Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 988

Electric light and flint room!

Jifeng does not have a second\'s hesitation, when Auden chooses to directly face Jifeng, his ending is doomed!

Ji Feng holds the basketball with one hand while Auden\'s height has not affected his basketball. In the camera, Ji Feng is like a wing, flying straight higher and higher. When he hits Oden, he is even rising. However, Oden\'s head almost reaches Ji Feng\'s crotch. This scene makes the photographer\'s mouth wide open and his head just feels like he\'s in the air A bang!

Ji Feng stopped in the air for less than 1 second, and directly smashed the ball into the basket!

Ji Feng hung on the basket after dunking, and the whole man was like riding on Oden, and he was knocked to the bottom of the basket!

Ji Feng even went into the basket and directly chose the dunk. This is definitely the best goal of the month!

"I\'ll see you later. What\'s the situation!!" Sun Yue just lost his mind, because it was boring to watch the water dispenser. But suddenly, all six people on the bench beside him jumped up from their seats, and then fell back on the chair with good cooperation. They almost pulled Sun Yue out of the chair. Now they hook their shoulders and inhale deeply, staring at the big screen in the sky waiting for something.

In his heart, the strict and calm Zen master stood up directly, as if he were 20 years younger in a moment, and roared at the venue repeatedly, showing an old man talking about the state of juvenile mania.

As for the whole staples, it\'s needless to say that Sun Yue only felt her ears buzzing. It can be imagined that what a huge shout broke out in the stadium in a moment. Especially, several Hollywood girls sitting behind her who were very familiar with each other before, had always been the goddess of Sven, but now they are roaring behind them, and the low cut girls are even more br Half of a was leaking out, but he didn\'t mean to take care of it, and saliva was about to spray on his face.

The DJ on the scene is shouting Ji Feng\'s name: "Asian magician, our eternal Prince of Los Angeles, Ji ~ ~ Feng!!! Well done

He knew for the first time that their DJ lung capacity was so good!

This is the first time that he has experienced such a scene as staples, which is more than the number of times of the domestic explosion!

"Something big has happened!" Sun Yue, however, was keen to capture the cause of the explosion of his teammates and staples. He turned his head and took a look at the situation in the field. The basket was shaking, and it was obvious that someone had dunked. The old James and Auden were stunned at the bottom of the basket. His eyes were straight and his mind was in a trance. He even forgot to serve.

And Ji Feng is constantly slapping his chest, fingers pointing to the sky, his face flushed, and Kobe four hit the chest one by one, looking super excited!

The time seemed to be still, the referee did not urge the service, the fans\' voice was reduced by more than half, all looked up at the big screen.

Sun Yue quickly turned to see the scene of just season peak fake action breakthrough reappear!

On the flank of Ji Feng, a fake move shook Ferdinand away, and then turned into a yellow lightning dribble to the basket. When Oden came up, Jifeng\'s speed did not decrease but increased, and he jumped up directly after Oden\'s three big steps. It should be similar to his highest vertical take-off height. It was a very terrible height. Sun Yue saw Ji for the first time Feng\'s appearance of taking off with all his strength refreshes Sun Yue\'s cognition. He only feels that his blood is rising with the rising height of Jifeng!

Auden tried his best, but he was still a few minutes short, and was heavily pressed under the body by Ji Feng. He put the ball into the basket with one hand!

A domineering, incomparably publicized riding clasp!

"Wow!! Whoa, whoa Sun Yue is crazy. He thinks that Jifeng is the God now. He only has worship. This is not a thing that people can do!

That\'s too much!

MIM looked at Sun Yue who was still so excited for the second time. He felt that his position as the first cheerleader of his team was seriously challenged!

"Too strong! Even if Ji Feng is not the first time to block a center, but I still have to say, it\'s too strong. This ball is the same as Howard, who was Kobe in the past. Jifeng is so terrible Smith is left with exclamation. The season peak that has lost Auden by a circle is separated by Auden, and in such a crushing posture, who is the 07 rookie king? Now it can be concluded that the current Oden is far from perfect.

Now at home watching TV Durant should be very cool, let you pretend to force, now comfortable!

As the atmosphere was a little out of control, neither the Lakers nor the Blazers coach called a timeout, and the referee called an official pause.

Poor Auden is finally able to get down

The trailblazer coach looked at the muddled Auden with only a wry smile left. This season peak is really hard to be provoked. In addition to this interval, Auden has experienced seven minutes of military training, which is really cruel for a rookie, but this is the NBA. Sympathy does not exist, only the fittest survive.

It\'s not common to be detained, but it happens every year, and their results are not the same. Some people have their own place in the league, and some can only fade away. A superstar must experience these setbacks to transform.Of course, Ji Feng such abnormal exception!


At the end of the pause, the Laker side is naturally full of momentum, and Ji Feng is also leisurely sitting on the bench, Ariza substitute for the first time on behalf of the Lakers.

However, Kobe is still on the court, which does not affect the offensive ability of the Lakers, while the Blazers are now very chaotic, the players are a bit confused, it seems that they have not recovered from the attack.

The Lakers naturally take advantage of your illness to kill you. At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers played a wave of 12-4 to completely open the score.

In the first quarter, the Lakers played 37-20 points, 17 points behind in a single quarter, which is basically a sure bet for the Lakers.

Of course, the Blazers still hope to struggle. After all, it\'s the first stop of the season. All teams don\'t want to see the black door, especially the ambitious pioneers. So in the second quarter, the pioneers took the initiative to change, Batum appeared, and formed a small lineup with Ferdinand and Roy.

But playing fast, the Lakers are still not afraid of you, the Lakers with Farmar, plus Kobe and Jifeng, this combination can quickly let you doubt life!

In the second quarter, the two sides launched a confrontation, the scene was very fierce, but the result was that the score difference between the two teams was 26 points in the half-time

This directly led to the season peak third quarter hit 6.5 points before the stage, came up to play half a quarter, on the inside out shot to get 10 points and 3 assists, his three quarter data to 31 points 10 assists 7 rebounds, and the difference in the third quarter has been expanded to 32 points!

The Lakers beat the Trail Blazers completely!

This difference season peak does not need to appear, the final season peak three quarters clocks off work, the season first stop, the Lakers beat the Blazers at home, made a good start to the new season, the final score was set at 108-88! , the fastest update of the webnovel!