Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 979

"Well, leave it to me! I will be more angry than your little girl friend Elizabeth Olson raised her small fist and looked solemn.

Jifeng can only helplessly smile, unable to answer, after all, he really only treats her as a sister Is it hard to make Jifeng sisters Cough, cough, the next topic!

The Olsen sisters here are naturally very powerful, but Jifeng is more concerned about his player agency company, but James is also a capable person. Now, including curry and droozan, his company has more than ten potential players, large and small. In the more than one month since Ji Feng left, all contracts have been negotiated and signed.

Although so far, Ji Feng\'s brokerage company is only him, and most of the others are still in University. But Ji Feng believes that in time, they will shine in the league. By then, the whole basketball world can not ignore the voice of Feng team!

But now, apart from Ji Feng, other people can only be regarded as losers with a little potential. They have talent, but whether they can be realized still needs time to test. However, Ji Feng has not forgotten them. When he is free, Ji Feng gathers them up from time to time to train together.

This can make Curie very happy, he is a star second generation, last season in NCAA was very brilliant, according to reason, do not need to join the team of Jifeng, but he still came, and even opened the conditions are very good, the reason is not difficult to understand, he is for Jifeng.

He now has a great admiration for Jifeng textbooks. He has grown from a rookie to a superstar one year after his debut. He has broken numerous records in a single season and won awards and won soft hands. In the finals, the God of God came down to the earth to help the team get rid of the deadly enemy lvkai and return to the top. This can be called a rookie miracle. With no predecessors, China unexpected winner.

if you can see Magic Johnson in the season, from the peak of the season, you can see the shadow of big players such as Magic Johnson, Tian Gou and Jabbar. But then in the Olympic Games, Ji Feng has created a more crazy miracle. He led the Chinese men\'s basketball team with no name in the dark, and finally defeated the tough American in the mainland to create the Chinese miracle and win the Olympic gold medal. This is absolutely unprecedented. Trace.

Even in the United States, even if many fans still can\'t accept the failure of the U.S. team, everyone has to admit that Jifeng is really too strong. Now there are many fans of Jifeng all over the world, and the sales of Jifeng\'s jerseys are at the top of the list. Even Curry\'s father is now very much in favor of curry\'s decision.

"You may learn more from him."

On the field, you can even hear, "Hey, give me that damn ball. Do you think you are Ji Feng?"

Oh, by the way, there is another thing that can prove this point. Just a few days ago, the new version of 2K with Jifeng as the cover finally announced the ability value of each player in the new season, and the players that people pay attention to have appeared on the stage one after another.

Nba2k series games will come out around the beginning of the new season every year, so during the off-season period, many players will be looking forward to their own value in 2K game, and will announce their ability value in the game through social media after learning.

Naturally, Chinese fans are most concerned about Chinese players. The first one to be announced is the Arab League. Because of the good performance of last season and the excellent performance in the Olympic Games, the new season\'s ability value is 79, which is neither low nor high. In the last rookie, it also belongs to the top level, because Durant\'s ability value announced later is 83, which indicates that they still recognize the Arab League Play and potential.

After that, more and more superstar\'s ability values were announced, such as pioneer double stars Roy and Adelaide, 88-84, guy of Grizzlies was 84, Rondo 83 of green Kay, Tony Parker of spurs reached 88, and vincrist and Ray Allen both regretfully stopped at 89.

Up to Carter, the league has released all players with less than 90 points, and then the league has released players with more than 90 points.

Chris Bosh first came on the field, his ability score reached 90, and then Ginobili, McGrady, Paul, Gasol and Nowitzki reached 91, pierce 92, Howard 93!

With the release of Yao\'s ability value of 94, Chinese fans were excited. For the first time, Yao\'s ability value surpassed Howard, which also made fans in an uproar.

Howard, in particular, posted the data for the first time with a question mark on his face.

However, it is reasonable to think about it carefully. Although the Rockets didn\'t go any further last season, they won the best 22 consecutive wins in the team history. Yao was forced to win the championship in the Olympic games against the United States, and Howard happened to be the opposite. There is nothing to argue about, so he can only hold back.

And Yao\'s ability is the same as Xiao Si, Iverson, Anthony and Deron Williams, four of them are also tied for ninth place!

Then announced is the seventh place Nash, the ability value is as high as 95, Tim Duncan, the new season ability value drops two points, 97, ranks seventh!

At this time, the fans are not calm, because the ability value has reached 97, and there are still 6 people who have not come out. What is more surprising is that Ji Feng has not been released, that is to say, 2K official thinks his ability value is in the top six of the League!

This TM is still a two year rookie?!Top six in the league?!

How can others live!

Well, Durant dropped out of group chat and crashed his computer

Good gas Oh, but there is no reason to refute, season peak this season\'s play, fully worthy of this position.

When 2K finally released the top five figures, all the fans and players were crazy!

Because they are surprised to find that the first six players are the same number!

Kobe: 99.

James: 99.

Ji Feng: 99.

Garnett: 99

Wade: 99.

Paul: 99.

the ability values of the top six are all the default highest 99!

"The world must be crazy!"

"Bull force, six 99\'s, 20 90\'s or more, what is a superstar blowout? This is definitely the best time and the most crazy time!"

"The new season gods fight, not to say much, I buy a package ticket first."

Fans are also crazy, and even more crazy is the Laker fans. They even have two players with the ability value of 99 at the same time. Including Gasol, their ability value of starting three is more than 90, which is really burning high incense in previous life.

But think carefully, it seems reasonable, last season, the whole year can be said to be a big event, but also the league\'s most crazy year.

The madness of this year is even better than that of the previous six or seven years. The pattern of the whole alliance has undergone earth shaking changes. The new king is rising, the old king is still strong, and the whole alliance is in the process of great change, and these six people are the best among them.

However, Jifeng still brings enough shock to everyone. There is no dispute about the fastest player to reach full value in history. Ji Feng is destined to be recorded in history.

On September 29, the official announcement of the NBA:

"in the new season, we will compete for the best!"

The new season is coming! , the fastest update of the webnovel!