Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 913

Wukesong stadium, the celebration of the Chinese team is still going on!

Ji Feng\'s chest and shoulders are going to be numb, but he is still happy with his teammates. Ji Feng is very happy, and his exhaustion seems to disappear in an instant. Until now, he has the real feeling of defeating Spain!

They did it!

Really, that\'s great!

"The Chinese team is excellent!" Jifeng raised his arms and yelled, and then madly led the fans, which is his extremely excited performance, the general season peak rarely with rhythm.

Yunus ran up to give Jifeng a big hug and called in Jifeng\'s ear: "Jifeng! Great night! You are a hero! old man! You are the best

Eunas\'s excitement almost overflowed the screen. His face was really full of laughter. He swore to his assistant for more than 20 years that this was the happiest time of his life. Even though he was called Caesar of Europe, he had never been so excited.

Naturally, yunas had reason to be excited. He led the Asian team to win the world championship. Spain, the country with the largest number of stars in addition to the United States, did it. In the case that Yao couldn\'t play in the last quarter, he and he led it This Chinese team will be recorded in the history of Olympic Games and basketball.

This also proved his wisdom, he gave Jifeng the supreme trust, the fact proved to be an extremely correct decision, Jifeng is the soul of this team, Jifeng is the person who can create miracle, Yunus even thinks Jifeng is the miracle itself!

The magic performance of Jifeng tonight is constantly replayed on the big screen, including breakthrough, Zhongtou, passing, assists, rebounds, steals, until the final three points of the king. Jifeng can do anything!

And no one left the scene. They watched the replay on the big screen and constantly burst into cheers. The shouting of Jifeng and MVP resounded through the stadium, and even fans worshipped Jifeng, which represented the most enthusiastic worship!

"At this moment, Jifeng is the king on the field!" ESPN commentator exclaimed, "the new king of basketball is going to take the throne here!"

When the whistle rings, there are no more people in the media seats. All the people run to the venue with equipment. The photographer plays his hand speed of being single for 30 years, and the shutter button flies up. The photos are saved one by one. This is the historical moment of Chinese basketball. Every second is worth cherishing!

Shen Yang yelled, "he did it! He did it! " She rushed into the venue with the microphone and the photography team. She couldn\'t wait to interview the absolute hero of tonight!

At the moment Jifeng is hugging Gasol, the game is over, the two are still brothers.

"You did it again today, boy. You are too cruel." Gasol hammered Jifeng\'s chest and said with a smile that although there was some loss at the end of the game, he adjusted it in time. It\'s not the time for the loss to relax. It\'s just the group stage, and Spain still has a chance.

"There\'s no way, brother. You\'re too strong. How can we win if we don\'t work hard. We\'ll continue to refuel and try to defeat the American team. I hope the later we meet, the better." Ji Feng also responded with a smile. By the way, he did not forget to dig a hole for the US team.

At this time, although Spain is also one win and one loss, they still have the most difficult U.S. team not to play, so in order to impact the group ranking, they must make sure that they do not capsize in the gutter. Although Spain lost today, their strength is obviously more than that. If they can compete with the United States at that time, not to mention victory, they can at least force the United States out Let\'s get something for the national team!

Just as Kobe and Jifeng said after the first game, Jifeng also means this. I have to say that Jifeng and Kobe are the same in the same line, and they have not forgotten to dig holes for their brothers!

It\'s just poor Pau Gasol. He\'s not clear about it.

The Spanish team quickly left the field after greeting the Chinese team. The defeat upset their plans, and they still have a lot to sum up.

And Jifeng looked at them with unwilling back, always think after, the two teams will meet, at that time, it must be a fight between the dragon and the tiger.

"Jifeng! Why didn\'t Yao come out at the last minute of the game

"Jifeng, do you think the victory over Spain will have any effect on the next game?"

"What is China\'s plan after the victory over Spain?"

"Ji Feng performed so well tonight. Did the coach make any special arrangements?"


Just after Ji Feng regained his mind, he was surrounded by reporters on the sidelines of the court. One by one questions were thrown out without money. Ji Feng\'s head would be big. Fortunately, there was a team assistant to help him out. Ji Feng was able to return to the player channel.

"I\'ll go. Everyone is so excited today." Jifeng arrived in the dressing room and wiped the sweat on his forehead. This group of reporters felt as if they had drunk chicken blood. It was crazy!

"Brother, you don\'t have to look at what data you have typed!" Sun Yue said in one side, the reporter is only so crazy about Jifeng, other people are just interviewing!Take a look at Jifeng\'s data. After the amazing 50 points on the court, Jifeng scored 28 points in the first three quarters, and scored 17 points in the fourth quarter and scored 45 points!

He made 27 shots and hit 17 goals, with a hit rate of 62.9%. Among them, 14 out of 21 two-point shots and 3-out of 6-out-of-3-pointer, including the one that helped China lock in the winning game at the last moment, and 8-out-of-8 free throws, Ji Feng made another amazing fight.

In addition, Ji Feng also has 9 assists and 8 rebounds, 2 steals and 2 blocked accounts, so super large quasi triple double data shocked a ground eye!

"This guy is a monster. You can\'t stop him." Ferdinand was very helpless in an interview. He tried his best to defend, sacrificing the role of the offensive side, but there was still no result. Ji Feng smashed him again and knocked him down, hitting the goal that can make him remember for a lifetime.

On the defensive side, neither Ferdinand nor Philippe can limit Ji Feng\'s personal attack. Spain and the United States have chosen Jordan\'s law as the way to defend Jifeng, but the effect is known all over the world.

However, the Spanish coach thinks they have no problem in defending Jifeng: "players of this level are not limited by defense. In this respect, there is no difference between one person and two people."

What the Spanish coach said is the truth. Jifeng definitely has the ability of one to two. What\'s more, they are not the United States. James Anthony can use them freely. There are not so many powerful people in their third position.

This war let Jifeng\'s power have more people\'s recognition, the world\'s media are scrambling to praise Jifeng.

"Back to back 95 points, Ji Feng creates a magic record!" Japanese basketball daily.

"The craziest scorer in Olympic history appears, Ji Feng leads the Chinese team, and the second in the sword finger group!" Los Angeles sports.

But Ji Feng is still low-key, he thinks the team\'s play is the cornerstone of victory; "basketball has always been five people\'s, isn\'t it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!