Space Doctor: The National Hero is a Girl

Chapter 1746: a possibility

Chapter 1746 A possibility

  Lu Xingchen, Han Xiyi, and Situ Jue looked at each other, and said one word at the same time, "Sulphur."

Bai Mujin was a little surprised that the three people got the same answer, which meant that the poisonous substance in the air must be this sulfur, so she immediately asked, "What will happen if you breathe this air? Is it really poisonous? How can we get to the island safely?"

  Situ Jue and Han Xiyi looked at Lu Xingchen at the same time, obviously wanting Lu Xingchen to explain.

So Lu Xingchen nodded, and continued, "Well, normally speaking, if the sulfur on our earth is inhaled too much in the air, it may cause chronic poisoning, mainly the damage to the respiratory system. It can lead to death, but this is a kind of chronic poisoning, and people will not die soon after being poisoned. But the sulfur here is obviously different, it should be mutated, or it is not something in our space."

  Han Xiyi nodded beside him, "This is indeed not sulfur from our space. If I read correctly, this sulfur should come from a different time and space."

   "Different time and space?" Lu Xingchen was obviously also a little surprised, because she didn\'t see where this sulfur came from, so she continued to ask, "Brother, why are you so sure?"

Han Xiyi explained, "In a different time and space, although our Xingguang Pavilion focused on medical skills, Master and I also studied some toxic substances in private, including this sulfur substance. You don\'t know about these things, so Of course you didn\'t recognize it."

  Lu Xingchen nodded clearly. When she was in a different time and space, she believed in Han Xiyi and Master 100%, so she naturally knew nothing about what they kept from her.

  So she asked again, "What happens to this sulfur after inhalation?"

Han Xiyi continued to explain, "This mutated sulfur from different time and space is more toxic, and it will cause people to hallucinate soon after inhalation, it will directly damage your brain nerves, and confuse your thinking and memory. And die slowly."

Hearing this, Lu Xingchen frowned slightly, and said tentatively, "Then is it possible that this island is not without undead, but that the memories of those undead have been disrupted. So they have no way to say exactly what is on this island."

Situ Jue nodded aside, "It\'s also possible, but we still can\'t explain one thing, if it\'s just that the memory of the undead was disrupted when they were alive, then why don\'t they dare to approach this place after death? "

Bai Mujin also felt that this was a bit strange, and she also thought of a question, "Didn\'t the driver just say that even the most powerful wizard in Madai said it was very strange, and ghosts could not leave after entering, I think This is the most puzzling part, there is only one possibility to make the undead come here and never leave again..."

  Speaking of this, Bai Mujin looked nervously at the others.

  Lu Xingchen frowned slightly, and soon she thought of a possibility, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she said to Bai Mujin, "You mean..."

  Bai Mujin nodded, "I think it\'s very possible, and if this possibility is excluded, I really can\'t think of anything else that would make the undead afraid to come here."

  Lu Xingchen agreed after hearing the words, and then looked at Xiang Dao with a more serious expression.

  (end of this chapter)