Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 898

"Jifeng is a bull!"

"Great Yao!"

"China team, come on

"The Chinese team will win!"

Wukesong stadium, at this moment, the audience has been completely crazy, all kinds of cheer for the Chinese team slogans do not need money spilled out!

If you are watching the game, you can understand the feeling of the fans. It is definitely an unreal feeling Dream!

but this really happened in front of everyone, and not only that, the Chinese team relied on their extraordinary courage to let old coach k call out his first suspension of the game!

This is the dream eight compared with dream one. They are the first to call out the pause!

We should know that since the dream team took part in the Olympic Games in 1992, the United States team is famous for its small number of pauses. For example, in 1992, the dream team did not even call a pause from the beginning of the group competition to winning the championship, which reflects the absolute dominance.

After that, the coach of the dream team didn\'t call it a pause until the beginning of the new century.

However, this dream eight, which was expected to be highly anticipated, was called the team that could call out the least suspension before the game. As a result, it was in the face in the first game!

All Chinese fans didn\'t expect this game to be such a start. The brilliant dream team 8 was suppressed by the Chinese team in 8 minutes. No matter in attack or defense, the Chinese team was the better side. The super high score of 8 minutes and 18 points confirmed this point. Moreover, the Chinese team has carefully studied the United States team, and they are in the middle of the formation Too many cards lead to the defense is not as good as it looks. Although many of them have excellent individual defense ability, basketball has never been a one-man game!

Hold the gap!

Constantly use the pick and roll to kill the inside line to find opportunities!

China has made a wonderful start!

To paraphrase Zhang\'s words, who could have thought of it before the game!

"It\'s wonderful. It\'s the best eight minutes in the history of the Chinese team. It\'s hard to hold down the U.S. team at 10 points." Yu Jia constantly sighs. It is the first time in history that the Chinese team has been so ahead of the US team. At other times, it is impossible to see any hope.

And this game, only 8 minutes, let everyone feel that the ball is worth watching!

Jifeng\'s state has been praised by all the Chinese media. In the first eight minutes, Jifeng has already got 8 out of 18 points, and there are four assists. The defensive end has also become the external line barrier of the Chinese team. James has not scored a point in 10 minutes, and has not successfully broken through. Both sides of the offensive and defensive play their own roles.

Even the commentary of ESPN, the American media responsible for the live broadcast of the game, has to admit that the Chinese team is playing a better role in the eight minutes!

"The Chinese team plays more like a complete team. They have a good grasp of the rhythm of the court. They use the wonderful cooperation of Ji Feng and Yao, two strong points in the team, to suppress the United States. Coach k needs to make a change. If we continue to play like this, the so-called redemption team will become a joke!"

And the dream eight team, which is by the domestic media diss, is also very serious on the bench at the moment, and there is no relaxed expression on each face.

"I said, if you look down on that guy, it will cost you. Now we have to be serious!" Kobe, the team\'s boss, said on the bench that he was the most normal person in the dream team, scoring four points.

"Kobe is right. We have to be serious! Anthony, Wade and Paul, three of you, pick and roll, enhance the outside shooting Coach k made a change.

Replace three of the four men in the dust, enhance the U.S. team\'s ability to fight and attack speed, although Anthony in the League performance is not as good as James, but in the international arena, Anthony really bug, he is the United States team\'s first scorer!

The pause is over and the game continues!

Chinese team did not change, yunas obviously will continue this state!

However, after the adjustment of the U.S. team played more determined, Paul\'s front court points, Wade\'s breakthrough after the ball, Anthony next door to face Jifeng did not stop, straight into the dry pull!

Three points!

This is Anthony\'s ability in the international arena!

"Hoo, how are you going to attack me, boy?" Anthony yelled in Jifeng\'s ear, and the familiar rubbish words came again.

Ji Feng turned a deaf ear to this, he now feel very good, he wants to continue to lead the Chinese team forward, others said it is impossible to win the United States, but he will try!


Ji Feng again used his signature breakthrough skills near the three-point line, shaking open the space to return a dry draw three points!

"Hard! Hard enough! Response ball! The difference has been kept at eight. Come on, Chinese team The wonderful goal lets Yujia almost hit the earpiece with a fist.

Seeing Ji Feng so fierce, Paul couldn\'t help it. He played tricks on Liu Wei with the ball and went to the front court to kill a single person into the basket. Although Liu Wei is about the same height as Paul, his fighting ability is not a level at all. Paul can\'t resist the Chinese team\'s Arab League players on his back, and he can\'t help breaking through the Chinese team. There are superstars everywhere, and no one can play He goes in and passes back to Howard. Warcraft finally scores the first goal today!After the goal the Warcraft drum the shoulder muscle, laughs the thief joyfully!

"Do it! You won\'t be able to laugh after a while! " Jifeng secretly gritted his teeth, and then made a gesture of 1 to Dayao.

Yao knows, so in the Chinese team attack, Dayao and Jifeng do arc top pick and roll again, this time Howard dare not cover Ji Feng, but this gives Ji Feng a chance to pass Anthony!


One armed Tomahawk chop and buckle!

Under the basket is already hiding far away Chris Bosh

"This is China! This is Laozi\'s territory! " Ji Feng raised his arms and roared after landing, and the audience responded with crazy shouts!

Yao ji, no one can get rid of it!

The two teams played very fast in these two minutes. The goal rate was very high. Bosh pulled out one of the Arab League, and the Chinese team still had the last 20 seconds to attack.

Ji Feng is not ambiguous. After the A-League pick and roll, Anthony forces Ji Feng to the bottom line, while bosh also pursues here. Ji Feng throws the ball directly to the basket. Yao then pats his horse to catch the ball, turns around to play with Howard and smashes the ball with one arm!

The whistle!

China team 26-18 in a single quarter, still leading by 8 points!

The U.S. team has realized the power of Jifeng and Dayao\'s connection. Jifeng\'s breakthrough and tearing ability make Dayao more like a fish in the water, and Yao\'s containment in the interior also makes Jifeng more threatening!

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