Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 963

Ji Feng\'s middle throw brought his score to 50 points, and finally let the Chinese team narrow the difference between the two teams to less than 10 points. But at the moment, the eyes of Chinese fans are not much excited, but with a little regret.

"If only earlier." The hot bar on the stand muttered.

Yes, it would be nice if we got this score earlier. It\'s the voice of many fans.

8 points in the basketball court is a completely traceable difference, but time does not stand here in China.


This is the only time left in the game, and it is also the time from the birth of the champion. In this time, 8 points are like a moon in the mirror for the one who is behind. It is visible but hard to touch.

It\'s not that the Chinese team doesn\'t work hard. Just look at Ji Feng\'s wet clothes and sweat all over his face to see how hard Jifeng has put in. Look at Yao, who is holding his knee down with his head down and breathing heavily, can see how much their physical exertion is.

But the U.S. team is really too strong, although they feel general tonight, except for Kobe and James, other people\'s scores are not high, Howard inside is completely dumb, only got 4 points.

But people are like this, also can still rely on their own deep bench, aggressive defense in the scene to suppress the Chinese team.

And although can not suppress the season peak\'s play, but in the 10 point difference is in jeopardy, Kobe and James take turns to stand out, with the score to block the gap.

You get three points, I return a three points, you fast break I also have a middle shot, you inside the line smash I can also European step layup

All in all, the U.S. team shows its strong resilience.

From the beginning of the third quarter to now, the two sides have been entangled for nearly two quarters. Until just now, Ji Feng seized the opportunity of the American team to relax and scored a goal, which finally broke 10.

But at this time, no one seems to be optimistic that the Chinese team can reverse, especially when the opponent is the United States.

Some fans on the Internet have begun to comfort themselves, such as "runner up is not bad", "I have been satisfied for a long time", "losing 10 points means not losing", etc.

It can be seen that everyone is a bit resigned to the situation.

As for the United States, some of the fans watching the game have already started drinking beer, ordering pizza takeout, waiting for the whistle to blow and start celebrating.

Look back on the court.

Eight points later, the U.S. team called a pause, but their atmosphere was relaxed, the players on the bench with a smile on their faces, they all think the victory is their bag.

The main idea of old K\'s tactics is to consume time. The attack time is 30 seconds. Theoretically, he can only play a complete four times in 2 minutes. As long as he does not make mistakes with the ball, it will not matter if he violates the rules.

"Time is on our side. It takes time. You all know, Kidd, Kobe, James, you two pull to both sides to meet at any time, inside Howard to protect the rebounds, bosh to pick up and then cut in."

"Remember, the success rate of the ball, attack again in 20 seconds, it doesn\'t matter if you can\'t score, don\'t make mistakes, Kidd, can you?" Old K said.

At this time, he obviously trusted Kidd with full experience. After all, he is a veteran and has the experience of Olympic finals. At the last moment, he is worthy of trust.

"Of course, leave it to me." Kidd nodded. Although he hardly appeared in the fourth quarter, he still had this confidence.

However, Kobe felt that there were some problems. Just now, it was Deron and Paul who played all the time. Neither of them would have a problem with dribbling. Would it be better to play them at this time? After all, Kidd has been sitting on the bench for a long time and his hands are cold.

However, Kobe still chose to believe in old K, after all, old K is still very authoritative, and the most important thing to be a player on the field is not to doubt the authority of the coach, not to mention that there is nothing wrong with Kidd at this time.

However, before the game, Kobe still held Kidd to remind: "we must be careful of Jifeng\'s co defense or change defense, that guy\'s hand is very fast."

"Well! I know. " Kidd replied, he and Ji Feng have played, naturally know his threat, but Jifeng has never robbed him, and he is very confident in his dribbling ability, which is also the necessary psychological quality of every point guard, you can\'t doubt your dribbling problems.

This is also the psychology that Ji Feng often uses, too confident, often can have a problem!

And the Chinese team here has nothing to arrange, defense, attack, give the ball to the most hot people, play fast!

In order to play fast, yunas gambled to get 19 points, 10 rebounds and 2 blocks. Instead, he moved faster and had more physical strength to partner with Arab League. In order to be high, he replaced Wang Shipeng with Sun Yue. Moreover, in order to catch points, yunas put Ji Feng directly to the position of control guard, changed Liu Wei and then Zhu Fangyu Players with better three-point shooting skills are on the court.

In this way, the Chinese team will have a lot of outside Fort, five people on the field can throw three points, which will bring about the decline of internal line confrontation, which is a fighting posture."The pause is over! Yunus changed Dayao, Wang Shipeng and Liu Wei, and replaced them with Sun Yue and Zhu Fangyu. This is the last fight. "

It\'s time to change Yao. It\'s time to try everything.

American team right!

Kidd\'s steady dribble. Based on his trust, the other four players of the U.S. team fell at half-time. Kidd faced Ji Feng, and the dribble was really steady. He didn\'t give any chance to steal or pass the ball. He was ready to deliver the ball to 15 seconds later!

But Jifeng is not ready to wait for death, waiting here for the U.S. team to finish the attack, then their chances will be smaller, so he is ready to try to steal!

But to steal a player like Kidd, the most important thing is timing!

Ji Feng takes advantage of Kidd\'s observation of the left and right, and quickly perches on it!

"Wow!" Kidd was shocked by Jifeng\'s surprise, but the old experience let Kidd stable guard the ball, although there are some fluctuations.

But at this time, Kobe has found it wrong, he quickly yelled "give the ball" while running here, ready to meet Kidd!

Because he is too clear about Ji Feng\'s means. Just now it\'s just a trial. After that, there will be more violent attacks!

Kobe is right!

Ji Feng didn\'t rush to steal just now, but forced Kidd to go to the right and pass to Lao Zhan. Meanwhile, Ji Feng also found that Kidd\'s hands were a little raw, and his dribble was a little astringent!

Jifeng will not miss this opportunity. At the moment when Kidd is ready to pass to the right, Jifeng\'s right hand is set in advance, while his body and Kidd launch a confrontation!


Ji Feng\'s hand touched the basketball!

The ball\'s broken! , the fastest update of the webnovel!