Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 891

Sui Feifei and Miao Lijie, the world-class stars of the women\'s basketball team, both of them have gone to the WNBA once and are now the trumps of the Chinese women\'s basketball team. The Chinese women\'s basketball team has always maintained the fine tradition of the three big balls. Women are much better than men. For example, the only world champion in the three big balls is won by the women\'s volleyball team. The women\'s football team has won the second place in the world cup, and the women\'s basketball team is also the second runner up in the Olympic Games and the world championships Saiya army has won, and it has always been a strong brigade in the world. In this Olympic Games, they also put forward the slogan of marching into the top four. Look, the men\'s basketball team dare not shout like this. This is the gap!

Of course, they are also Ji Feng\'s fans. After all, they only know Ji Feng\'s influence in the basketball circle only after they have been to the United States. Sui Feifei also secretly went to Los Angeles to watch several Laker games.

Their training venue is next to the men\'s basketball stadium. Usually, they don\'t see the relationship between their heads down. Two days after Ji Feng came, they organized a group to have a signature, and they gradually got familiar with each other. I didn\'t hear that Dayao was coming back. Today, she sneaked over with half a women\'s basketball team and said that they wanted to see the chemical reaction between the two strongest players in China 。

Of course, by the way, you can continue to see handsome men. It\'s killing two birds with one stone!

So when Jifeng and Dayao walked into the stadium, there was already a lot of people in the stadium. To be honest, Ji Feng never saw so many people in the training hall at this point. Apart from other things, all the men\'s basketball players were here. It was very mysterious.

"Everybody It\'s all very early. " Ji Feng looked at his watch. It was just seven o\'clock. When did these guys work so hard.

The morning training time of men\'s basketball team is usually 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. in fact, the training is still very hard. Therefore, except Ji Feng, a Lian and others, other people are basically pressed to come. This is no different from those guys in NBA, but they will not be late.

It\'s not that you don\'t work hard or you don\'t take it seriously. It\'s talent that decides everything. If you don\'t have a good body, don\'t try it easily. A good rest is obviously more important for them.

And like today, it\'s the first time since Ji Feng joined the national team when he arrived at seven o\'clock.

"Hey, hey, this is not too excited. I haven\'t played with brother Yao for a long time." Sun Yue came up and said, flattering the sky.

"It\'s a reason, but those over there are not afraid that coach Mach will suddenly come to ask for help!" Ji Feng turned his head and called to the women\'s basketball players who were watching them whisper in the stands nearby.

"Not afraid! Jifeng, let\'s get started! We are still in a hurry to get back to training! " Sui Feifei, who is most familiar with Jifeng, stood up and yelled.

"Why don\'t you just go now?" Jifeng speechless smile, morning was urged training is the first time, this group of girls do not go to coach is really a pity.

However, despite their strong demand, but the coach is not there, they see nothing, and Ji Feng no longer nonsense, under the leadership of his own physical fitness coach began an hour of physical training!

In general, even if they come early, Zhu Fangyu\'s gang is just shooting. They don\'t need to think about physical training, which is only done by the Ji summit.

Push, squat, mountain climbing machine, treadmill, maximum speed running, load-bearing, high leg lift Ji Feng once again showed his extraordinary ability in front of the people. He overfulfilled the training task for an hour. This is the basis of his aerobic training for one and a half hours in the morning.

"Pervert!" This is the voice of the men\'s basketball team.

"So handsome!" This is the voice of a woman basketball player shouting while taking pictures.

And finally until 8:30, Yunus and the coaching team appeared in the training hall, the old man did not nonsense, came up to announce today\'s training content!

"Fight in groups! Group AB! Ji Feng, Dayao, a Lian, Wang Shipeng, Liu Wei, group A; general, Du Feng, Zhu Fangyu, Sun Yue, Chen Jianghua, group B, full court 5v5 confrontation training, now

It\'s dry goods at first!

From this set of lineups, you can also see what the first and second lineups are like in yunas\' mind.

Of course, today\'s main attention is focused on Dayao and Ji Feng. Four teaching assistants are standing around the venue with pens and paper, ready to record the problems at any time.

However, at the beginning of the game, the teaching assistants had no time to write because their attention was completely absorbed by the situation on the field!

It\'s all because of the cooperation between Jifeng and Dayao. It\'s really great!

Let\'s first review the technical characteristics of Dayao. The height of 226 cm or above has a lot of incomparable height advantages in the interior line. On the court, it\'s amazing that you are taller than others. Therefore, Yao is invincible in the paint area. He is recognized as the most comprehensive center in the NBA. His height is a significant advantage, and he can easily play in the defense team He can also shoot a jump shot 20 feet away from the basket, and he can hook, turn and dunk within 10-12 feet of the basket!

At the same time, his free throw shooting rate is as high as 80%, which makes the defense difficulty of the opponent straight up. Do you dare to foul him? No, you dare not!In NBA, Yao Ming\'s average score is 28.7 points in 48 minutes, ranking 15th in the league, 13.1 rebounds and 21 in the league. Many experts believe that this new statistical method is a better and fairer way to measure a player\'s data.

In contrast, super center Shaquille O\'Neal scored 32.1 points and 14.6 rebounds every 48 minutes, while Yao Ming\'s gap with him was only 3.4 points and 1.5 rebounds

although it is controversial who is the world\'s first center, it is also focused on Yao and Howard. Through the comparison of the data, we can see that Howard is mainly defensive, rebounding and blocking Better than Yao, and offensive ability, Yao absolutely finished Howard, that is, in the center position, Yao is very invincible.

And Yao has a good frame protection ability, rebounding ability, playing very tough, full of team spirit, at the same time, his technology is very excellent, he is a rare big center forward to assist.

What kind of spark will such a player make with one of the best small forwards in the world!

The facts tell you!

In the first round, after Yao won the game, Ji Feng directly took the ball and quickly crossed the front, cruising near the three-point line, waiting for Yao to come up to pick up and remove, Ji Feng killed the inside line and scored the first goal!

Dayao\'s move is a real wall, and Jifeng\'s breakthrough is very easy!

And to the defensive end, Ji Feng almost locked Zhu Fangyu in the outside line, the opposite can only think of a way to give the ball to the guard, but the breakthrough is impossible, Jifeng will not say, Yao is not vegetarian.

The attack failed!

On the other hand, it\'s counterattack immediately. Ji Feng is 5 seconds after half-time. After the wonderful passing, Ji Feng hits the ground and hits Dayao. Dayao dunks easily with one arm!


Such cooperation runs through the whole venue!

"Wonderful! How wonderful! Guys, I think we can surprise the world Exclaimed Yunus excitedly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!