Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1000

Those who want to break through are forced to retreat by the God of force and the God of Dharma!

At that time, no one dared to break into the whole base.

Yes, they are bullying the soft and afraid of the hard!

They are afraid that the gods of power and Dharma will kill them! Two martial Saint level masters are also in each other's camp. Although the number of each other is small, their combat effectiveness is very strong!

Li Shengxian looked at them coldly and snorted, "hum!"

"Don't you doubt us?"

"Don't you say we are sinners?"

"Why do you want to turn to sinners now?"

"What a big joke!"

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, many people feel regret.

Now they understand that only by working can they live!

Sit back and enjoy yourself? Where is so good in the world?

The reason why they can live in China is that their parents have money!

Come to this island that can only rely on themselves, no one will pay for their wayward!

At this time, many people have already understood this truth, but it is already late!

In particular, the more than a dozen people who ran out of Linkai base had their guts regretted.

If they knew there would be a lack of food on a cruise ship, they should have followed Lin!

Now, Lin Kai doesn't want them anymore!

There were sighs.

Li Shengxian said in a cold voice, "I'm going to talk about it first. If anyone dares to step into our base for half a step, we will not be polite."

Li Shengxian let out a cruel word!

And two martial Saint level masters, guard at the gate, who dare to step forward, they will definitely kill, merciless!

Tens of thousands of people can only come back without success.

At that time, a large number of people went down from the hillside.

Tens of thousands of people come, tens of thousands of people go back.

Soon after, the tens of thousands of people had nowhere to go and returned to the cruise ship.

After seeing this scene on the cruise ship, Jia Fuhao gave a sneer, and he said with a gloating smile: "ha ha, Lin Kai don't want you?"

"You deserve it!"

At this time, Jia Fuhao has become a criminal hated by thousands of people!

Now we understand that what Jia Fuhao gave them has always been a hollow check!

Lin Kai is not a sinner, he is a sinner!

Now there is no food, no water, and they did not get food and water in a stable time. What they are facing now is the problem of survival!

Without Lin Kai's leadership, how can this group of rich second generation born with golden spoon live on a desert island?

This is a huge problem!

Now, even Linkai won't help them.

They know that what they have done before is really chilling!

Just then, a man on the deck cried out excitedly, "there is a boat!"

Smell speech, everyone looked at the sea in the past, this look, all people are excited!

Because there's a boat coming!

A huge ship!

Rescue is coming!

At that time, all the people on board cheered! Here comes the boat! It means they are saved!

"A boat is coming! Help

"We can go back at last!"

Thank God

Bursts of shouting sound sounded, how to survive the worry was then left behind them.

And Jia Fuhao smell speech, is also in front of a bright, he picked up a telescope to see the past.

However, Jia Fuhao's face changed at that time.

Because he saw the flag with the skull on it!

It's not a rescue ship! It's a pirate ship! Pirate ships are coming to kill them!

At that time, Jia Fuhao roared in despair: "run! It's a pirate ship

Having said that, Jia Fuhao who also ignored, directly toward the boat quickly ran in the past!

Smell speech, the crowd also stopped cheering, they looked at the huge ship carefully, looked carefully, everyone's face changed.

Sure enough, it was a huge pirate ship!

It's not a rescue ship!

At that time, I saw that tens of thousands of people on the boat began to run towards the boat quickly!

"Here comes the pirate! Get out of the boat

"They're going to bombard our cruise ship! Run


Everywhere they screamed in despair.

In Linkai base, Li Shengxian picked up the telescope and looked at it carefully.

After seeing the pirate ship, his face changed.

It's really a pirate ship!

Here comes the pirate! Here comes the man from the pirates!At this time, the pirate ship is slowly approaching, this is a huge destroyer! There are thousands of people on the destroyer! This destroyer, is the pirate regiment's super firepower destroyer!

There are three cannons on this destroyer!

Their firepower is very fierce!

At this time, the muzzle of the pirate ship has moved towards the direction of the cruise ship.

There is no room for discussion!

This time they came to wipe out all the people on the desert island! Revenge for the dead black master!

And tens of thousands of people on the desert island are already desperate.

Now they finally believe what Lin Kai said. It's very dangerous on the cruise ship!

Can't live on a cruise ship!

If you live on a cruise ship, if you don't have any resources, you will die! But they didn't believe it!

Now they believe it, but it's too late!


A big bang sounded, only saw the pirate ship's artillery fired a shell directly!

The cannonball came towards the cruise ship!

At this time, there were hundreds of people who did not get off the ship.


There's a big bang! The fire is in the sky! The cruise ship was blown out of a huge hole!

Dozens of people died as a result!

People who have already got off the boat are all looking panic.

After seeing the scene, Li Shengxian looked ugly.

He didn't care about the dozens of people who were killed, he was worried that his base was also bombed!

"Come on! Go to find Lin Kai

Li Shengxian grabbed a man beside him and ordered.

Now only Lin Kai can stand up and take charge of the overall situation!


There was another gunshot, and a shell went towards the cruise ship again.


There was a loud noise, and once again a huge hole was blown out on the cruise ship. The fire was soaring into the sky, and the ship also emitted black smoke.


Another shot!

This time, the cruise ship was completely destroyed!

Hundreds of people on the cruise ship, all killed!

And tens of thousands of people who escaped from the cruise ship began to rush to the mountain like a desperate life.

At this time, only the forest on the mountain can save their lives!

By this time, the huge pirate ship was close to the island.

Thousands of pirates in the ship raised their AK47 in their hands, their faces, showing a ferocious smile.

Even more, dozens of people have carried rocket launchers. They are ready for a massacre!

On the pirate ship, there was a senior general.

He was a Yin Du man. He was once a major general of Yin duguo. Now he is a director of Jingtian Pirate Group. He is in charge of this pirate ship.

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