Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 992

With the perfect rhythm of Billups, he almost moved his set of shots in the pistons to the Nuggets. It\'s hard to believe that the Nuggets, which mainly focus on fast attack, are so compatible with Billups\' style. Just now these attacks seem to show the shadow of the peak piston in 2004-05.

But this is not over, the Lakers did not choose to call a pause, Jackson chose to fully trust the strength of the players, and Ji Feng also successfully used Kobe\'s weak side involvement to find the opportunity to play Anthony. Although the process was very difficult, Ji Feng still used a difficult backward jump shot to score the ball!

Then Billups and Jifeng assists Anthony and Kobe to get two points respectively. At this time, the score seems to be going in the direction of anxiety.

But at this time, Billups came out again!

Pau Gasol\'s throw failed. Craiza took off the backboard and directly divided the ball. The Nuggets made a quick counterattack. Ji Feng followed Anthony. However, Billups, who had never attacked himself, seized the open space in the middle line of the Lakers and made a one-stop drive into the interior, causing Bynum\'s hitters a foul and throwing the ball into the basket!

"Chang ~ ~ Xi! ~Billups DJ excitedly yelled at the scene, and Anthony rushed up and knocked down Billups who was not easy to stand still You can imagine how excited Anthony was.

Billups added a penalty, Nuggets lead 5 points!

At this time, Jackson must call a pause. Five points are not much, but the Nuggets are on the rise at this time, which is a very dangerous signal for the offensive team like nuggets!

However, after the pause, George Carr made a very spiritual substitution. He replaced alfraro with a stronger offensive ability, nerve knife Jr Smith!

This is a very bold replacement, after all, no one knows what kind of state he is in today before he comes out.

Sure enough, Jr played the first ball, he took the ball and threw it to Kobe in the half-time. At this time, craiza was still in the free throw line of the Laker. Naturally, the result is self-evident.

Hit the iron, the Lakers catch the counterattack, and Kobe hits the layup!

“JR! You don\'t want to take the ball any more! " At this time, Anthony couldn\'t look down and said to Jr.

The ball returned to Billups\' hands, and the difference can be seen next time. Billups broke through to attract the Lakers to shrink. At this time, he passed spiritually, Jr took the ball from the flank, and played Kobe!

It seems that the first shot opened his hand, he this time in the case of Kobe\'s defense is very in place, back into a three-point!

"Do it! This can also enter! " Ji Feng can only make complaints about it. Kobe\'s fingertips must be touched, but it is just in.

The difference is further widened!

But the Lakers are a little anxious at this time, Fisher\'s pass is wrong, Billups completes the snatch again!

In the cheers of the fans, Anthony finally completed a fast break dunk, three hit one in the front court, Jifeng also had no way.

The Lakers are at a disadvantage!

The Nuggets really opened up the situation. They expanded to 10 points at the end of the first quarter. At the end of the first quarter, the Nuggets were 35-25 ahead!

There is no doubt that the most dazzling Billups is Billups, his firepower is open today, single section 6 points 4 assists 2 steals!

Billups is an underrated super guard. His biggest characteristic is not fancy. You can hardly see fancy dribbling, coquettish passing, and points like "white chocolate" that can frighten opponents and teammates together. In fact, Billups rarely gets double assists. Just look at the data, he is not very good at all. His career has been to Today, the highest number of assists per game in a season is only 8.6, which can\'t be compared with NASH and Paul, who often play double assists. Even if the pistons won the championship in the year, everyone was surprised why he was the one who got fmvp instead of Shaquille O\'Neal\'s disgrace in the series.

But in fact, Billups\' organizational ability is no weaker than those two. Billups\' rhythm seems to be not slow, and his passing seems careless, but as long as the hand is a threat, if we talk about the ability to pass the threat ball alone, Billups can definitely rank in the top three of the League. Billups is good at both attack and defense. In the attack, he does not have to form an auxiliary attack in passing The pistons benefited from that. They could get the ball in the position they were good at. Billups could always pass the ball to them to form a good singles environment.

With him in the back court, George Carr\'s defense, counter attack and fast attack tactics have been perfectly realized. It seems that Billups has divided Anthony\'s ball right, but in fact, Billups can often make Anthony form a local one-to-one through his own control of the ball, running position and guiding his teammates, and others are also the same. Although Anthony has not played this game, it is because of the season Feng and Anthony in the opposition, Billups has the choice to give other people the ball.

Look, this is the transformation that Billups brought to the Nuggets. In addition, Billups has a good defensive ability. With the twin towers of Martin and craiza on the inside, he has built a good defense line.In addition, Anthony was stimulated by Jifeng at this time. It is said that he only took a day off from the Olympic Games and put into training, which is very crazy. From his increasingly obvious muscle lines, he has made great efforts in the gym and training hall, and his defensive attitude is also more positive. This game has been played In Anthony is almost inseparable from the season peak, and defensive position selection has improved a lot, which makes the Nuggets defense system also strengthened.

"It\'s really an incredible change." During the break in the first quarter, Zhang lamented that even though the outside world said that this game was the first hurdle for the Lakers, the Lakers were 10 points behind in a single quarter, which was unexpected. This made Zhang have to sigh about the changes of the Nuggets this summer. Their strength is definitely better than that of last season, no matter how the game is won or lost, The rise of the Nuggets is an indisputable fact. They will be one of the biggest enemies on the road to defending the championship of the Lakers!

In the second quarter, the Lakers who had been yelled at by Zen master began to change. The critical moment depended on JK, which must be true. Ji Feng also started to work hard and cooperated frequently with Kobe. Ji Feng scored 12 points, 3 assists and 2 blocks in a single quarter, while Kobe scored 13 points and JK scored 25 points in a single quarter.

However, the Lakers were still behind in this quarter, 62-50 in the half-time, and the difference became 12 points. In addition to Anthony being held down by Ji Feng, the Nuggets all played, especially Jr, who made 3 three-point shots in the second quarter, and the nerve knife finally broke out today.

At the end of the half-time, the Laker players walked into the dressing room with dignity, while Zhang said, "there is no doubt that the Lakers have encountered the biggest crisis since the start of the season." , the fastest update of the webnovel!