Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 934

Key attack and defense!

Ji Feng led the Chinese team to score five points in a row, expanding the difference!

"This is the real Chinese team!" Jifeng and Yao hit the chest passionately, and then talked about tactics while walking back to the bench, Croatia called a pause!

"Beautiful! Jifeng a landmark arc top to steal a dragon, the Chinese team finally in the third quarter just started to play some momentum! Croatia is stopped! " Director Sun is about to stand up in the live seat, and there is hope for the ball that will not be available!

Another reason is that the Chinese team has not scored in such a continuous way for a long time. It is reasonable to have less than 30% shooting rate.

"That\'s right! That\'s reasonable! You can also defend Thomas defense, you want to singles season peak, that\'s definitely want more, this world few people can singles season peak "According to this, the Chinese team still has a chance," Zhang said

However, Lippi SA has a good sense of smell. The two goals of the Chinese team are obviously different, and Thomas is a little inflated. This attack and defense was directly hit by Ji Feng, so he must change the main force to maintain the situation. By the way, Thomas should not be too rough.

"Don\'t worry, the situation is still in our hands, the next attack to be more stable, not singles, we need to pass more, slow down the rhythm of the field, they are the side of the anxious, the time is on our side, understand?" Lippi SA stood at the edge of the field, holding the tactical board.

At the same time, he also reminded Thomas to focus on defense and shoot instead of the season peak of singles.

Thomas naturally nodded and agreed. Just after the ball, the coach didn\'t say that he didn\'t dare to play Jifeng like this. It was terrible. He felt that every movement of himself could be recognized by Ji Feng. This feeling was like standing on the street in underpants, without a sense of security!

But the Chinese team side, yunas just stressed to have to fight hard war preparation, and more ball to Ji Feng to deal with.

Back on the field again, Croatia replaced all the main lineup, while China replaced the more powerful Arab League.

The Croatian attack, compared with just now, Jifeng found that they completely slowed down the pace of attack, basically stuck in the half-time, cruising outside for half a day, and passing the ball back and forth, which is also a common method used by the side with a big lead.

But Ji Feng feels that the opportunity has come!

Croatia is too conservative, how many teams have been overturned because of the word conservative, you know, on the basketball court, defense is not defensible!

Because the attack of Croatia was too slow, it ended with iron. The moment of shooting was 29 seconds. It was really not a waste of attack time.

But the Chinese team is different, big Yao took the rebound immediately after the transfer, Ji Feng took the ball very quickly after the half-time, in the three-point line waiting for his teammates to land immediately launched the attack.

After the pick and roll!

This time, Yao didn\'t waste the opportunity, a three-point line in a big step of the middle shot!

The difference is further reduced to 13 points!

However, after the Croatian goal finally came late, Popovich did not live up to his name, the outside line fired into three points.

But Jifeng immediately also with color, a dry pull three points after the dribble, the perfect response ball!

In the third quarter, the competition finally had a taste of elimination. Both sides were very anxious, and the difference was always maintained at 13 points.

Until the last attack opportunity, Ji Feng took off the backboard in the backcourt, and directly killed near the three-point line along the sideline. Thomas followed him like a shadow, while the Chinese players quickly fell into position.

At this time, Ji Feng\'s eyes look at the top of the arc roughly, at the same time his right hand to the top of the arc to do the ball!

"Opportunity!" Thomas immediately prepared to make up for defense, but went out to find that he was cheated, this is a fake action!

"This is the real opportunity!" Jifeng Feizhuo a shot, right hand sequence will pull back the ball, no adjustment, step on the three-point line direct shot!



Ball in, light up!


Jifeng feel hot!

"Yes! Jifeng is amazing

Fans also crazy for the ball to play call, a quarter to recover 10, which let people see the hope of winning again!

Chinese team third quarter single section hits 30-20, single section recovers 10 points difference!

This also marks the overall recovery of the state of the Chinese team, a single quarter hit rate of 59%, more than four three-point shot outside the three-point line, they finally played the rhythm expected by the fans!

"Ji Feng got 13 points again, 4 assists, 4 rebounds and 31 points in three quarters, which helped the Chinese team narrow the 10 point difference. In the last quarter, the Chinese team still had a chance." Zhang said, now half of the heart is in the stomach.

"Yes, Jifeng is too powerful, the Chinese team is also a backyard force, I hope the fourth quarter will continue to work hard, this time, Croatia will be nervous, 10 points difference, not safe!" Sun said.

Sun guessed it right. Croatia is really nervous. At this time, it is 10 points ahead. Although it looks like a lot, they are aware of the recovery of the Chinese team. They have the ability to completely reverse the difference.Lippi SA began to deploy troops, and by the way, crazily poured chicken soup, and they wanted to keep the victory.

But next door Tencent live room, hot bar finally came to life. When she fell behind, she really did not dare to watch, but she always believed that she could recover the score. Now some fans in the live room called her the goddess of luck.

And Su Qun spared no effort to praise Ji Feng\'s performance. This season, Ji Feng\'s shooting percentage is as high as 100%, without losing a shot. He is the real meritorious official who pursues points.

"Jifeng is too critical, pressure whistle, respond to the ball, Jifeng will be Croatian momentum back, but also drive teammates, play too perfect, these three quarters and 31 points Su Qun shook his head and sighed.

"We have to play like this now. We will give the ball to Ji Feng to solve the problem, especially in the last quarter. It\'s time to fight for stars." Yang Yi said.

Now the fans all over the country and even the Chinese people all over the world are staring at the TV nervously, waiting for the arrival of the final decisive battle. Many fans draw crosses on their chest and pray for the Chinese team silently.

Only five minutes later, the game, which affects the hearts of all Chinese fans, has finally started!

Jifeng and Dayao are still on the court, Jifeng has said that he will not rest even for a minute!

"Boy, you can\'t win it!" Thomas fiercely yelled to Jifeng: "victory is ours!"

"Man, talk to me when the game is over. Now, you should care about your right side!" Jifeng smile, very Qingcheng, very fan, and then an instant lunge!

Thomas almost broke his waist!

Thomas was cleaned up one step at a time!

Ji Feng goes to the basket and doesn\'t look at the pass from behind!

Da Yao smashes the ball with both hands!

"You see, victory doesn\'t belong to you yet!" Ji Feng said lightly.

The pursuit of points is still on! , the fastest update of the webnovel!