Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 982

18 minutes to cut 18 points efficiently, Ji Feng is still the pronoun of high efficiency, and not only that, all the scoring methods of Jifeng this game only lost one three points, two-point shot and free throw hit rate were as high as 100%.

This performance is no wonder ESPN directly to the season peak played a full score of the only high score.

And the new aid Ariza\'s play has also been affirmed by the media, 24 minutes, although only got 8 points, but took off 8 rebounds and 4 steals, in the transition period to undertake the team\'s defensive task, and has a stable output of firepower, so that the Lakers No. 3 bench depth greatly improved, which directly led to the jazz to play in the second half of the beginning to give up 。

But it\'s just the first preseason, which can\'t explain any problems. The Lakers did expose some problems. In this way, on October 10, the Lakers ushered in their second preseason game.

Once again, we\'ll take the Derby to Los Angeles!

The Clippers rebounder, sterling, the famous stingy boss, also made a bold statement before the game, saying that the Clippers\' goal in the new season is to get into the playoffs and challenge the Lakers.

"From here on, Los Angeles needs another strong team to rise, doesn\'t it?" Stirling said that his biggest wish in the sports circle for so many years is to bring down the Lakers, so he has made some efforts.

Of course, it\'s his personal effort. In the eyes of outsiders, there\'s really no more stingy boss in the league than him. They all say that Doran in New York is a loser. On that day, they know how much clipper fans envy Knicks fans

I really want to capture two people and divide them by two, which may give birth to a suitable boss.

The Clippers are ambitious this season. Under the direction of team owner sterling, they traded the team\'s boss margetti, and bought Byron Davis, one of the cores of the black eight from the warriors, as well as three point pitcher Novak and bench gangsters like Ricky Davis and Taylor.

These people are all good players, the strength is not bad, put in any team are useful champion puzzle and role player.


You have the role player, but your boss, where are your core stars, your main line-up is not similar to last season, just changed margetti to Byron Davis, ah, inside standing is not Kaman, old cat Mobley is also on the field, so who gave them the confidence to challenge the Lakers.

Ji Feng is also very difficult to understand. Sometimes the brain circuit of Stirling is really magical. Can\'t we rely on the Davis brothers, Ricky Davis, Byron Davis and Paul Davis, who are collected by him, to play together. Can you really distinguish their names

Maybe they should make it clear that they should continue to play for the No. 1 player in the season.

As a result, the season peak of this competition was particularly violent. As soon as he came up, he directly connected three people of the other side and completed a smash on the head of Chris Kaman.

This dunk directly blinded Kaman. This season peak is too terrible. It\'s just pre-season. Hey, and it\'s Sterling who talks nonsense, not him!

At this time, he really wanted to exchange sterling to experience the fear of being dominated by Jifeng.

However, this fear is doomed to be not over, two minutes later, Fisher came up and missed, just as Kaman wanted to take the rebound happily, a figure came down from the sky!

Bang Dang!


The first sound is Ji Feng from behind Kaman high jump, one arm to make up the ball into the basket sound.

The second sound, needless to say, is the painful sound of Kaman being knocked out by Ji Feng

Kobe on the bench directly made the classic expression can\'t bear to see, but the smile on the corner of his mouth betrayed him, he clearly felt very happy, very enjoyable.

Kaman was pulled up by his teammates and reached out to indicate that he couldn\'t do it. He needed to slow down and was replaced by the clipper coach

"Hold on, brother." Kaman patted the big brother who replaced the top bag with a heavy face. Today\'s Jifeng feeling is to revenge.

However, Jifeng didn\'t play like this since then. Kaman is also an 18 + 8 center. It\'s a bit fun to play him. Now the people who come up with Jifeng can\'t remember his name, so it\'s boring to abuse dishes.

But even so, Jifeng played 8 minutes in a single season, still got 14 points, led the Lakers to play a huge difference of 31-14 in the first quarter, the Clippers had not yet set sail, they capsized directly, Stirling left the stadium angrily

"It\'s too much. The clippers can\'t defend Ji Feng. After margetti left, there will be a Thornton in position 3. There\'s no way to match Ji Feng. One hit is accurate." Zhang said.

As Zhang said, at the beginning of the second quarter, the Lakers began to rotate again, and the difference was always around 25 points. The final score was set at 110-85, and the Lakers won two consecutive pre-season wins at home.

By the way, it broke the Clippers\' dream of starting the new seasonBut that\'s a small thing. The Clippers are not on the list of opponents, so the Lakers took a day off after the game. On October 13, they met their third opponent at home, the kings.

There was nothing to say about this game. The rhythm was in the hands of the Lakers at the beginning of the game. Although the Lakers took off Pau Gasol and Ji Feng in turn, the king still had no chance and was 8 points behind in the first quarter.

Since Mike Bibby went to Atlanta, there is no trace of the king at the beginning of the century. The present King has lost his original strength and hegemony. They will embark on a long road of reconstruction. Maybe in a few years or more, a new king will come here to lead the king to the throne. But now, it is not their time.

98-79, 19 points difference, the Lakers won the first three games in a row.

That night, a plane left Los Angeles and arrived in Barcelona the next day!

Barcelona, one of the most romantic cities in the Italian peninsula, is one of the most romantic cities in Spain.

However, it is also the most important sports town in Spain. Barcelona football team is located here. However, in the European basketball field, Barcelona is also a force that can not be underestimated. They have won 13 league titles and one Champions League Championship, and won the first triple crown in 2003, which has surpassed real Madrid in the same period, Now it seems to be the largest club in Spain.

The basketball game between Los Angeles and Los Angeles has attracted their attention.

When the Lakers arrived here, Ji Feng was shocked by the fans around the gate as soon as they left the airport.

The population here is only 1.3 million, but there must be tens of thousands of fans at the gate of the airport. The three jkj people have been paid more attention to and managed to get on the bus with the help of the staff.

"Don\'t Spaniards like football! How can there be so many people! " Ji Feng looked out of the window and asked the crazy fans. , the fastest update of the webnovel!