Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 902

"Grass, it\'s really boring." After throwing the ball, Ji Feng put his hands on his knees again and wiped the sweat on his face with his shirt. This is the most action he has done in this game. The defensive pressure from the other side is too great, which makes every attack very difficult.

In addition, due to the instability of the guard line, Ji Feng has to be both a father and a mother if he wants to break the U.S. team\'s full court pressure. When his physical strength is too high in the late stage, he still has to rely on Yao to block the midfield.

So at this time, he is really no strength, Ji Feng vowed, this is his career, the most tired game, he really tried his best.

Yunas took advantage of the situation to call a pause, which was the last pause of his game. In fact, he did not arrange many tactics today, because he played the best season peak in the game, and he didn\'t need to make any extra tactics. It was a proper individual heroism game. What\'s more, he let Ji Feng rest for a while and recover his physical strength.

Now, 1 minute 30 seconds, there is only about 3-4 attack time, the U.S. team has the ball right, the score is still 10 points, the Chinese team basically has no chance to reverse, so Yunus wants to let Ji Feng come down to rest.

"Hoo ~ sure enough, it still can\'t work. These guys are really strong. It\'s still cool." Ji Feng looked up at the scoreboard, 90-100, even if he did so, there is still no way to expand the difference to less than 10 points.

But the audience doesn\'t think so!

In the hearts of almost all Chinese fans, this has been a great success, so when Ji Feng is off the court, what you hear is the MVP cry of all the fans!

"Jifeng is amazing! It\'s amazing. I kneel down for the big man

"Jifeng Niubi, I will give you a monkey!"

"Ji Fengqiang is invincible, Mr. 50 Fen shocked the world!"

"Can force the strongest US team, Kobe played 33 minutes, James 30 minutes, Howard did not go down very much, let old K a game to call the end of the suspension, such a season peak, I can only kneel down to watch the game!"

"Asian deck, No.1 in history! Chinese team continues to rush! I\'m looking forward to the future of this Chinese team. Medals are not a dream

Netizens have also offered knees for Ji Feng in the live broadcasting room, which is a game that makes Chinese fans sleepless all night!

As a 20-year-old fan in front of the TV set lamented: "I never dreamed that one day we could only lose 10 points to the US team! It\'s so goddamn fantastic

Such scores, such performance, Ji Feng is really proud enough.

When Ji Feng came back to the bench, Dayao came forward to hold Ji Feng. There was no loss on his face, but only a hint of relief: "really, boy, tonight belongs to you, we didn\'t lose! That\'s enough! "

And back on the bench Ji Feng also received a hero like courtesy, Sun Yue direct towel drinks a dragon, Du Feng immediately let the position, the Chinese team big guy has become.

And Guo Shiqiang directly to Jifeng thumbs up, constantly in Jifeng ear exclamation you are really too hanging.

Even Yunus also slapped Ji Feng on the shoulder with a smile and said, "well done, completely beyond expectations, tonight you are the hero!"

"A middle shot, Ji Feng hit a signboard middle shot this time. This is his trump card attack style. He has hit countless middle shots in the game."

"But, please remember this goal, this is not an ordinary goal, Ji Feng after getting these two points, brought his own score of this game to a full 50 points!"

"This is a game that has been recorded in history, with 50 points in a single game, second only to the Olympic single game scoring record of 55 points in a single game set by Oster of Brazil at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, becoming the second highest scoring performance in history!"

"Yes, but I also saw that game. No matter the opponent\'s ability or level, or the intensity, there is no way to compete with the peak of the U.S. team. Before the season peak, no one has been able to get such a high score on the U.S. team. It\'s in front of super players like Kobe, James, Howard, bosh and Anthony!" Zhang said.

On the technical stage, Yu Jia and Zhang\'s praise for Ji Feng did not have much sense of being behind and about to lose. The surprise and touch brought by the game were far greater than the victory or defeat of the game itself, which made him see the hope of the future of Chinese basketball.

Jifeng\'s bravery affected the substitute players, the last one and a half points, they did not let the score be opened, the difference was locked in 10 points!

"Beep! ~!”

"Ah, ah, ah ~ ~"

accompanied by the whistle of the referee and the cheers of the fans, the opening game of the men\'s basketball team, which attracted the attention of the public, officially came to an end.


The U.S. team has made a good start to this competition!

The Chinese team can leave the stadium with their heads held high. They have set the record of the smallest difference in the history of the United States, which is 30 points higher than before. This is a leap forward progress!

All of this is due to Ji Feng. After this game, the best player of the match was awarded to Jifeng. This is the first MVP loser. The performance of this season peak was really not black. After 33 minutes of playing, 19 out of 36 shots, 4 out of 7 three-point shots, 8 out of 10 free throws, 50 points were obtained, the percentage of hits was more than 50%, and there were only 3 mistakes. In addition, there were 6 assists, 7 rebounds, 1 cover and 1 steals Rage, what is missing is victory.Even the old K is shaking hands with Jonas after a special trip to find Ji Feng, on his performance expressed praise.

"Great boy, I\'m a little overwhelmed by you." Old K said with a smile, Ji Feng is even more tiger than manu, he has now raised the dangerous level of the Chinese team to a level with Spain.

"Oh, come on coach. I just want to rest now. We\'re finished. I think we\'d better not meet before the final Jifeng stall hands said.

As soon as he said this, Kobe came over to give Ji Feng a shoulder bump: "see the boys in the final, and pull them down."

"Well, of course it\'s the best! (Gasol) Ji Feng is very happy with his smile, and this game also gives him confidence.

Although the Chinese team depends on him today, the performance of other people is not bad, such as Yao who got 20 points and 11 rebounds, and who got 6 points, 7 rebounds and 2 blocks was playing normally.

Although the Arab League was only 3 points and 3 rebounds by bosh and Boozer today, which is the most abnormal one. Wang Shipeng and Liu Wei are also severely restricted. There is no spirit in CBA, but Sun Yue\'s atmosphere of getting 5 points, 3 assists and 3 blocks in 12 minutes of playing is still very impressive. There is also Chen Jianghua, who dares to fight, dare to jump, and flies with speed.

Jifeng firmly believes that as long as they continue to play in the following games, his goal will be closer and closer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!