, I don't know when a man appeared out of thin air!

The man appeared quietly in the rear of the strong master!

And the two masters were not aware of it!

Come, it is the hidden God!

I saw the corner of Yin God's mouth, showing a cruel smile.

He directly attacked one of the two masters!

The dagger passed directly from the neck of the great master!


A spatter of blood!

The master level strong man widened his eyes, covered his neck, and slowly turned back.

How could he die!

And the other master was shocked!

As soon as he looked back, he saw the hermit God who sneered at him.

And the hidden God's body is disappearing!

Disappear in front of him!

Only two seconds, the hidden God disappeared completely!

You can't even see the shadow!

The rest of the master's face was full of panic.

He's invisible! And can be perfect to hide their own breath, even if he, can not be aware of!

This is also to say, the other party does not know when will give you a knife, let you die in peace!

After seeing this scene, director Yin Du was dumbfounded at that time.

Master level strong, so easy to die a?

Moreover, the other side has more than one cultivator!

Lin Kai put his hands into the bag, with a faint smile on his face: "ha ha, I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Yin Du's scalp became numb.

At this time, he realized that it was no wonder that the other party was so fearless that he was just a mole ant in the eyes of others!

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