Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 998

However, Brooks is not the player who can influence the victory or defeat of the game. In the case of Yao Mai combination and new aid Artest, the Rockets can not win in staples. Moreover, Brooks has a lot of 20 points. After all, lake people are very loose on his defense, whether it is Fisher or Farmar Yes, basically did not regard him as too big a threat, plus his last garbage time also remained on the field, so the Rockets, the only player on 20, can only be regarded as a psychological comfort.

After the game, Ji Feng was even asked by the funny media about Brooks\' prospects as a rookie.

"Well The performance is not bad, but the NBA is not a game to determine, he still needs to continue to work hard What Ji Feng said was very perfunctory. He even thought that the reporter had nothing to ask, so he chose to ask Brooks.

To be reasonable, this guy took 20 points in this game, but he threw 17 times, the shooting rate was only 38%, and only one three-point goal was scored. All the scores were piled up by the number of shots. If the main force of the rockets was not really too iron, where would he have cast such a round.

All Ji Feng didn\'t care about this guy at all. He always thought that Brooks would become a famous host one day with CBA in his life.

And this 37 point defeat also created the biggest point difference in a single game since the beginning of the new season. It can be imagined that this game is a huge blow to Rocket fans.

After the game, the Houston media played a super bad game, the three giants of rockets were a burst of verbal criticism, especially tmac, who scored three points, once again became the target of media criticism, and even some media have named McGrady as the first most disappointing star in the new season.

Under such a disastrous defeat, Yao lost the mood of having dinner with Ji Feng. They just said hello after the game, and the Rockets left Los Angeles overnight.

Compared with the Rockets, the Lakers are now in a hot state. They have won five consecutive victories in a row, occupying the top spot of the league. Jifeng opens three quarters again and cuts down 30 + data, which makes all fans happy. Jifeng has also created his best consecutive 30 + record. At present, Jifeng continues to occupy the top of the scoring list. CCTV has begun to make programs and start one game at a time Calculate how many consecutive games Jifeng can get 30 +.

And professional basketball commentators are more concerned about the transformation of Ji Feng, because Ji Feng\'s strength is obviously stronger this season. The continuous score of 30 + points proves that Ji Feng\'s scoring ability is not only terrifying, but also gradually tends to be stable. This is the proof of the magnificent transformation of Ji Feng.

Buckley said: "Jifeng didn\'t even try his best, those teams lost, so did Kobe. There are too few teams in the league that can threaten the Lakers."

Buckley\'s words soon proved a day later, after the focus game with the Rockets, the Lakers flew to Texas overnight, and they would face Nowitzki\'s Dallas Mavericks back-to-back!

home court is a team that will make complaints about the team. In NBA, this kind of home and away court is the most competitive schedule. No player has been on the plane since the first home game. It has already arrived at 4 o\'clock in the morning, and the game starts at 7 p.m., and the Lake players have less than 6 hours\' rest time.

Fisher laughs that this kind of schedule is the one you don\'t want you to win.

I have to say, that\'s too true

And the outside world is generally optimistic about the Mavericks to keep their home, after all, the tired division of the Lakers, the Mavericks have been resting for two days or in their own home, the Mavericks are not what fish belly, is also a strong, although these seasons have declined, but his winning face is relatively large.

Before the game, Dallas media said: "if this is lost, then Cuban should quickly disband his team."

In fact, this season\'s Mavericks after restructuring, meritorious coach Johnson finally in the summer, Kuban found Carlisle this young coach to replace Johnson\'s coach.

At the same time, the team\'s lineup has also made a great change. Harris, who played an outstanding role at the end of last season, was traded to the net in exchange for veteran, three double king Jason Kidd. At the same time, they also got short tight guard BALIA. The most important thing is that the troika on which the Mavericks live is disassembled, and small forward Howard is traded in exchange for Stackhouse and Gerald Green!

This means that with the exception of Nowitzki, Dampier and Terry, the top calf has disappeared from history.

However, with Nowitzki in, the team is still a strong team, but Jifeng always felt that there was something wrong with their trade.

The most fundamental problem of the Mavericks is center and point guard, which is also the fundamental reason why the Mavericks can not reach the top in 2005-2006 season.

In the 2006-2007 season, the Mavericks made great progress all the way, taking the lead in the playoffs with a record of 67-15. Nowitzki\'s brilliant performance with an average of 24.6 points and 8.9 rebounds per game became the MVP of the regular season.

However, the Mavericks, who are unstoppable in the regular season, have been created a rare "black eight miracle" by the warriors.There are many reasons for this. Nelson knows the Mavericks like the palm of his hand. It is also the culprit that Nuo Tianwang can\'t be tough at the critical moment. But the key is that the Mavericks\' inside line was beaten by the warriors and had no ability to fight back. Of course, Harris can\'t escape the blame.

So they traded for Kidd and baria, but

In the past, Carlson was good at fighting with the Mavericks, but he didn\'t need to block the old Mavericks, but he didn\'t need to block the old Mavericks The season\'s Kidd really can\'t run fast, also can\'t jump high, in the confrontation with the younger generation of guards, he has become the team\'s defensive loophole, of course, relying on excellent experience, Kidd can still make great achievements, but it depends on the coach how to use him, according to the current method, absolutely not.

The most important thing is that Dampier is still here, so how can the Mavericks be? This "second peak in the west" has gained at least 20 kg in summer, and there is only wriggling left on the court. It can be seen from the shooting of rockets in the second battle of the season that it is a bit wrong for Yao to say that it\'s a bit wrong to say that if Yao goes into no one\'s land, it\'s a bit wrong to say that he\'s blowing up, because Dampier scored 2 points, while Yao next door has 26 points, which can only be said to be a hit Children.

But this game, facing the Lakers, the Mavericks from the top to the bottom or to establish confidence, after all, the Lakers are the team they want to beat, not one of them.

On November 11, the game between the two sides officially started at the Mavericks\' home court! , the fastest update of the webnovel!