Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 940

Wukesong Gymnasium!

Now it\'s 10:00 p.m. nearly three hours have passed since China\'s impressive reversal. The news outside is still fermenting, and the discussion among fans is at a climax. The fame of Jifeng is getting louder and louder in the world. With the emergence of press releases, it is estimated that the heat will last for many days.

However, Wukesong is a different scene at the moment. Many fans who are still here have temporarily forgotten the feeling given to them by the Chinese team. The atmosphere here is still fanatical, and the air is becoming more and more viscous. Many fans\' faces with sweat and tense expression, and shaking legs are telling everyone what happened here, which even includes Kuo just experienced - Ji Feng!

Ji Feng simply finished the interview, went back to the dressing room to take a bath, and then directly sat on the grandstand, followed by his teammates, as well as the heat to complete the interpretation task.

See here, you will say Ji Feng is very romantic, the court date is not too cool!

Ji Feng originally meant that. After the victory, it was really cool for the beauty to be on the side. But in fact, when the game started, he had already forgotten about dating. In his eyes, there were only players from two teams on the field. Even the hot bar was attracted by the fierce fighting between the two teams on the field. The two people even didn\'t speak for a quarter, and their eyes were fixed on them Things that don\'t leave the field happen.

This scene lets Ji Feng not far away big Yao have to take, secretly murmurs, no wonder Ji Feng is so strong, absolute basketball fans, girlfriends around are so focused, let\'s have a look at the heat, en The two are a perfect match!

However, Yao also has to admit that this game is definitely the highest tactical level and the most fierce competition in the Olympic Games so far. It is absolutely not comparable to the bladder game of the United States killing Australia. Only two teams with strong strength and similar level can play it out!

Argentina and Spain are in line with this!

Take a look at the start of both sides!

Spain: big and small Gasol\'s inside line, outside line Calderon and Navarro, small forward on Ferdinand, a water NBA player, this is currently in addition to the United States, the most powerful set of starting.

And next door Argentina is not bad, retain 04 beat the United States team to win the championship, Argentina also on their strongest starting line-up!

Inside is the Rockets\' Scola and Spurs\' Oberto, outside bucks backup guard Delfino and Spurs\' Manu Ginobili, plus small forward, also from the NBA\'s Andre nosioni!

The same set of NBA starting lineup, Ginobili and Scola\'s internal and external partners are also famous in the world. Although the height is the biggest problem for this Argentina, their skillful cooperation and stable performance almost make the opponents have no chance to take advantage of. Moreover, many players in the team still cooperate with their old teammates for many years and are very familiar with each other There is an extraordinary degree of tacit understanding.

The most important thing is that Argentina\'s flexible tactical style and perfect combination of internal and external play have always been a headache for teams around the world.

The meeting of these two teams is definitely a pinprick match against Mai mang!

In fact, the two teams played a very high tactical cooperation in the first round. Spain relied on its own invincible interior double towers and successfully shot the inside line, while Argentina relied on the tacit cooperation between Scola and Ginobili, and immediately pulled back a goal!

In the first quarter, the two teams were extremely anxious, the score rose alternately, 21-21, the two teams drew in the first quarter!

And this rhythm has continued until now the third quarter, both sides are still 66-66 draw!

Behind a very auspicious number is the fierce confrontation between the two teams. It is normal for the two teams to fall down and grab the ball. The fierce hand to hand combat fills the field, making the field full of male hormones.

The two teams showed their own magic power in crossing the sea, expanding their own advantages crazily, but it was difficult to defend the other side\'s fierce offensive. The maximum score was only 4 points, and it would be leveled soon.

This can also understand why Ji Feng\'s eyes can not be moved, seriously, both teams have the ability to enter the top four, and who has the hope of winning, depends on who can survive in the fourth quarter!

"Hoo ~ finally the fourth quarter, the gods fight, but it\'s a pity that the two teams are not lucky to meet in advance. How good it is for Argentina not to lose to Lithuania. I feel that the Argentinian Jedi, who are all out, are better than the Lithuanian." Jifeng took advantage of the time of the interval rest activities, some rigid waist said.

"That\'s the charm of basketball. There\'s no if." Hot bar solemnly said, she is now a basketball pass!

"Ha ha! That\'s right. If Argentina wins Lithuania, it\'s time for us to worry, so there\'s no if! " Jifeng laughed and shaved the hot nose and said with a smile. But in fact, Jifeng still has some regrets in his heart. He still wants to fight with Argentina.

"Well, who do you think will win?" Hot bar wrinkled little nose said.

"Well Strictly speaking, there are opportunities. The fourth quarter will be very fierce. However, Spain has a bigger chance. Because their bench depth is better, Gasol, Navarro and other main players have rested. Next door, Ginobili did not rest for a minute, Scola only rested for 2 minutes. This physical gap will seriously affect the hand feel and defensive strength, and get to the most In the later critical period, the more obvious the gap is, which is the reason why no one in the U.S. team can compete Ji Feng said, if not as he expected, the game will be known.Sure enough, in the fourth quarter, just as Ji Feng expected, Argentina was trapped in physical strength, and their defensive strength decreased, especially in the interior. The power of Gasol, big and small, was perfectly reflected at this moment. Basically, no one could defeat it. Argentina\'s own attack also had problems. First, Scola turned to shoot to the front of the basket, and then Ginobili also failed to make a layup Phenomenon, this is the problem caused by physical strength.

13-3, Spain played a huge attack in 6 minutes, the score was opened!

Although Ginobili hit three points in a row from outside, reducing the difference to 3 points, Spain again relied on Gasol to score on the inside line again and again to stabilize the situation.

With Ginobili\'s three-point strike, Spain beat Argentina by 95-89 and 6 points to win the final four!

"Let\'s congratulate Spain for defeating Argentina in this strong dialogue and advancing to the top four. Then all the top four men\'s basketball teams in this Olympic Games have been produced. They are the United States, Lithuania, China and Spain."

"The top four match has also taken place. The United States and Spain have a dialogue, while China will face Lithuania. This is also a contest between the two dark horses in this competition."

"Who\'s the best black horse in the end? Please lock in the live broadcast of the semi-final on August 22!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!