Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 954

On August 24, the 16 day opening BJ Olympic Games finally ushered in her last competition day. At the same time, today is also the closing day of the Olympic Games. At 8 o\'clock in the evening, the flame of the Olympic Games, which has been burning for 16 days, will be extinguished in the bird\'s nest, which indicates that this grand event will come to an end.

At the end of the Olympic Games, the Chinese delegation, which is the host of the Olympic Games, has played an excellent role. At present, it has won a record 50 Olympic gold medals and ranked the top of the gold medal list. This is the first time that China has topped the gold medal list. At the same time, China has also become the first Asian country in the history of the Olympic Games to be on the top of the gold medal list.

And the Chinese team in today\'s only six events, there are three gold medal opportunities, China\'s gold medal number is still rising!

This Olympic Games is destined to be famous in history. In these 16 days, too many glorious moments have been born. There are too many things worth remembering. Sports talents from all over the world have left their unique mark here.

Michael Phelps, the flying fish who swept the swimming pool and won the eight gold medals in the Olympic Games, was born in the air, the crazy Bolt who swept the world record three times, and Liu Xiang, who was shocked and dejected, withdrew from the preliminaries

These 16 days left too many stories, too many moved, of course, there are too many too many sad.

These will not disappear with the end of the Olympic Games, they will always stay in the history of sports, and the BJ Olympic Games is worthy of the most successful Olympic Games.

However, for sports fans, before the end of prosperity, there is a focus match that the national audience is looking forward to. The final match of this men\'s basketball team: China vs. United States!

This is the final showdown of the men\'s basketball team in the Olympic Games. No one expected that the two teams in the opening match would become the opponents in the final. The main reason is that no one could have imagined that the Chinese men\'s basketball team led by Ji Feng would break the record repeatedly and enter the final directly. This made the passion before the final match more intense.

There is no need to say how much attention this game has received. As long as you know, no one in the world who has basketball fans doesn\'t know about the game. There are more than 120 countries in the world who choose to live broadcast this peak match. It is estimated that more than 500 million people will watch it. Such a crazy thing is unique in the history of basketball.

The expectations of the fans can be expected. Just look at the lineups of the two teams. It is unnecessary for the United States to say that one of the most famous stars in the world accounts for at least three quarters of the team, and the performance from the beginning to the end of this session is also impeccable.

As for the Chinese team, as the black horse of this year, it has only lost one game to the U.S. team, and other performances are also very excellent. Moreover, they have Ji Feng, the only player in the Olympic history who can be compared with Schmidt.

He has broken many records held by Schmidt since the Olympic Games. In addition to the record of single section and the highest score in a single game, he has slashed 270 points in the first seven games of the season peak, with an average of 38 points. 6, which is 68 points less than Schmidt\'s 338 points in 1988 and less than 4 points away from his record of 42.3 points per game It\'s hard to record, but Ji Feng is already the second player in history, and has a good chance to become the second player who has scored more than 300 points in a single Olympic Games after the final.

Ji Feng scored an astonishing 109 points in the two knockout matches and 54.5 points in the eliminated field, which has broken Schmidt\'s record.

How popular is Ji Feng now? If his performance in NBA has made him a favorite in Asia and the United States, through the Olympic Games, Jifeng has successfully become a world-famous figure. His legendary performance naturally attracted a large number of fans and fans.

Besides, Ji Feng doesn\'t dare to walk around at will even in the Olympic village. He will be surrounded by group photos wherever he goes. Even if he goes to other venues, Jifeng will steal the limelight of other athletes. On the night of 23rd, Jifeng caused a sensation when he appeared in the women\'s Volleyball arena. After the game, she was pulled by the women\'s volleyball girls to take a group photo for half a day Ji Feng left

On all media in the world, Jifeng is a frequent guest of front page headlines. This is not limited to Chinese media, because Chinese media can\'t speak without Jifeng now. As long as you live in this land, you won\'t miss Jifeng\'s figure, unless you throw away all your mobile phones, computers, TV and newspapers. Of course, it doesn\'t help, because Jifeng has even already It began to appear in school columns and examination questions.

The spokesmen are naturally laughing now. The original decision was really very wise. UA made a big profit by taking advantage of the Olympic Games. The last edition of "Olympic red" of the crazy front generation trampled on by Ji Feng has sold millions of pairs around the world. The global total sales of crazy front generation directly exceeded 50 million pairs. In Asia, this has become one of the most popular shoes, UA Take advantage of the situation to publicize the second generation of crazy front who will appear in the new season, gain a lot of attention and become the most expected shoes.

In foreign countries, Ji Feng has already become an effect. As the world\'s highest player in China\'s history, Ji Feng\'s name has been famous all over the world. The US sports illustrated has set a record three consecutive issues of Ji Feng as its cover, and before the men\'s basketball final, it also uses the photos of Ji Feng and Kobe as the cover. Frankly speaking, Los Angeles and Los Angeles will become the leading players in the men\'s basketball final, while Los Angeles will play a leading role in the final There is no need to say that Ji media is happy on the face."Spain took the lead in beating Lithuania to win the Olympic bronze medal, which let jkj as the core of the United States, China and Spain take the top three Olympic Games. This year is jkj year, is not too much!" The Los Angeles Times.

Not too much, of course not too much. Since Spain\'s victory over Lithuania in the morning, the Laker fans have gone crazy. They seem to have seen the moment when the three men play together again in the new season.

At 2:30 on the 24th, Wukesong stadium ushered in its final battle!

Before the start of the competition, the camera was cruising around the stadium. From time to time, celebrities from all walks of life, such as sports stars bolt, Phelps, China\'s Olympic champions, as well as the U.S. women\'s basketball team and the Chinese women\'s basketball team, as well as retired men\'s basketball players, all came to watch the game.

Naturally, a large number of leaders came, and stars from the entertainment industry also showed up. All the fans of the Chinese team also wore red T-shirts, rendering Wukesong into a red ocean.

Before the game, the U.S. team is naturally favored, but the U.S. team from top to bottom said it will be a hard fight.

"There\'s Jifeng. I\'m looking forward to meeting him." Kobe.

"We\'ve reached the final. Do you ask me if China is strong?" Old K.

"Ji Feng, there\'s no doubt that guy is the worst player in the Olympics, but we\'ll win." Wade.

The stars of the U.S. team are still low-key, and there is no pressure from the Chinese team. Playing in the final is enough. Just like Ji Feng said, it is enough to play his own strength. , the fastest update of the webnovel!