Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 924

August 17, the Olympic Games are still in full swing, the daily competition let the audience are dazzled, at this time it has been in the middle, many events have ushered in the finale, and the Chinese athletes in each arena have a good performance, at this time the number of gold medals and the total number of medals have reached a record high in the same period, and are still rising The delegation has the opportunity to set a new record of gold medals and medals!

At the moment, the whole country is immersed in a happy atmosphere. In this atmosphere, the Olympic men\'s basketball team also ushered in its fourth competition day!

At eight o\'clock in the morning, the Chinese men\'s basketball team went to Wukesong Gymnasium for warm-up and field training as usual, but today\'s time is a little earlier, because today\'s match will be held at 5:00 p.m., which is the first time they play in the afternoon, and it is also the penultimate match today.

The main reason is that the Chinese team has already advanced, while other matches are closely related to the qualification, such as the match between Australia and Russia. This is Russia\'s last chance and the key battle for Australia to rank third in the group.

Since Bogut\'s big mouth offended the Chinese fans, Australia\'s attention has increased a lot, because they are looking forward to China\'s team meeting the Australian top eight. There\'s nothing like knocking them out personally, isn\'t it.

So the premise is that Australia will be good enough tonight!

Of course, there is another reason that tonight\'s highlight is the U.S. vs. Spain. The two teams with the most stars in the Olympic Games are finally going to meet. This is another Laker civil war. The meeting of Kobe and Gasol also makes China\'s Hu MI can\'t wait.

Therefore, today\'s training time of Chinese team is one hour earlier than before. Yunas must let the players transfer their state earlier. After all, they seldom play games in this period, and most of the matches of German team are at this time.

However, early play also has the advantage of early playing, because they will have time to watch the ball in the stadium after playing early. Jifeng is also looking forward to the match between Spain and the United States.

"Ji Feng, I heard you went to see badminton last night. How did you feel?" Dayao and Jifeng are chatting on the road.

Last night was Ji Feng\'s first chance to go to another stadium to watch the game. Although he lives in the Olympic Village, his life is basically a stadium and apartment. He has not had a chance to experience the Olympic atmosphere, let alone watch other games.

After all, before the match opponents are very strong, they must maintain a tense state, and the results are quite satisfactory to all of them. Now they have completed the qualification task ahead of schedule. Therefore, yunas, who has always been known for his strictness, waved his big hand, and all the staff had a short holiday for one night. It\'s OK to report back to the apartment at 11:00 p.m., yunas, which is also a small reward for the players After all, the combination of work and rest is the truth, so Jifeng also has long lost free time.

"It\'s OK. It\'s just that I\'m in a hurry. I can\'t help it. I can\'t leave later." Ji Feng helplessly said with a smile.

Last night, he went with the hot bar, which was also the first date after Ji Feng went to the national team. Now, Ji Feng\'s attention level must not be able to wander on the street. So after a simple candlelight dinner, they chose to go to the badminton hall. Unfortunately, although Ji Feng has been very low-key, it is still too easy to recognize. Almost there is congestion in the stands Jifeng can only pull the hot bar and quickly slip out.

"I\'ll watch you play in the stands from now on." After going out, the hot bar said solemnly that there was such a famous boyfriend in the world. However, from the smile that could not be hidden from her mouth, the boy friend was hardly satisfied.

"Ha ha ha ha, let your boy take a girlfriend, you are already attractive enough, and you also bring such a beautiful woman, this is not to seek trouble." Dayao laughs like a thief.

"Brother Yao, I heard that Zhao of yesterday\'s women\'s volleyball team Ah, do you want me to talk to sister ye? " Season peak slants an eye to see an eye to gloat big Yao to say.

"Big brother! Keep your mouth shut! I didn\'t say anything! Let\'s go. I\'ll treat you to lunch! " Dayao quickly covers Jifeng\'s mouth and smiles into an expression pack again. However, he also adds some flattery. The boy knows everything. It\'s really damned. Dayao is a little uncomfortable

The jokes of the two men\'s basketball players also made their teammates laugh. Their atmosphere at the moment is absolutely relaxed.

This is not the case with the German team. Their training started early. The pressure of promotion is like a mountain. At the moment, the German players can\'t laugh.

At present, Germany has only won one victory in Angola, which directly results in them having to win at least one more to qualify, so the next two games are tough for them.

Especially in this match with China, they attach great importance to it. After all, they arranged this way before. The United States, Spain and Greece can\'t beat them. In Angola, they are confident that they will win, and then they will compete with China for fourth place.

This arrangement seems reasonable. After all, the strength of the Chinese team was similar to them before. One relied on Yao, the other relied on Nowitzki, and then they were all CBA teammates. It depends on the on-the-spot play.At that time, China and Germany played and fans joked that it was a match to verify whose teammates were really CBA!

Really don\'t be too image!

But I didn\'t expect that after Ji Feng joined the Chinese team, they were so tiger that they killed Spain and Greece, and showed their terrifying dominance. The offensive firepower is only second to that of the United States, which is one of the terror. However, the German at this time has no better way. They can only choose to fight the Chinese team. After all, they have to fight Spain in the end!

"As long as the offensive let Nowitzki play, other people try to do a good defense, especially Ji Yao\'s defense, there are still some opportunities." The German media can only comfort the fans.

In fact, they are also lack of confidence

And when the game really started, they knew that the lack of confidence was right!

At 5:00 p.m., this hot afternoon did not stop the enthusiasm of the fans, Wukesong was still full of voices.

On the sidelines, the starters of the two teams also stepped onto the court!

The Chinese team\'s start is still familiar, while the German team\'s starters are: Center Kaman, power forward Nowitzki, small forward Lipp zvina, shooting guard Robert Garrett and point guard diamond green.

In addition to the inside twin towers, everyone else plays in the National League. Seriously, the names are listed, and we certainly don\'t know what they look like. The fact is the same. Their strength is really out of the question.

This is still on the inside of the double tower team! , the fastest update of the webnovel!